Wednesday, September 30, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 14 Virtual V6

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Virtual V6 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by Worth Keeter.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that it’s everyone’s responsibility to stop pollution, and protect the environment.
At the Underground Voice Daitly a stereotypically nerdy looking guy steps in carrying a brief case, and there’s comedy bit where he quite literally bumps into Kaitlin, and he explains that his name is quite literally Ulysses T. Poindexter.
He also explains that he’s invented an engine that runs on plant extracts instead of gasoline but nobody will buy it so Kaitlin agrees to show the plans to the others, and do a story about the engine if it works, and Poindexter agrees, 
But it turns out Grimlord has a mole in the Underground Voice Daily as one of the reporters who was secretly watching Kaitlin, and Poindexter turns out to be a Skug, and secretly transforms, and teleports to tell Ziktor.
Ziktor is not surprisingly worried about Poindexter’s engine since it could ruin his energy company so he transforms into Grimlord, and orders Ivar, and a drill themed mutant called well Drillbot to destroy Poindexter’s plans.
Meanwhile Kailtin, Ryan, and JB are at the swimming pool again, and the Mayor, and his wife are nearby so we get a comedy bit where Jeb knocks the mayors wife into the pool.
Then we see the Troopers heading to the lab and when they get to the lab JB tells the Professor they want to create Poindexter in virtual reality, and put it in JB’s Sky Cycle to see if it works, and the Professor agrees, and JB creates the engine on the computer using some weird game controller looking things.
While Air Striker spies on them, and tells Grimlord at the virtual dungeon that he thinks the disk with Poindexter’s plans is at Tao Dojo so Zelton sends a Skug platoon to Tao dojo to retrieve it. 
Then at Tao dojo we see Tao practicing karate when Ziktor’s secretaries show up in karate gis, and change into their true forms, and a Skug fight breaks out.
First two of them try to kick Tao but he blocks, and and punches both back then the third Skug tries to kick him but he catches it’s leg, and punches it then one tries to punch, and kick Tao but he grabs, and throws it then one tries to kick him but he grabs, and kicks it while the third one searches the dojo’s computer.
Then the other Skugs try to kick Tao but he grabs, and throws, and kicks them, and Jeb trips one, and finally one tries to punch Tao but he blocks, punches it, and throws it at the other Skug destroying them both, and the remaining Skug leaves with what it thinks are the plans.
At the lab JB has just finished putting the engine in his Sky Cycle so he transforms to test it out while Ryan, and Kaitlin watch on the visors, and it works perfectly, and while JB keeps testing the engine the others head back to Tao Dojo.
At the virtual dungeon Grimlord is furious because not only did the Skugs fail to steal the plans but the Troopers have already built a prototype of the engine while at the dojo Tao explains what happened, and Ryan, and Kaitlin figure out that Grimlord knows about the engine.
Then Kaitlin gets a call explaining that Skugs have kidnapped a bus full of children which we then see for ourselves as Grimlord explains he plans to use the children as bait to destroy the Troopers, and the engine. 
Ryan, and Kaitlin then use the VR disc to contact the Professor, and inform him of the kidnapped children, and the Professor uses the lab’s scanners to find the bus, and informs Ryan, and Kaitlin that he’ll send JB to rescue the children, and that Grimlord has also sent Air Fighters so they transform.
Ryan goes into the Skybase to fight the Air Fighters while Kaitlin battles with Skugs who throw hatchets at her but she punches, and kicks them, and blast them with her laser while JB goes after the bus but Skugs try to throw bombs at him but he fires lasers, and them, and finds the bus but it’s empty.
JB searches for the missing children, and gets attacked from behind by a floating drill then two more try to attack but he punches them out of the way but they go back into Drillbot then a group of Skugs appear but JB fights them off but gets punched by Drillbot’s drill arm but successfully dodges repeated attempts, and continues fighting off Drillbot, and the Skugs.
Then Grimlord orders the Skugs to take JB’s bike, and destroy it, and one of them pushes a button, and JB’s bike is lowered down on a platform, and tied with metal ropes while JB gets beaten up by Drillbot but then turns the tables.
Then JB, and the Professor use a scanner to track the bike while Kaitlin uses her own scanner to find the missing kids, and there’s a brief American original fight where Kaitlin defeats the Skugs, and rescues the children who just refer to her as “A VR Trooper”.
Then Skugs try to destroy JB’s bike but he activates it remotely, and it drives itself away knocking off the Skugs, and the metal ropes, but the Professor informs JB that the building has a self destruct mechanism that’s off now, and he escapes on the Sky Cycle while Ryan tells Kaitlin to help JB deal with Drillbot.
Drillbot tries to punch JB with his drill arm but then Kailtin appears but Drilbot punches her away then Skugs show up, and and JB, and Kaitlin fight them off then JB fights Drillbot who keeps punches him.
But JB then jumps, and takes one of Drillbot’s drills, and hits him with it before getting on his bike to do some overdrive attack, and then finishing off Drillbot with Laser Lance while Ryan destroys Grimlord’s Jet Fighters, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance.
At the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin’s story of Poindexter’s engine is out, and Poindexter himself come to congratulate the Troopers, and there’s some more comedy bits.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
Final Thoughts 
Today’s episode was pretty good I think.
For starters I like the plot of the Troopers trying to make a clean burning engine, and Grimlord trying to steal it to protect his energy company.
I also like Poindexter since I thought he was funny.
And I liked the stuff with Grimlord’s spy at the Underground Voice Daily.
I also liked Drillbot’s design, and powers though I wonder if he was maybe more appropriate for another episode like Digging for Fire or Who’s King of the Mountain.
Heck once again nothing was left out of the Spielban episode.
In fact there was probably like one scene that was like a second I would have liked to have seen but at the same time it brought up something I might talk about a lot if I haven’t already where a lot of things I have problems with are more due to the source footage then VR Troopers itself.
In this case they show Diana using some sword against a holographic swordsmanship teacher for like a second , and it just reminded me of how I whished they had used that as an actual finisher for Diana, and thus Kaitlin.
Come to think of it they did give her a brief American original fight, and the Swordsman teacher’s costume didn’t look all that hard to reproduce so maybe we could have gotten something I don’t know.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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