Saturday, November 7, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 33 Defending Dark Heart Part 3

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Defending Dark Heart part 3 written by Doug Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off at Tao dojo where Tao himself is practicing karate while JB finds something surprising on his computer.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Ryan, and Kaitlin talk about how JB is looking for a way to turn Ryan’s father back to normal.

But Ziktor’s Skug spy overhears them, and sneaks off to the archives to transform into his true form, and teleport to Ziktor industries where he explains what’s happening to Ziktor who just has the Skug teleport back to the Underground Voice Daily, and transforms into Grimlord, and orders his mutants to keep searching for Dark Heart.

Then we go back to the Underground Voice Daily where we get a comedy bit where Percy shows up with a device he claims is a reality break detector but it just electrocutes him, and blows up a microwave.

Then JB appears on Ryan’s communicator, and informs Ryan, and Kaitlin that they figured out how to devirtualize Ryan’s father so they both leave.

Then they see some smoke in the distance, and they also see a woman by the side of the road who claims her barn is burning, her horses are trapped, and she doesn’t have a phone.

So Ryan, Kaitlin go, and open the barn, but they just see four cowboys with a smoke machine who turn out to be Skugs.

Ryan, and Kaitlin just punch, and kick the Skugs but then one comes after Kaitlin with a branding iron, but she tricks it into branding another Skug instead.

Then Ryan knocks two of the Skugs into each other, and the Skug with the branding iron keeps coming after Kaitlin so Ryan picks up a hay pile, and throws it at the Skug knocking it into the other destroying them.

Then after a comedy bit with Percy wondering around the forest with his reality break detector we then go to the lab where JB explains that they found out that Ryan’s father has a special link to Grimlord himself, and the Professor explains that the only way to sever the link is to destroy Grimlord.

While at the virtual dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that they found Dark Heart then we see Dark Heart in a field spying on Grimlord’s other mutants when Air Striker spots him so the other mutants fire on Dark Heart.

Dark Heart tries to run away but there’s too many mutants so he destroys them with his laser rifle but Spitbot grabs Dark Heart’s rifle with his tentacle but Dark Heart destroys Polarbot.

Then The Magician comes kicks Dark Heart but Dark Heart destroys him, then Slashbot comes after him with his sword but Dark Heart blocks it with his rifle.

Then the unnamed wolf like mutant spits webbing at Dark Heart, and traps him allowing Renegade to shoot Dark Heart who falls down, and when he gets back up Renegade shoots Dark Heart in the head exposing his true robotic face.

Then we see Dark Heart chained up at Grimlord’s dungeon where the other mutants want to destroy him right then, and there but Grimlord decides to use Dark Heart as bait to destroy Ryan.

At the lab the Troopers are trying to figure out how to find Grimlord’s dungeon but Grimlord himself appears on the lab’s monitors to tell Ryan he’ll give Ryan a set of coordinates to where his father is but he must go alone otherwise Dark Heart will be destroyed so Ryan transforms by himself, and goes.

Then we go to the forest where Percy almost falls off a cliff, and then the reality break detector starts actually working, and but it unleashes a random Spielban monster.

Then we see Dark Heart being chained up with Minotaurbot, and Chrome Dome guarding him so Ryan quickly fights them off but it turns out that it’s a fake Dark Heart who fires at Ryan while Renegade, and some mutant Skugs show up with the real one.

But Dark Heart escapes from the mutant Skugs, and Renegade while Ryan escapes from the fake Dark Heart, then Dark Heart kicks Renegade, and shoots the fake Dark Heart.

Then Renegade fires a laser at Ryan but Dark Heart takes it instead so Ryan destroys Renegade with Lighting Hand, and he, and Dark Heart escape.

So Grimlord orders a full scale aerial assault on the lab.

To be concluded.

Tune in next time everyone for the epic conclusion of the Defending Dark Heart storyline, and more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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