Saturday, November 7, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 31 Defending Dark Heart Part 1

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Defending Dark Heart part 1 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how you can be thinking of someone, and suddenly they’ll appear.

We then go to the forest outside Crossworld City where the Troopers are getting ready to go hiking when Percy shows up, and we get a montage of the Troopers hiking while Percy sucks at it.

Then the Troopers hear some laser noises, and see some Metalder footage of Grimlord’s army in our reality training or having a tournament.

We then go to Ziktor industries where Ziktor cancels his calls for the day, and brags to Juliet before transforming into Grimlord, and summoning Decimator, and they both explain that they’re having a tournament to decide which mutant gets to be the next one to fight the Troopers with the odds favoring Dark Heart a black mutant with one red eye, and a large silver robotic arm who carries a rifle.

The Troopers decide there’s too many mutants to fight them directly so JB scans them with his communicator so the Professor can see it but they run into three hikers who turn out to be Skugs.

Ryan and JB kick some Skugs before they both backflip onto a rock formation while Kaitlin kicks a Skug, and climbs the rock formation.

Then the Skugs jump up to where the Troopers are so Ryan, and JB punch Skugs while Kaitlin dodges another.

Then JB kicks, and karate chops a Skug while Kaitlin, and Ryan kick the others.

Then finally Ryan, and JB trick two Skugs into jumping off the rock formation, and Kaitlin throws the last one into the others destroying them.

After that there’s a comedy bit where Percy is hiding in a tree from a wild animal that turns out to be Jeb, and Percy refuses to let the Troopers help him because he wants to show them he can handle it himself but then sees a snake in the tree with him.

Then at the lab the Troopers, and the Professor analyze JB’s scan of Grimlord’s tournament, and JB gets a DNA reading from one of the mutants which the Professor explains means one of Grimlord’s mutants is really human.

Then at the virtual dungeon Dark Heart has won the tournament but the other mutants aren’t happy because he hasn’t fought Spitbot so Dark Heart let’s K from Metalder have his rifle, and he, and Spitbot have a challenge where whoever gets the rifle wins.

At first it looks like Spitbot will win with his tentacle arm but Dark Heart jumps at the last second, and gets it before Spitbot so Grimlord orders Dark Heart to destroy Ryan.

The Troopers go through missing persons reports but don’t find anything, but then right then and there Ryan, and JB figure out that the only person they know for sure was captured by Grimlord is Ryan’s father meaning that he may be the mutant.

While Dark Heart appears in the real world waiting to fight Ryan who later has a nightmare where he figures out Dark Heart is his father but is completely under Grimlord’s control.

Later at Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are sparing but Ryan keeps sucking at it, and he explains it’s because he’s not getting much sleep, and when Tao leaves he explains his nightmare to them.

Then the Professor contacts them on JB’s communicator so they go to the lab where the Professor informs them that Dark Heart has appeared, and that he’s the mutant that tested positive for the DNA sample so Ryan transforms by himself but the Professor advises him to take the Turbo Cycle in case there’s a battle.

Dark Heart appears on his own motorcycle, and fires his rifle at Ryan who keeps dodging while Percy has finally come back down from the tree, and sees the battle, and takes pictures of it but Skugs catch him so the Professor tells JB, and Kaitlin, and they rush over to save Percy.

Then Ryan knocks Dark Heart off his motorcycle, and throws a knife into Dark Heart’s arm making him lose his rifle which Ryan takes, and aims at Dark Heart who begs Ryan to destroy him for failure but Ryan just leaves.

Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin look for Percy who the Skugs throw into a portal which JB, and Kaitlin find, and are later sucked into as well, and it takes them to Grimlord’s dungeon where the walls make spikes appear, and close in on JB, Kaitlin, and Percy.

While Grimlord orders Dark Heart be destroyed for failure , and an unnamed insectoid mutant destroys Dark Heart’s rifle with acid, and all the other mutants condemn him.

Then Ryan appears at the lab, and asks if the Professor found out which person Dark Heart really is which the Professor hasn’t but he does explain what happened.

To be continued.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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