Friday, September 18, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 10 Oh Brother

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Oh Brother written by J.K. Richards, and directed by John Bilzek.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how when he was a kid he wished he had a brother, and how his dad said all men are brothers.
Which leads to the main plot of the episode as Ryan is training two feuding brothers Josh, and Scott Turner for a junior tournament that Kaitlin is covering but Tao warns Ryan that if they can’t get along they won’t be able to compete.
Meanwhile in classic Power Rangers villain fashion Ziktor reads Kaitlin’s article, and gets the idea to send two monsters after the Troopers, and he summons Icebot who recommends the Swordbot brothers Slice, and Dice.
Back at the Dojo Ryan, and JB do a practice together in the hopes of showing the boys to use teamwork but the boys still argue so they stop the lesson, and Kaitlin decides to drive the boys home while she investigates the old industrial site for a story.
Kaitlin arrives at the industrial site with the boys still arguing when they all see a Skug tampering with the power lines, and Kaitlin decides to investigate, and the boys finally agree on something when they want to see what’s going on but Kaitlin tells them to wait, and no surprise both times she tells them the boys sneak off, and no surprise a Skug tries to catch them, and a Skug battle breaks out.
Not much happens except the Skugs try to punch, and kick Kaitlin but she dodges their moves, grabs their legs, and flips them over while one Skug tries to catch the boys, and there’s some actually funny bits where whenever the Skug tries to catch them they beat it up but when the boys are almost home free until their arguing gets them caught by a group of Skugs.
Meanwhile back with Kaitlin she jumps on a panel, and uses a human steam roller move to destroy the Skugs but finds out that the boys have been captured, and calls the dojo on a 90’s era cell phone, and they tell her to meet them at the lab.
At the lab Ryan, and JB bring over the boys’ workout clothes so that Jeb who’s wearing some weird gizo that enhances his sense of smell a thousand fold can get a scent, and they drive back to the industrial site.
Meanwhile the boys are still arguing, and their arguing gets so bad that even the Skugs can’t stand it so they split the boys up which actually gets them to stop arguing, and Jeb smells it anyway so the Troopers split up.
At the virtual dungeon the Swordbot brothers show up, and display their powers like the Ultimate Sword of Destruction, and the Whirling Blade of Doom (I wonder if their friends with Kaos from Skyladers), and Grimlord orders to them to go to reality, and destroy the Troopers
In the real world Ryan who’s looking for Scott sees the Swordbot brothers tells Jeb to leave, and transforms, and Dice tries to attack him with the Whirling Blade of Doom but Ryan keeps dodging it, and grabs it, and gives Dice a flying kick.
Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin are looking for Josh when some Skugs try to ambush them, and some Quantum Cruisers, and Jet Fighters appear so they transform, and take the battle to virtual reality but there’s a brief malfunction where it takes them to a different part of Crossworld City so they try again, and it works.
Meanwhile Slice fires a smoke bomb, and he, and Dice try to attack Ryan but he just doges, and blocks their attacks, and despite doing good with them he claims he needs a new plan.
Then Ryan runs, and does a jump kick at Dice, and tries to finish him off but Dice just grabs Ryan’s legs while Slice slashes him then Ryan breaks free, and tries to doge Dice’s attack but gets slashed by Slice again, and starts to lose power so they go after him again but he blocks again.
Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin are still dealing with Quantum Cruisers, and Jet Fighters so JB uses the Techno Bazooka to destroy them, and he, and Kaitlin return to reality, and retroform, and go look for Josh again.
Meanwhile the Swordbot brothers are going after Ryan so he uses a double version of the Lighting Hand command, and blocks their weapons again, and throws them in the air so they try to use daggers on him but he jumps out of the way, and they stab each other instead, and then try to throw their daggers but Ryan catches one, and uses it to block the other, and the Swordbot retreat to virtual reality.
JB, and Kaitlin find Josh, and Ryan finds Scott, and the boys have learned their lesson about arguing, and there’s a brief comedy bit from Jeb, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance.
At the tournament Josh, and Scott perform their technique perfectly now, and later win the tournament, and Kaitlin takes a picture of them with Ryan, and JB, and Tao congratulates Ryan leading to another comedy bit.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end

Final Thoughts
Honestly this episode was okay not better than the last few episodes but not really all the worse either.
I liked the designs and weapons of the Swordbot brothers especially how they seemed to evoke the whole Red Oni Blue Oni schtick.
I did like how they tied the whole idea of two brothers having to learn to get along with the idea that the monsters are feuding brothers as well, and while Ryan’s students learn their lesson the monsters don’t, and that’s how Ryan beats them
My only complaints were the part with JB’s vortex command not working since it didn’t really add to anything, and the bit about Skugs stealing the city’s power for the same reason.
The only thing I can think that didn’t use from the Metalder episode is the part where the Japanese versions of the Swordbot brothers practice on various other monsters, and it seemed like they shortened the fight they did use.
I used to think it was because they keep trying to shoehorn in a Metalder fight, and a Spielban fight in the same episode along with Battle Grid segments but a lot of these episodes have no Battle Grid segments, and use only one Metal Hero show, and they still do it.
Then again I also wish the monsters Slice, and Dice practiced on in the Metalder episode got to be MOTDs themselves since there’s like two or three more episodes with these guys.
And with that I am officially 1/5 of the way done with the first season, and 1/9 done with the show overall.
Here’s hoping that it doesn’t take me as long to finish the rest of the show.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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