Friday, November 20, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 37 Field Goal

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Field Goal written by J.K. Richards, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad was his first coach, and that the best way to thank a coach is to become one yourself.

We then go to a middle school field where the football team is finished practicing, and afterwards the coach sees some strange men sneak into a closed off area.

When he follows them he sees them with a strange device, and one of the men just up, and blasts the coach with a ray gun, and turns him into a trading card, and the men turn out to be Skugs, and teleport away.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Kaitlin is getting ready to take pictures of the football team who are up against Percy’s old school.

So he, and Kaitlin make a bet to so who’s team will win, while the team explains something happened to the coach now identified as Williams but they don’t know what.

While at Ziktor industries one of the Skugs transforms back into human form, and explains what happened to Ziktor, and shows him the captured coach Williams.

Then Ziktor himself transforms into Grimlord, and summons Icebot who shows him a football themed mutant named Footbot who’s head is a football he can detach, and throw.

At Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are sparing when Kaitlin comes in with the football team, and they explain what’s going on, and he agrees to coach the team until they can find coach Williams.

Then the Troopers, and the football team go out to the field but it’s closed for re-sodding, and the Troopers talk to the Skug custodians who at first try to talk them away.

But when that doesn’t work one of them pulls out the capture beam but Ryan kicks it out of his hands so they transform into their true forms.

Ryan, and JB just kick some Skugs a bunch of times while Kaitlin punches, and kicks a Skug while another sneaks back to get the capture ray, and disappears.

Then finally JB kicks a Skug next to Kaitlin’s Skug while Ryan trips them with a piece of wood knocking them into each other, and destroying them.

At Tao dojo we get a montage of the Troopers, and Tao help the team practice using martial arts inspired moves.

While at the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders one of his mutants to destroy Ryan, and Delton volunteers for the mission.

One of the players gives Ryan a yellow letter from someone who claims to know what happened to coach Williams but Ryan must go the Oceanside just outside of town by himself, and when he gets there he spies Zelton showing off to some mutant Skugs so he transforms.

Zelton sends the mutant Skugs after Ryan who just fights them off so Zelton turns his hand into a gun, and fires on Ryan.

And at first it seems to work but it turns out Ryan was playing possum, and he Lighting Hands Zelton, and severs Zelton’s hand leaving behind a memory cell.

At the lab Ryan gives JB the memory cell, and JB puts it into the lab’s scanner to see if it can help them find coach Williams.

While some Skugs in the form of the custodians are finishing work on the device to let Grimlord’s mutants through the reality barrier while the coach Williams card does his best impression of The Fly.

At the lab JB finds out that the memory cell is fried but the Professor encourages him to see what he can find, and JB figures out Zelton came in through the football field.

Ryan, and Tao get the team out on to the field while JB, and Kaitlin find the device just as Footbot is trying to get through the reality barrier so they transform.

JB, and Kaitlin go through the machine to virtual reality where Footbot throws his football head at the Troopers so JB summons the Fighter Bike.

But Footbot beats up Kaitlin, and throws her off a cliff but JB saves her while on the football field the team is playing but they aren’t doing good.

Then it goes back, and forth between JB, and Kaitlin getting beat up by Footbot until JB throws Footbot’s own football head back at him, and finishes him off with Laser Lance when he tries to make another.

And the football team is losing until they start doing good until the end of the game when Ryan calls a time out with seconds left in the game while JB, and Kaitlin find the trapped coach Williams, and free him

Coach Williams reminds Ryan of an old game, and that inspires him to think of a winning move, and the team does it, and wins while Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Then finally we go back to the Underground Voice Daily where Kaitlin takes a picture of the team, and we get one last comedy bit where Percy has to paint the Underground Voice Daily building for losing the bet.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

So today we have another weird episode where if yesterday’s episode was like a good version of Save the Trees then today’s episode is like a mediocre version of Three Strikes.

Most of my problem comes from how aside from helping team cause Williams disappeared the Troopers biggest motivation was beating Percy at the bet when usually there’s always something like Ziktor trying to get his hands on something, and the only way to stop him is to win something.

And usually Percy got humiliated for trying to steal Kaitlin’s stories where here it’s just because he wants his old school to win the way the Troopers do with theirs.

I liked Footbot he was cool, and I liked that his head was a football bomb he could take off, and throw at enemies.

I liked the fight between Ryan, and Zelton but part of me wishes they saved it for a later episode like Race to the Rescue mostly since it just seemed like a way to give Ryan some transformed fighting in this episode.

I don’t think anything got skipped though except from some stuff with Helvira that I think we’ll see in Rise of the Red Python, the Grand Nazca’s robot form destroying tanks, and for some reason a part where the the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters fired on the heroes so Spielban used the Grand Nazca’s cannon formation.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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