Saturday, November 7, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 32 Defending Dark Heart Part 2

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Defending Dark Heart part 2 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off where we left off JB, Kaitlin, and Percy are still in the spiked wall trap in Grimlord’s dungeon, Dark Heart is going to be destroyed by the other mutants, and Ryan isn’t sure what he should do.

But that all becomes a moot point when Ryan decides to save Dark Heart, and Kaitlin kisses Percy which knocks him out so he can’t see her, and JB transform which they do, and use their lasers to escape the dungeon.

Then Skugs ambush Ryan but he makes quick work of them while Dark Heart jumps over two mutants, puts Ryan’s knife up to Toxoid, and steals a motorcycle.

Then Ryan fights two more Skugs while the other mutants fire on Dark Heart so Ryan transforms to help him, and decides to take Dark Heart to the lab.

Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin drop Percy off at the Underground Voice Daily, and we get a comedy bit where Percy is in a hurry to get his photos developed but he doesn’t see that Woody is inside, and ruins Woody’s pictures.

Then at the lab we see Dark Heart laying on one of the lab’s machines, and Ryan explains that the Professor has tapped into Dark Heart’s memory bank.

Then Ryan, and his friends put on the visors, and they see Ryan’s father, and the Professor in physical form creating the VR Troopers.

Then Ryan talks to Dark Heart, and just in case you haven’t got it yet we see Tyler Steele inside Dark Heart but he still doesn’t remember being Tyler Steele.

Then we go back to the Underground Voice Daily where we get another comedy bit where Woody doesn’t believe Percy’s story so Percy shows him the pictures he took but it turns out that he was pointing his camera at himself the whole time.

Then after a brief bit at the virtual dungeon where Grimlord orders his mutants to find Dark Heart we go back to the lab where the Professor tells Ryan that if he puts his visor back on they can transfer some of Ryan’s childhood memories to Dark Heart to get him to remember being Tyler Steele.

So Ryan puts his visor back on, and touches Dark Heart’s head, and some clips of Ryan as a kid play, and Dark Heart mentally turns back into Tyler Steele but informs Ryan that he’s still physically a mutant, and until they can get him back to normal he has to stay in virtual reality, and disappears so Ryan transforms to go help him.

Then Ryan fights off various mutants while the Professor tells JB, and Kaitlin to help Ryan so they transform as well, and pilot the Skybase against Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters which they quickly destroy.

Then Renegade who finally has a name pulls out two ray guns, and fires at Dark Heart but Dark Heart gets out of the way, and fires his own ray gun at Renegade.

Then Minotaurbot, and Chrome Dome tell Dark Heart they’re on his side but it’s a trick so Renegade can fire a laser at Dark Heart but Dark Heart escapes, and Renegade’s laser hits them instead.

Then Dark Heart grabs one of Renegade’s laser guns, and shoots him in the head then Dark Heart grabs, and throws Renegade then Ryan appears, and the two share a heartfelt father/son moment, and Grimlord once again shames his minions.

To be continued.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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