Friday, November 20, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 38 The Littlest Trooper

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Littlest Trooper written by Margo McCahon, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan thinks about how his dad once told him that awareness should extend beyond the here, and now.

Then we go to a park where two people are playing with their infant child when Skugs appear out of nowhere, and attack them.

Then we go to Tao dojo where Ryan, and JB are sparing while Kaitlin is sparing with Tao but then Ryan notices Jeb brought something, and everyone stops sparing, and they see that it’s the infant from earlier but they don’t know who left it.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries we find out Ziktor himself left the baby as distraction to keep them away from finding out about his bomb factory.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar, and orders him to defend the bomb factory but Icebot interrupts, and says he wants to be the MOTD instead of just making them so Grimlord excepts, and Icebot changes into his monster form, and turns into ooze so he can reappear in reality.

Back at Tao dojo a doctor checks on the baby, and now confirms it as a boy named Boo, and everyone discusses how it’s going to be a while too they can get the baby in a foster home, and no one reported a missing baby.

Tao comes in with some baby supplies, and the doctor leaves, and we get a comedy bit where Ryan goes to get more supplies, Kaitlin goes to the Underground Voice Daily to do a story about Boo leaving JB, and Jeb to take care of Boo.

Then we some random Spielban footage where Ivar and some Skugs load missiles onto some Air Fighters in a secret cave base where Boo’s parents are being held prisoner in American footage.

Then we go back to Tao dojo where we are treated to JB, and Jeb rapping while JB cleans Boo while at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin shows Woody her picture of Boo while Percy is getting ready to do research on his story about secret caves while Woody gives everyone spicy snacks.

Meanwhile Ryan comes out of a store carrying supplies, and sees Icebot on a bridge, and some construction workers who are really Skugs.

Ryan punches, and kicks a Skug another tries to kick him but he tricks it into kicking another destroying both, then another Skug comes after him with a sign post.

But Ryan tricks it into hitting another Skug but they both break the sign post, and the first Skug still goes after Ryan with what’s left so Ryan punches, and kicks them into each other destroying them.

Back at Tao dojo we get another comedy bit where JB is changing Boo’s diaper with a gas mask on then Kaitlin comes over to tell everyone that the paper is running Boo’s story, and Ryan explains what happened so he, and the others decide to go to the lab with Boo.

After some more gratuitous Spielban footage of the secret cave base the Troopers, Jeb, and Boo arrive at the lab, and explain everything to the Professor.

Then the Professor tells them he’s been getting readings from a mountain, and when the Troopers scan the area they see Percy get kidnapped, and placed with Boo’s parents.

So JB, and Kaitlin transform to stop the factory, and save Boo’s parents, and Percy while Ryan stays to look after Boo.

Icebot appears so Kaitlin jump kicks him but he retaliates with his saber so JB kicks the saber out of his hands, and stabs Icebot with his own sword.

But Icebot turns into his monster form, and makes a swarm of bee like creatures come from an eye on his chest and attack the Troopers, then he wraps them in tentacles but JB frees them.

So Icebot turns into a blob, and attacks the Troopers, and transforms into a flower that blasts them with explosive gas, and Quantum Cruisers also drop bombs on JB, and Kaitlin so Ryan transforms to help them.

Ryan gets into the Skybase, and he and JB destroy the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters, and JB, and Kaitlin sneak into the base, and destroy the Skugs with their ray guns, and rescue Boo’s parents, and Percy.

When JB, and Kaitlin escape Ryan destroys the base, and Grimlord shames both Icebot, and Ivar for failure, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Then at the Underground Voice Daily we get one last comedy bit where Percy tries to take credit for saving Boo’s parents when they all show up to call bullshit on him, and after that they thank everyone for helping.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

I enjoyed today’s episode.

Mostly because of how funny it was since in addition to the usual stuff with Percy we actually get some funny stuff with the Troopers themselves.

My only real problem was that Grimlord had Boo’s parents in the same place as his secret bomb factory since that’s how they were able to find it in the first place.

I liked Icebot’s monster form but I wish they waited till the end of the show to use it since in Spielban it was his only fight.

And the only thing I can think they skipped was some stuff with Hellvira but that seemed more appropriate for Rise of the Red Python.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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