Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 41 The Couch Potato Kid

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Couch Potato Kid written by Margo McCahon, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan again talks about how his dad taught him that overcoming obstacles is what life is all about.

We then go to Tao dojo where Ryan, and JB are sparing, and afterwards Tao comes in with a little boy who he explains is his nephew Ricky who’s a couch potato, and his parents want him to do other stuff, and the Troopers explain they made an obstacle course, and think maybe that could help.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor is watching clips of his mutants being defeated from previous episodes so he transforms into Grimlord, and asks Decimator why the Troopers always win, and he explains that he thinks it’s because their always training.

So Grimlord decides to hold a competition to train his warriors with the winner being the one to destroy the Troopers but one robot a camouflage colored mutant named Combax believes he doesn’t need training so Grimlord challenges him to lure Ryan into a trap, and Combax accepts.

At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin asks Woody to help pay for the obstacle course, and he agrees but wants Percy to enter, and do a story about it, and at first Percy doesn’t want to do it but when Kaitlin doesn’t think he can do it he accepts leading to a comedy bit.

Then we get a montage cutting back, and forth between the Troopers training on the obstacle course, and Metalder footage of Grimlord’s mutants in virtual reality having their competition.

Then there’s a funny bit where The Blade hits an obstacle, and tries to go over the rope but it electrocutes him so The Magician just jumps over but is taken down by Bugbot who teleports from behind.

Then Chrome Dome appears, and just blasts his way through the obstacle while Slice appears, and grabs The Magician’s flag, and Cannon Nose just runs through everything.

While the Troopers are trying to find a way to make the obstacle course more challenging so they ask Ricky, and he recommends some barrels so people can jump over them, and they think it’s a good idea.

Then we go back to Grimlord’s competition where Bugbot runs into a minefield, and is blown back but Spitbot teleports around it while Air Striker, and Cannon Nose fly over.

Back with the Troopers Ricky is actually starting to enjoy the obstacle course while Grimlord contacts Combax who’s spying on them, and he decides to kidnap Ricky to lure Ryan to the rest of the mutants, and Grimlord agrees.

So a little boy appears, and lures Ricky into the woods while the Troopers set up the obstacle course, and when the Troopers follow the other boy transforms into an army of Skugs.

First the Troopers punch, and kick the Skugs but Combax bursts from the ground, and kidnaps Ricky, and the Troopers keep punching, and kicking the Skugs while Combax runs off with Ricky but then they hear him, and realize he’s in trouble.

Ryan tricks two of the Skugs into punching each other while JB, and Kaitlin kick the last two Skugs into each other destroying them.

The Troopers realize Grimlord has Ricky so they contact the Professor who recommends using the lab’s computer, and the Skybase, and they waste no time, and transform.

The Troopers find Combax, and Ricky in a van, and Ryan summons the Turbo Cycle, and jumps down to get on it, and chases after the van.

Eventually Combax gets to a cave so he gets out, and Ryan chases after them but can’t see anything, and there’s too much echoing but Ricky uses his camera to make flashes, and Ryan follows.

Back at the competition Chrome Dome is in the lead with Slice, Spitbot, and Torpedobot trailing behind so Air Striker carries Torpedobot but Renegade shoots them down.

Then it’s just Wolfbot, Minotaurbot, and Slice climbing a cliff, and Minotaurbot uses his grappling hook but Slice can’t do it, and Wolfbot climbs on Minotaurbot, and knocks off him off and winning the competition.

But Grimlord appears, and reveals that Combax won because he succeeded in his mission to lure Ryan then Combax himself appears with Ricky with Ryan behind them.

Wolbot attacks Ryan, and grabs his legs, and throws him then Wolfbot scratches Ryan with his claws, and then bites his arm but Ryan throws Wolfbot and jump kicks Toxoid.

Ryan rescues Ricky, and jumps off the cliff with him so Combax goes after them, and punches, and kicks Ryan who just punches, and kicks back.

So Combax runs off, and lures Ryan into a trap but Ryan escapes, punches Combax, and destroys him with Lighting Hand.

Then JB, and Kaitlin jump down, and the Troopers explain the moral of the story to him while Grimlord just once again swears vengeance on them.

Then we get a montage of Percy sucking at the obstacle course then Ricky had a go at it, and we get another montage of Percy still sucking at the obstacle course while Ricky does better.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was a weird one for me because I liked it for a lot of the right reasons but I also enjoyed it for all the wrong reasons as well.

I thought the message was okay since it wasn’t just “don’t play video games, and watch tv ever” it was just “hey do other stuff besides just video games, and tv”

I just thought it was weird that we’re supposed to believe Ricky is a couch potato yet he actually liked the obstacle course even before the Troopers flat out told him the message.

And even then it seemed like it wasn’t so much Ricky didn’t want to do anything but video games, and tv as much as he just didn’t know they were other things besides them.

I think it’s also because especially with Ryan’s monologues you’d think it was because Ricky wanted to get into sports but wasn’t good at them.

Or something like what we saw with Percy, and Combax where neither of them wanted to train because they both thought that they were already good at it.

I also liked Combax since he had a neat design with his camouflage pattern.

I also liked the parts with the competition because it was funny to see all the various antics of the mutants.

My only gripe is that even with just a Metalder monster they still cut out stuff.

Only 9 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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