Thursday, September 17, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 9 Lost Memories

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Lost Memories written by Margo McCahon, and directed by John Bilzek
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where he just talks about his memories of his father, and how today’s episode is about memories.
We then go to Tao dojo where the Troopers are teaching a karate class when Tao tells them they’re doing it wrong then an old lady just randomly wanders into the dojo.
Kaitlin ask if she lives nearby, and the old lady reveals she has amnesia or at least the TV version where you forget everything that happened to you but you can still talk, and make new memories.
Anyway at Ziktor industries we find out that she got amnesia because Ziktor evicted her from one of his apartment complexes (I thought he was an energy magnate now he’s a real estate magnate?), and if he doesn’t do something it could ruin his reputation (what reputation everyone already knows he’s an asshole, it’s just that the mayor’s a wimp) so he transforms into Grimlord.
Back at the dojo Tao has made the woman soup while a doctor has checked up on her, and confirms that her amnesia is emotional induced, and JB decides to check the missing persons database while Kaitlin decides to do a story about her.
Ryan gets a message from the Professor telling him he has a surprise while at the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders
Ivar, and Icebot to send in an unseen robot called Laserbot to Crossworld City.
At the Undergound Voice Daily Kailtin pitches her story to Woody which leads to a comedy bit while at Tao Dojo the old woman is interrupting Tao in the middle of a lesson to tailor him when two of Ziktors secretaries come in claiming to be the woman’s daughters but JB suspects something so he follows them back to their car when Tao asks for proof, and a Skug fight breaks out.
First they try to fly at JB but he just punches them out. Then he kicks them, then one tries to come after him but he flips it over. Then the other Skug tries to kick JB but he doges, and it gets it’s foot stuck in a car door so JB beats it up, and finally they try to come at him but he throws them both in the back of the truck, and destroys them.
At the lab we get a comedy bit where Jeb uses the lab’s computers to make popcorn when Ryan comes in, and the Professor informs him about Laserbot, and tells Ryan to transform which he does, and the Professor shows him a new motorcycle called the VR Turbo Cycle that Ryan’s father invented for him, and tells him to practice using it while he tries to intercept Grimlord’s minions.
At the virtual dungeon Zelton informs Grimlord that Ryan is flying the turbo cycle so Air Striker volunteers to destroy Ryan. Then we see Air Striker in the real world flying, and trying to destroy Ryan with missiles but Ryan keeps dodging them but even though we don’t see it one hits, and Ryan crashes into Air Striker so the Professor alerts the other Troopers.
At the Virtual Dugeon we get a funny bit where Air Striker’s wings are damaged, and Grimlord still berates him for failing to destroy Ryan, and all Air Striker can do is blame it on Ryan not knowing how to fly, and then Grimlord tells Decimator to send some mutants to find Ryan.
We then see Ryan still in Trooper form wandering around a forest, and we find out he has amnesia now too, then the other Troopers, and Grimlord’s minions both find him, and Ryan’s friends bring him to Kaitlin’s car while Grimlord’s mutants fire at them, and there’s a funny part where Ryan is seemingly more concerned with losing a flower he was looking at then the fact a bunch of robot mutants are trying to blow him up.
At the lab JB, and Kaitlin explain everything to the Professor who informs them that Laserbot is attacking so JB transforms to fight it while Kaitlin also transforms to pilot the Skybase against Ivar’s tank fleet, and the Professor changes Ryan back to human form.
Laserbot (who we finally see) fires at JB who then comes after Laserbot with his laser saber but Laserbot punches, and grabs JB then jumps up to the surface, and kicks JB into a building.
Then Ivar, and his tanks show up so JB takes the battle to virtual reality but the tanks are still too much so Kaitlin gets into the battle cruiser, and after a brief skirmish destroys Ivar’s tank.
Meanwhile JB is being grabbed by Laserbot but notices that a glowing jewel on Laserbot’s head is his weakness so kicks Laserbot away, and tries to fire his own laser but Laserbot fires at him but JB fires at Laserbot anyway, and destroys the jewel which allows JB to finish off Laserbot with Laser Lance.
Meanwhile at the lab all attempts to jog Ryan’s memory have failed so Jeb, and him go out for a walk, and Jeb tells him the story of how they first fought the Skugs (which is flashback to Searching for Tyler Steele) but JB tells it like he’s the hero even when the footage shows him running away, and Ryan’s calling him out on it restores his memory while at the virtual dungeon Grimlord swears vengeance.

At the Undergorund Voice Daily the old woman who’s name turns out to be Mrs. Evergreen is reunited with her real daughter Jane which leads to today’s “I miss you dad” moment.
Final Thoughts
Today’s episode was pretty good.
I thought a lot of parts where funny, and I liked seeing the turbo cycle, and when they finally showed him I thought Laserbot was a cool robot with his name, powers, and even appearance.
I’m tempted to think showing the Skug battle from Searching for Tyler Steele was meant to imply that the show was supposed to be in production order but then I remember the times when Robert Hughes, and Doug Sloan both have said that they didn’t really have a plan for the show.
Honestly the only nitpicks I have are that Ziktor industries is changed from being an energy company to a real estate one, and Ziktor has gone from not caring what people think, and only getting away with anything because the mayor’s a wimp to now caring what people will think.
Unless the idea is that Ziktor is one of those people who thinks that hates everyone but still expects them to like him or something.
I’m tempted to think maybe it’s supposed to justify all the real estate talk in The Battle Begins, and The Dojo Plot but even that was just so he could build more power plants.
That, and in the Spielban episode they had another fight with Laserbot they cut out, and the one they did use was longer especially since unlike the last few times it happened this episode wasn’t trying to cram in extra stuff like a Metalder battle.
Other than that another great episode.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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