Tuesday, October 13, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 27 Grimlord's House of Fear

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Grimlord’s House of Fear written by Margo McCahon and directed by Robert Hughes.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that with training, and teamwork you can be ready for the unexpected.
We then go to a stereotypical looking suburb where the Troopers are looking around a supposedly haunted house but don’t see anything.
After a cat scare the Troopers meet a young boy named Manuel who told Kaitlin about the house, and wants to take a picture to prove its haunted but the Troopers are still not convinced.
Meanwhile at Ziktor industries one of Ziktor’s secretaries informs him that the Troopers are snooping around the house so he tells her to stop them before they ruin his plan.
Then he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar, and Icebot who both explain that they created a device called the cyber beam that will open a hole in the reality barrier at the old house, and that they have a new mutant protecting it.
Then at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is showing Woody her story, and pointing out various weird occurrences around the house but he isn’t convinced unless Kaitlin can show a photo of the ghost, and Percy rubs it in but gets instant karma when the vacuum cleaner he’s using malfunctions, and he starts accidentally blowing objects, and people with it.
While at the virtual dungeon Grimlord summons Icebot who’s running a test with the cyber beam to summon the new mutant Vacbot by assembling it from various items in the house but it uses more power than expected, and the experiment is a failure.
Then at the house Manuel takes a picture of Icebot’s experiment, and calls Kaitlin thinking it’s the ghost, and she decides to go to the house herself while Manuel finds out that his picture didn’t come out right so he decides to go back for a better picture.
Kaitlin goes to the house, and sees a real estate agent holding a sign but when Kaitlin talks to her the Real estate agent turns into an army of Skugs.
Kaitlin kicks a Skug so another tries to hit her with the real estate sign but Kaitlin dodges it, takes it, and hit the Skugs with it while still kicking them.
Then she gets rid of the sign, and just punches, and kicks them, and kicks all the Skugs into each other disintegrating them.
Then Kaitlin runs into Manuel while Icebot performs one final cyber beam experiment, and it works, and Vacbot is successfully activated.
Manuel takes a picture thinking it’s the ghost but when the photo comes out they see it’s a mutant so Kaitlin has Manuel go to the Underground Voice Daily while she goes to Tao dojo.
At Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are sparing with Tao who beats both of them then Kaitlin shows up, and explains she needs Ryan, and JB’s help, and as soon as Tao leaves Kaitlin explains what’s happening so they go to the lab.
At the lab the Troopers explain what happened, and the Professor has the Troopers put on visors, and shows them some Spielban footage, and explains that thanks to Icebot’s cyber beam he can create virtual constructs including mutants from our side of the reality barrier who can make holes in the reality barrier for the rest of Grimlord’s mutants to break in so the Troopers transform.
Ryan goes into the Skybase while JB, and Kaitlin go into the house, and JB punches Vacbot but Vacbot punches him so Kaitlin grabs Vacbot so JB can beat him up but Vacbot throws Kaitlin off so JB pulls out his ray gun but Vacbot shoots a freezing most at him.
Then they end up back outside for no reason, and even JB lampshades it, and Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters appear so JB takes the fight to virtual reality.
Ivar, and his tanks appear, and along with the air force , and they all fire at JB, and Kaitlin so Kaitlin summons the Battle Cruiser, and destroys Ivar’s tanks.
Ryan chases after Ivar’s Air Castle (the turtle like spaceship from Save the Trees) because that’s where Icebot’s lab is but Icebot evades him by hiding in a lake.
Vacbot then jumps at JB, and hits him with his vacuum cleaner arm so JB hits Vacbot with his sword but Vacbot sucks it with his vacuum arm.
Kaitlin rams Ivar’s tank off a cliff while Ryan finds the Air Castle, and drops bombs on it so it tries to get away but Ryan fires missiles at it, and crashes down.
Vacbot fires a red laser at JB, and then freezes JB with his most but JB uses supercharge, and breaks out of the ice, and destroys Vacbot with Laser Lance, and Grimlord shames Icebot for failure.
Later at the Underground Voice Daily Manuel shows up while Percy’s cleaning, and goes up to Woody, and the Troopers, and he talks about working for the paper someday, and taking a picture of the Troopers in , and Percy complains which leads to one last comedy bit where Jeb pushes a mop bucket on him.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
Final Thoughts
Today’s episode was pretty good.
I liked the idea of Grimlord, and his mutants being able to create mutants from our side of the reality barrier that can weaken it enough to let other mutants in.
I also liked the idea of everyone initially thinking the house was haunted, and I thought Manuel was a pretty cool character.
I’m not sure what I think of Vacbot since he’s like the opposite of Pollenbot in that I don’t really like the idea so much of a monster based on random household items but somehow he has pretty cool design.
I also liked how they actually acknowledged the villain base from Spielban, and explained it as Grimlord’s main spaceship.
And I liked how they explained that that’s where Icebot’s laboratory is as a way to explain why the Spielban villains are never in the same place as the Metalder ones without editing.
Though I’m a bit confused since all the previous episodes implied that the Spielban villains where just in a different part of the virtual dungeon unless the idea is he has different labs in both the Air Castle, and virtual dungeon.
I also liked how they didn’t take out anything from the Spielban episode, and in fact I think they added stuff as well.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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