Saturday, November 7, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 35 Ghost Biker

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Ghost Biker written by Mark Litton and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that sometimes you need to trust your imagination if you want to solve a problem.

We then go to a garage where the Troopers, and Woody are listening to Woody’s mechanic a biker guy named Harris is telling them the story of the ghost biker (title drop) a phantom motorcyclist who makes people disappear if they look him in the eye, and the Troopers don’t believe it but Woody does, and he wants Kaitlin to do a story on it.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries one of Ziktor’s secretaries informs him that a break in the reality barrier is forming at one his construction sites.

But for once it’s not Ziktor doing because he ask her to find out what’s causing it but he decides to use it anyway so he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar who confirms the reality break.

Icebot suggests using a new weapon he created called the virtual vaporizer to further open the break, and Renegade who now has a cool new winged serpent head volunteers to use it.

Then we go to the Underground Voice Daily where Woody is making nachos, and Kaitlin is getting ready to go to the construction site where everyone keeps seeing the ghost biker, and Woody suggests taking along Ryan and/or JB.

Percy then complains about not getting the good assignments, and Woody explains it’s because Percy can’t take good pictures.

So we get a comedy bit where Percy tries to take a picture of Woody but the film falls out of his camera, and he accidentally sits on Woody’s nachos.

While at the virtual dungeon Grimlord wants Renegade to explain why he thinks he should have the virtual vaporizer, and he says it’s because he’s the most ruthless, and merciless of Grimlord’s mutants.

Grimlord agrees so K from Metalder gives Renegade the virtual vaporizer, and he recruits Chrome Dome, and Minotaurbot to help him.

Kaitlin shows up at Tao dojo while Percy follows her, and Ryan, and JB are helping Tao teach a class, and Ryan still has to teach the class but JB is free so he goes with her.

At the site JB explains that people have been reporting weird events at site, and then their virtualizers start glowing.

Then we see some Metalder footage of Hakko who’s supposed to be the ghost biker while Kaitlin, and Percy both take pictures, and then Hakko from Metalder disappears, and Percy faints.

At the virtual dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that the Troopers have discovered the reality break so at the site a foreman shows up, and transforms into an army of Skugs.

First JB, and Kaitlin just punch, and kick the Skugs then they try throwing, and kicking the Skugs into tire piles.

But the Skugs multiply so JB, and Kaitlin try to get away but the ghost biker appears, and shoots JB, and Kaitlin with a rainbow colored energy beam, and they disappear.

The Skugs are confused but just teleport back to virtual reality, and Percy wakes up,
and finds Kaitlin’s camera.

While JB, and Kaitlin are in another dimension with the Ghost Biker, and they try to transform, and escape but they can’t.

At the Underground Voice Daily Percy shows Woody Kaitlin’s pictures, and tries to claim they’re his but Ryan shows up wondering what happened to JB, and Kaitlin.

Woody reveals he knows Percy is lying, and tells Ryan they were at the conatruction site but disappeared, and Ryan asks Percy what happened but he doesn’t know so Ryan goes to the construction site.

While at the virtual dungeon Grimlord asks Icebot what’s going on but he doesn’t know so Grimlord just tells Renegade to destroy Ryan.

At the site Ryan calls out for JB, and Kaitlin but can’t find them so he uses his communicator but can’t get anything so he contacts the Professor but the Professor doesn’t know where they are either.

In the other dimension JB figures out that it’s a buffer zone between the real world, and virtual reality explaining why they can’t use their powers.

Then the ghost biker disappears, and Ryan’s virtualizer starts acting weird while Renegade tests out the virtual vaporizer on Air Striker.

Then Chrome Dome, and Minotaurbot find the Ghost Biker, and Renegade tries to use the virtual vaporizer on them but they disappear.

The Professor tells Ryan to protect the ghost biker since they’re the only way to find the others so Ryan transforms.

Renegade fires lasers at Ryan but Ryan dodges them so Renegade orders Chrome Dome, and Minotaurbot to go after Ryan.

Back in the other dimension JB, and Kaitlin finally decide to just ask the ghost biker who or what they are, and the ghost biker explains he’s a virtual guardian created to protect the weakest part of the barrier.

Then he shows them some Metalder footage of Chrome Dome, and Minotaurbot chasing Ryan, and they want to help but as long as there’s danger outside they can’t leave.

While in the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders Ivar to launch a full scale attack on the reality barrier so inside the other dimension JB convinces the ghost biker to help them, and he teleports to help Ryan.

Ryan surprises Chrome Dome, and Minotaurbot with a double jump kick so they retaliate with their weapons but Ryan kicks Chrome Dome, and punches Minotaurbot, and they leave.

So Renegade fires lasers at Ryan but the Ghost Biker appears, and knocks the virtual vaporizer out of Renegade’s hands with his own lasers, and drives Renegade off.

Renegade then fires more lasers at Ryan so Ryan hides from him, and surprises Renegade with a kick but Renegade keeps blasting at Ryan.

But the Ghost Biker appears, and rams Renegade, and Ryan kicks the winged serpent off his helmet.

Then the ghost biker appears, and takes Ryan to the other dimension, and explains what he is to Ryan, and let’s everyone go now that the reality barrier is safe, and Ryan wonders if his father created the ghost biker.

While at the virtual dungeon Renegade begs Grimlord for forgiveness but Grimlord is ashamed of Renegade’s failure.

Later at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin claims that the ghost biker story was a bust, and we get one last comedy bit with Percy, and an old camera.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was weird.

I liked the idea behind the ghost biker as well as the twist that he was really a good guy, and the implication that he was a creation of Ryan’s father.

I’m just not sure I liked how they executed it since the Metalder footage they used was just footage of one of Metalder’s human friends Hakko who happened to be a dirt biker, and not only that but it was all stuff that could have been taken out, and just left the stuff with Renegade.

Not only that but there’s a later episode Message From Space where they also used footage of Hakko but had him be JB.

I do wonder if this whole thing started out as an attempt to tease a potential extra Trooper or at least ally by adapting another Metal Hero show.

Or an early idea was to make the Defending Dark Heart storyline like the Top Gunder arc with parts one, and two being their own two parter in the middle of Season one, then an episode like this, and brief appearances in other episodes, and then have another two parter at the end of Season One that would have been parts three, and four.

It also bugged me that they couldn’t find anything for JB, and Kaitlin to do.

I also thought they could have cut back on some of the parts in the other dimension, and just cut through it.

I did like the fight scenes, and I liked Renegade’s winged serpent head.

In fact it once again reminded me of how I like how this show takes things from the Metal Hero shows, and changes them.

In this case what happened was in the Metalder episode this was based on this was actually the first appearance of Renegade’s Japanese counterpart, and the parts where he just had a regular head where actually from later appearances.

But here they switched it around.

Also I can’t really think of anything they took out that I would have left in.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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