Saturday, November 7, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 30 Small But Mighty

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Small but Mighty written, and directed by Robert Hughes.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how when he was a kid he was in a hurry to grow up but now that he’s a grown up he sometimes wishes he was a kid again.

Then right outside of Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are fixing up their motorcycles while Kaitlin sits on the steps, and watches, and reminds them that they all have a workout but Ryan, and JB keep fixing their motorcycles.

While at Ziktor industries Ziktor is with a Skug in the form of a delivery man who is working on a device, and needs a test subject, and despite Ziktor’s protests he uses Juliet, and the device turns her into a baby lizard, and Ziktor makes him change her back.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his latest evil scheme to use the device to turn the Troopers into children so they will be powerless to stop him.

Later at Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are sparing with Tao while still in their regular clothes, and Tao beats them up, and leaves, and the delivery guy shows up with the strange device, and just as Ryan warns them it could be a trap the device turns them into children, and the delivery man turns into an army of Skugs.

The Skugs try to kick the Troopers but they grab the Skugs by the legs then Ryan grabs one so Kaitlin, and JB can punch it.

Then they flip over the Skugs, and then the Skugs try to keep the Troopers at bay when they try to fight them but the Troopers throw the Skugs into each other, and destroy them.

The Troopers then decide to go to the lab with the machine, and run into Jeb then JB tries to go on his motorcycle but Ryan, and Kaitlin remind him that they’re too little now to do that so they take their bicycles but run into Percy.

At the virtual dungeon Grimlord is upset with the Skugs being defeated so he summons Ivar who recommends a brain like mutant named Crainoid to destroy the Troopers while Jeb distracts Percy by driving Kaitlin’s car causing Percy to ride his bike into some kids’ lemonade stand.

At the lab the Professor doesn’t recognize the Troopers until they explain what’s going on, and a reality break occurs in sector L7 (not joking).

So the Troopers ask if they can still transform and the Professor says they can but only for a few minutes, and the Troopers decide that’s enough so they transform complete with a new transformation effect.

Quantum Cruisers, and tanks appear so Ryan summons the Battle Cruiser to destroy the tanks while JB destroys the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters with Techno Bazooka.

Then Crainoid appears, and JB tries to fight him with his sword but Crainoid punches him so Kaitlin tries her sickle weapon but Crainoid goes after her so JB tries again but Crainoid just deals with him again.

Ivar appears in Ravage Tank to fight while Crainoid shoots electricity at JB, and Kaitlin fire lasers at him, and JB finishes Crainoid off with Laser Lance.

While Ryan pushes Ivar off a cliff but Ivar’s jet fighter detached from his tank so Ryan chases after Ivar in his own jet fighter, and shoots down Ivar.

The Troopers go into the Skybase but more Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers appear, and their VR powers give out but Ryan is able to shoot down the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters, and Grimlord once again shames his minions for failure.

At the lab the Professor tells the Troopers that he’s reversed the device but first the Troopers goof off while they’re still kids, and then the Professor turns them back to normal.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was one of those weird episodes where I liked the story, and I liked the monster but I don’t know if the monster they picked was right for it.
Mostly because the Spielban episode they used was a later episode that contained a lot of stuff that we won’t see until season two like Gran Nazca’s robot form, and Helen Lady in armor or stuff we saw in Digging for Fire, and civilians.

But at the same time they cut out like half the fight from Spielban not to mention that Helen Lady appears in armor for quite a bit of the fight in the Spielban episode which makes me think they could have just have just had a different monster.

Though I did like the story mostly because I thought it was a better “the heroes turn into kids” story than some of the ones in Power Rangers (coughAlien Rangerscough)

And I still thought Crainoid was a cool monster with his whole body being made of brains.

And with that we are 3/5s of the way into Season One.

And not only that but next week we’ll look at one of my favorite episodes, and my favorite episode of Season One.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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