Sunday, December 6, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 40 Friends in Need

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Friends in Need written by J.T. Paul, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan again talks about how his dad taught him that the Earth has limited resources, and that we should take care of it.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where the circus is in town, and various circus performers are practicing their acts, and we see some comedy bits like Jeb with a clown, and Woody accidentally volunteering for a knife throwing act.

Then two of the performers a woman in a long white dress named Leeah, and a man in a white toga with a bronze chest plate named Mikolai ask Ryan, and his friends to meet them privately.

The two reveal that they’re really scientists from Copernistan who have an important discovery to show Professor Hart.

At Ziktor industries one of Ziktor’s secretaries informs him what’s going on, and he explains that Leeah, and Mikolai have invented a formula that could double the world’s fuel supply.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar, and asks for a robot to capture Leeah, and Mikolai, and Ivar recommends a bronze bat like mutant called Terminoid.

At Tao dojo Leeah, and Mikolai explain what they created, and that the formula is on microdot on Leeah’s necklace, and they knew Ryan’s father, and Professor Hart, and think the Professor can help, and Ryan agrees to take them.

On the way to the lab Ryan sees that someone wrecked their motorcycle but when Ryan gets out to help they transform into an army of Skugs so Ryan tells Leeah, Mikolai, and Jeb to leave while he fights the Skugs.

Not much happens other than the Skugs kick Ryan, and he kicks back while Leeah, Mikolai give Jeb the necklace just before Skugs kidnap them, and Ryan throws the last two Skugs into each other, and destroys them.

Grimlord orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid and we get the rarest of the rare a shortly portal sequence with just one Trooper.

Not much happens since it’s pretty much just the Battle Grid segment from No One’s Friend but with a weird part in the middle where they do this slow motion thing.

When Ryan returns to reality he informs JB, and Kaitlin about what happened, and at the lab the Professor explains what’s going on.

At the Virtual Dungeon Ivar informs Grimlord that they captured Leeah, and Mikolai, and shows them in a cage but explains they don’t have the formula so Icebot recommends Horrorbot (who now has a name).

Back at the lab the Troopers are looking for Leeah, Mikolai when Horrobot attacks so the Troopers decide to transform, and split up with JB, and Kaitlin going after Leeah, and Mikolai while Ryan fights Horrorbot.

JB, and Kaitlin go into the Skybase, and find Leeah, and Mikolai so JB jumps down, and fights off Skugs so Terminoid attacks him but JB throws him off so Terminoid sends more Skugs but JB fights them so Air Fighters fire on JB.

Skugs take Leeah, and Mikolai’s cage, and put it in a truck so JB chases after it on the Fighter Bike while Quantum Cruisers, Air Fighters, Air Striker, and Fighterbot fire on the Skybase but Kaitlin destroys them.

Horrorbot whips his harpoon around, and whips up a sandstorm that knocks Ryan into a pit of sinking sand, and throws metal poles that make a makeshift cage around Ryan that Horrorbot shoots electricity from his harpoon at to electrocute Ryan.

In the back of the truck Ivar interrogates Leeah, Mikolai while the truck fires at JB but JB fires back, and stops the truck, and breaks in, fights off the mutants, and rescues Leeah, and Mikolai.

Kaitlin jumps down, and helps JB but Terminoid grabs her so JB hits Terminoid, and frees Kaitlin who gets Leeah, and Mikolai to safety.

Ryan breaks out of the pit, grabs a pole, and throws it at Horrorbot knocking him into the pit so Horrorbot pleads for help, and Ryan helps but it turns out to be a trick, and Horrorbot hits Ryan with his harpoon so Ryan uses Lighting Hand to destroy him.

Ivar hits JB with his sword so JB fights back with his own sword but Ivar keeps hitting him but JB knocks out Ivar’s sword but Terminoid attacks JB, and grabs, and throws JB with his tongue while Ivar attacks JB with his sword, and turns his hand into a gun.

So JB fires his laser at Ivar but Terminoid notes his arm, and throws him, and Ivar, and Terminoid attack JB at the same time so he uses Laser Lance to destroy Terminoid, and knock back Ivar forcing him to retreat, and at the virtual dungeon Grimlord once again shames Ivar for failure, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At Tao dojo Leeah, and Mikolai now in regular clothes are leaving for Copernistan, and Kaitlin gives them back the necklace with the information from Professor Hart.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was one of the best episodes I’ve seen so far.

I liked the story with Leeah, and Mikoli, and their secret formula.

I also liked how they integrated the Spielban footage with the American stuff just by dressing Leeah, and Nikkoli like the Spielban characters

I liked the fight with Horrrbot who finally has a name my only complaint is more with the Metalder episode it’s based on then the scene itself.

I also liked Terminoid he was a cool monster though I do,wonder why he wasn’t called Horrorbot unless they originally had each other’s names.

I also liked how they had a Metalder episode, a Spielban episode, and a Battle Grid segment, and there was nothing I can think got cut out that I would have left in.

And now only 10 more regular episodes until the Season One finale Rise of the Red Python, and my overall thoughts on Season One, and after that I start Season Two.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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