Thursday, October 1, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 19 A Dirty Trick

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at A Dirty Trick written by Robert Hughes, and directed by John Grant Weil.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him about the power of illusion, and to always have a trick up your own sleeve.
Then we see the Troopers handing fliers to announce a party at the dojo to celebrate the 10 year anniversary, and Ziktor once again reads from the Power Rangers villain playbook, and is inspired to transform into Grimlord, and announce his plan to use the party as a way to steal the Troopers’ virtualizers.

Later at the party after a comedy bit with the mayor, and his wife Kaitlin shows up to congratulate Tao for receiving a citation of honor from the mayor.
Then she sees Ryan, and JB hitting on some girls, and then we get a comedy bit with Jen drinking from the punch bowl then the mayor gives Tao a plauqe.
Then a magician carrying a briefcase that says Lex the Magnificent shows up, and he performs various magic tricks for the audience.
Then he requests audience volunteers, and picks Kaitlin, and JB who are glad to be chosen then he covers them with his cape, takes their virtualisers, and disappears.
Kaitlin, and JB then chase off after the magician, and Ryan follows them, and eventually the Troopers get to an alley with three garbage men who turn out to be Skugs, and not only that but the magician has escaped to the roof of a nearby building, and Ryan transforms to go after the magician who turns out to be a virtual mutant.
Ryan tries to jump kick The Magician but he disappears with his cape while Kaitlin punches two a Skug, and JB kicks the others.
Then Kaitlin kicks her Skug while JB gets kicked by his Skugs, Kaitlin’s Skug tries to strangle her so she fights it off.
While The Magician banishes Ryan to another dimension where The Magician throws a giant playing card at him but Ryan dodges it only to get hit by explosions.
Then JB kicks his Skugs who then try to grab him but gets out, and throws them on the ground while Kaitlin throws her Skug away into JB’s Skugs destroying them.
Ryan doesn’t have as much luck since when he tries to go after The Magician The Magician simply once again disappears sending Ryan off the building.
Then a Battle Grid alert breaks out, and despite not having their virtualizers Kaitlin, and JB are still able to transform into Battle Grid mode to join Ryan.
Not only that but instead of all three Troopers landing at same, and talking about what’s going on we get the Troopers landing one at a time from JB, Ryan, and finally Kaitlin without dialogue, and when they do the V, R, Troopers thing we see the full suits instead of just the helmets.
Then we get some recycled Kaitlin’s Front Page footage mixed with new stuff for Kaitlin, then Ryan punches some Skugs, and JB kicks some more.
Then some recycled footage from the Dognapping in reverse, then JB kicks a Skug, and puts it in a choke hold, then some recycled Virtual Spy footage followed by some new stuff where Kaitlin jumps then lands, and kicks a Skug, grabs another
Then some recycled Searching for Tyler Steele stuff, then Kaitlin kicks a Skug, and Ryan flips another over then JB, and Kaitlin kick some more Skugs, JB knocks some Skugs into each other, and then finally we get some recycled Searching for Tyler Steele footage of Kaitlin destroying the last of the Skugs, and then the Troopers return to reality.
At the Lab Kaitlin explains what happened, and the Professor makes them all put on the visors to show them some Metalder footage to explain what we already know that if they can’t get back the stolen virtualizers there’s no way to stop the virtual army.
So Ryan comes up with a plan where Kaitlin, and JB take her car to scan for The Magician, when they find him Ryan will transform, and get back their virtualizers while at the virtual dungeon Grimlord orders Icebot to steal Ryan’s virtualizer when he tries to take back the others.
Kaitlin, and JB fly around in Kaitlin’s car but can’t find The Magician so the Professor tells them check sector Q4 but still don’t find anything so JB uses the image enhancer, and finds him, Ryan transforms to battle The Magician.
The Magician makes swords rain down that turn into a cage, and trap Ryan so that the Gunbots can blow him up but Ryan drills his way through the dirt, and escapes so The Magician makes a rose appear that can create windstorms, and explosions, then turns into a wand that can shoot flames.
Meanwhile Air Striker, and Fighterbot attack Kaitlin’s car so Kaitlin tries to escape but then they get attacked by the Gunbots, and when they escape the Gunbots are attacked by the Airbots again.
Meanwhile The Magician throws a spear at Ryan who catches it, and tries to attack The Magician with it but The Magician keeps disappearing, and using illusions, and kicks Ryan.
Meanwhile Air Striker, and Fighterbot are still attacking Kaitlin’s car so Kaitlin rams her car into Air Striker which knocks him into Fighterbot, and destroys them.
Meanwhile Ryan uses his scanner to find The Magician, and throws the spear at him, but The Magician catches it, and hits Ryan with it but Ryan then grabs it, and throws The Magician then punches The Magician before finally finishing off with Lighting Hand.
When JB, and Kaitlin show up Ryan shows them their Virtualizers but Grimlord remains undaunted, and orders Ivar to destroy the Troopers in his tank but JB transforms, and uses the Battle Cruiser to knock it off a cliff, and Grimlord once again chastises his minions.
Later at the lab Kaitlin does a magic trick, JB makes a cheeseburger with the lab’s machines, and we get on last comedy bit with Jeb eating the burger.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
Final Thoughts
Honestly I really liked today’s episode.
In fact I think it, ranks right up there with Searching for Tyler Steele, Error in The System, Grimlord’s Challenge, Virtual V6, and No One’s Friend in terms of favorite episodes so far at least from production standpoints
It had a simple but neat premise with Grimlord stealing JB, and Kaitlin’s virtualizers.
Also I can’t really think of anything that was really skipped from the Metalder episode.
I liked the Battle Grid segment in fact I think it’s probably my favorite one.
Oddly enough my only problem with it is that the Battle Grid segment didn’t make much sense other than to give Kaitlin some transformed fighting.
And even then I would either simply replace it with a Battle Grid segment with just Ryan, put this episode’s Battle Grid segment in another episode, and replace the part where Kaitlin fights Air Striker, and Fighterbot in her car with one where she fights Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers in the Skybase.
Or Alternatively keep it but separate the Skug battle from Ryan’s first fight with The Magician, and have it where the magician for the party is a real guy that Grimlord has his Skugs kidnap, and the Troopers have to rescue him.
And the Skug battle, and Battle Grid segment happen before the first fight with The Magician.
Oddly enough this the last time we’ll see all three Troopers together in Battle Grid mode this season, and the last time we’ll see Kaitlin in Battle Grid mode this season unless you count a blink, and you’ll miss it bit in Who’s King of the Mountain?
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.


  1. I played the Evil Magician. It was fun working with the cast and coming up with some magic for them. My name is Alexander Great, hence the briefcase says, "Lex The Magnificent"

    1. That's cool.

      One of my favorite things is when I see people on VR Troopers and I later find out they were actual magicians, and singers, and not just playing them on tv.
