Wednesday, September 30, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 17 Dogmatic Change

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Dogmatic Change written by Sam Orkun, and directed by John Grant Weil.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad taught him that appearances are deceiving, and how you need to give someone time to show their true colors.
At the animal shelter Kaitlin is taking pictures for a story she hopes will get people to adopt the homeless animals while she, and the other Troopers along with Jeb go on about how sad it all is.
Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor once again takes a page from the Power Ranger villain handbook when Kaitlin’s article gives him the idea to transform into Grimlord, and order Icebot to create a potion that will turn pets in mutants so he can turn Crossworld City’s stray animals into his own personal army.
At Tao dojo JB is practicing a technique while Ryan, Kaitlin, Tao, and a little girl named Lindsay watch, and after a brief bit where Lindsay isn’t sure if she can do it, and JB tells her she can.
Kaitlin gets a call from Ziktor who gives a fake accent, and tells her he’s from a dog food company, and wants Kaitlin to take pictures for a new commercial, as well as bring a dog to star in it, and naturally she chooses Jeb who’s excited to star in his own commercial but Ziktor has one of his Skugs in the form of smarmy Hollywood director to be there when Kaitlin, and Jeb show up.
Later at the virtual dungeon Grimlord is messing with a weird old computer looking machine, and explains that as soon as Jeb has taken the mutagen Grimlord will summon him with a teleportation machine while the machine he’s messing with will control Jeb, and Toxoid will be in charge of the mission.
At the dog food commercial Kaitlin is taking pictures while Jeb eats the dog food, Ryan, and JB watch, and the producer secretly sips the mutagen in one of the plates of food for Jeb to eat, and afterwards the producer calls Ziktor on the phone to let him know the plan worked.
Later at the Underground Voice Daily the Troopers are looking at the pictures, and congratulating Jeb who’s already turning evil from the mutagen, and snaps at them before running off to scare a random pair of joggers.
Then the producer shows up, and Jeb teleports away while the Troopers wonder what happened to Jeb, and find the producer, and confront him but he transforms into an army of Skugs.
Ryan kicks one Skug, and punches another, JB throws one, and Kaitlin kicks two more Ryan kicks his Skugs while JB throws his Skug again, and Kaitlin keeps kicking her Skugs then Ryan, and Kaitlin kick their Skugs some more while JB punches kicks, and throws his Skug.
Then Ryan punches, and flips his Skugs while JB kicks his Skugs while Kaitlin kicks, and punches her Skugs, and destroys them then Ryan throws one Skug, and kicks the other into it destroying it, and JB just kicks his Skugs into each other destroying the last of them.
After the battle the Troopers realize what’s going on, and decide to take Jeb’s bowl to the lab for analysis while at the virtual dungeon Jeb has just finished mutating, and teleports into the mutant transporter, and for his first mission he, and Toxoid will go to the Zoo, and release the animals.
At the lab Kaitlin puts a sample on the microscope tray so that the lab’s scanner can see what it’s made out of, and the Professor explains that it contains a mutagen so the Troopers decide to look for the plant that makes the mutagen, and destroy it.
But a news report appears showing mutant Jeb rampaging at the Zoo so the Troopers transform with Ryan going after Jeb while the others destroy the mutagen plant.
Jeb jumps at Ryan who does a jump kick, and then flips Jeb over, and pins him down to try to reason with him but Jeb throws Ryan, and bites him so Ryan tries to reason with him some more but Jeb starts throwing him a bunch of times while JB, and Kaitlin find the mutagen plant but are attacked by jet fighters.
Then Jeb jumps at Ryan who punches Jeb but Jeb grows a drill, and tries to attack Ryan so Ryan asks the Professor to create a non mutated dog to remind Jeb of who he is while JB, and Kaitlin destroy Grimlord’s jet fighters.
Then Ryan kicks off Jeb who then tries to jump at Ryan but he jumps out of the way, and grabs Jeb, and takes him to some nearby water while the Professor sends the virtual image of a talking St. Bernard to where Jeb, and Ryan are just as Jeb is biting Ryan, and the virtual St. Bernard reminds Jeb of who he is but when he turns on Toxoid Toxoid sprays Jeb with some acid foam.
Kaitlin, and JB destroy the chemical plant that made the mutagen, and Ryan takes Jeb who’s returned to normal back to the lab to save him from the acid foam while Grimlord once again swears vengeance.
Then there’s one more scene at the animal shelter where the Mayor gives a speech while we get one last comedy bit where Jeb steals Mrs. Rooney’s purse, and tricks her into getting locked in a cage.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
Final Thoughts
Well this was another one of those episodes that wasn’t as good as a lot of previous episodes but wasn’t as bad since it was pretty much like the last episode but with Jeb instead of the other Troopers except this time he was the actual MOTD instead of just under it’s control.
I did like Jeb’s mutant form as well.
And I can’t think of anything that really got skipped from the Metalder episode other than some parts where the Japanese version of mutant Jeb fought Metalder’s human form which they obviously couldn’t use, and brief part where the bad guys turned a cat into a mutant but it got destroyed as soon as it was created so it’s not like it got a fight or anything.
One thing I did notice is how like The Dognapping was to it’s Metalder episode, and Virtual V6 was to it’s Spielban episode this episode is surprisingly similar to it’s source footage episode with the only real difference was that the bad guys used the machine that became a teleporter here, and the monster was a different dog than Jeb’s Japanese counterpart.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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