Monday, November 9, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 36 Endangered Species

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Endangered Species written by Cheryl Saban, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that all living things are part of nature’s delicate balance.

We then see some Metalder footage of this small weird looking white furry gorilla like creature running through a forest.

Then we go to the Underground Voice Daily where Kaitlin meets her old friend Danielle Grayson who’s parents run an animal sanctuary that houses the world’s last furry wombats (which are supposed to be the weird white furry animals we saw earlier) but developers want to get rid of it.

Then we go to Ziktor industries where we find out that no surprise Ziktor is the one who wants to destroy the animal sanctuary then he transforms into Grimlord, and orders Decimator to destroy the animals at the sanctuary.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin tells Danielle that she, and the others will help, and they agree to meet in an hour, but Percy is hiding behind Kaitlin, and once again tries to steal the story from her.

Then we go to Tao dojo where there’s a funny bit where Ryan, and JB try to teach kids about the importance of focus but Ryan gets distracted by Jeb eating the kids’ lunches.

Then Kaitlin explains what’s going on, and the other Troopers decide to help, and they all go out to the sanctuary.

Then Air Striker, and Fighterbot try to attack the sanctuary from the air while the other mutants try to attack from the ground.

But the wombats are too fast, and we get a funny bit where they have to report it to Grimlord, and one of the mutants actually calls the wombats cute.

The Troopers arrive at the sanctuary, and Kaitlin takes pictures of various animals while Jeb runs off, and we get a brief comedy bit with Percy trying to act like a brave jungle explorer but getting pooped on by a bird.

Then the Troopers meet Danielle’s mother who informs them that the furry wombats have escaped their enclosure, and Danielle is looking for them, and the Troopers volunteer to help find Danielle, and the wombats.

Grimlord orders Decimator to deal with the Troopers, and then we see Danielle looking for the wombats while Percy falls into a mud puddle and Danielle runs into three park rangers who turn out to be Skugs, and kidnap Danielle.

Then we see the Troopers in the forest looking for Danielle when they find her scarf on the ground, and the Skugs show up.

First the Skugs kick the Troopers but they get back up, and Kaitlin, and Ryan kick Skugs while JB punches, and flips another.

Then they keep doing that until they get all the Skugs down but they don’t touch each other so Ryan does that human steam roller move Kaitlin did in On Brother, and that destroys them.

Then the Troopers hear Air Striker, and run away, and run into Grimlord’s mutants lead by a blue mutant covered in tubes carrying a harpoon who’s going after the wombats so the Troopers decide to transform, and split up.

Grimlord’s mutants trap a wombat in a net, and tranqualize another when it tries to escape, but Ryan appears, and fights off Grimlord’s mutants.

Meanwhile Ivar orders Skugs, Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters to attack JB, and Kaitlin while he attacks in his tank so JB takes the fight to virtual reality where Ivar, and the Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers fire on them but they find Danielle.

So Kaitlin uses the Battle Cruiser to destroy Ivar’s tank while JB uses Techno Bazooka to destroy the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters.

The blue tube covered mutant goes after Ryan with his harpoon but Ryan dodges, and frees one of the wombats who helps Ryan fight off the mutants.

But the blue mutant orders Air Striker to destroy the wombat which gets the other one angry enough to help Ryan who gets attacked by the blue mutant’s harpoon but Ryan jumps on it, and kicks the mutant.

Kaitlin destroys the Skugs with her ray gun, and she, and JB save Danielle while Ryan destroys the blue mutant with Internal Gyro Command.

Then we get a comedy bit where Percy runs into Jeb who leads him back to civilization while Danielle reunites with her mother, and the Troopers appear, and the wombats are safe.

At the virtual dungeon Grimlord shames Ivar for his failure, and at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin’s story is a success, and the sanctuary is saved, and we get one last comedy bit from Percy.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was weird in that it was like a good version of Save the Trees.

I liked Danielle, and her mother, they were cool characters.

I also liked the blue mutant who will later be called Horrorbot.

I was genuinely surprised that they showed an innocent animal being killed in a VR Troopers episode not so much Metalder because in the Metalder episode Dogmatic Change was based on had a dog die after becoming a monster.

My only real nitpick is that they tried to pass off the weird white animals as wombats since they looked more like monkeys.

Other than I liked it.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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