Wednesday, October 7, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 23 Nightmares

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Nightmares written by Al Winchel, and directed by John Grant Weil
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about fear, and how courage is not the absence of fear but doing stuff you’re afraid of.
Then we go to a miniature golf course where Kaitlin is hitting a shot but hits the windmill instead of the hole, and JB wonders what’s going on since she’s usually good at it.
Then Percy shows up carrying an oversized bag of golf clubs, and after some dialogue that would sound filthy out of context we get a comedy bit where Jeb sabotages Percy’s puts.
Kaitlin then explains that she’s been working nights lately, and it’s affecting her sleep, and at Ziktor industries Ziktor is once again reading the Power Rangers villain playbook, and decides to transform into Grimlord, and announce his plan to give the Troopers nightmares.
Then after another comedy bit where Percy gets stuck in the windmill, and Jen rigs the fan to spank Percy’s ass we see Kaitlin working at the Underground Voice Daily when everyone starts acting weird, and Percy shows up dressed as The Phantom of The Opera, and he and everyone else turns into Skugs.
Kaitlin calls out for Ryan, and JB who are standing with two of Ziktor’s secretaries but Ryan, and JB are Skugs as well, and all the Skugs all swarm on Kaitlin who is woken up by a call from the real Ryan revealing the whole thing to be a dream.
At the virtual dungeon we find out Grimlord is responsible for Kaitlins nightmare, and he summons Icebot, and they both explain that it’s the work of their newest mutant a scuba diver themed robot named Dream Master who uses Kaitlin’s deepest fears against her.
Then we see Kaitlin get a call from Woody explaining that her last pictures were out of focus, and then we see Kaitlin, and Ryan training kids at Tao dojo when the kids all turn into Skugs, and overpower Ryan while Kaitlin just watched helplessly.
But it turns out to be another dream as Kaitlin is really in the dark room at the Underground Voice Daily, and later at Tao dojo she breaks down, and tells the others she can’t be a VR Trooper anymore, and Ryan, and JB realize Grimlord is responsible.
Then at the lab JB explains what’s happening, and the Professor tells them to put a visor on Kaitlin so they can see her thoughts, and at first she doesn’t want to but with some encouragement from the others she goes through with it, and we see some random Metalder, and Spielban footage.

Then Dream Master himself appears on the lab’s monitors, and takes responsibility for Kaitlin’s nightmares, and then taunts Ryan about his father which makes Ryan want to fight Dream Master, and JB wants to help but Ryan says it’s personal, and that someone needs to stay with Kaitlin so he transforms alone.
Then Dream Master taunts Ryan some more, and tries to hit Ryan with his chain, and misses but eventually wraps his chain around Ryan’s arm, and then electrocutes him then the Dream Master tries to come after Ryan with his scythe but Ryan dodges, punches him so Dream Master electrocutes him again.
Meanwhile the Professor tells JB that Grimlord has sent another robot a silver spikey mutant named well Spoken of to ambush Ryan so JB has to leave Kaitlin, and transform.
First Spikebot traps JB in an electrified cage, and attacks him but JB breaks out with his sword but Spikebot makes guns appear out of him, and fires at JB, and beats him up.
Meanwhile the Dream Master continues electrocuting Ryan, and plays some clips from Tyler’s message to mess with Ryan’s head but Ryan resists, and punches Dream Master who just electrocutes him some more.
JB finishes off Spikebot with Laser Lance while Grimlord orders Ivar to attack JB with Air Fighters so JB uses Skybase to destroy them.
But Grimlord orders his mutants to fire on Ryan but he, and Dream Master both escape, and JB uses the Battle Cruiser to destroy Ivar’s tanks.
At the lab Kaitlin sees JB, and Ryan in trouble, and wants to help but is too afraid so the Professor tells her to use her visor, and the Professor shows her some Spielban clips of her fighting Skugs.
And this convinces Kaitlin to shake Grimlord, and Dream Master’s nightmares, and transform to go into the Skybase, and destroy th Air Fighters while JB destroys Ivar’s tanks.
Meanwhile Ryan finds a chain, and throws it at Dream Master, and gives him a taste of his own medicine, and overloads Dream Master with his own electricity then jump kicks him, and Ryan finishes off with Lighting Hand, and Grimlord just gets angry.
Later at Tao dojo Ryan is brushing Jeb, JB’s working, and Kaitlin’s writing notes then JB invites Tao for another miniature golf game when Percy comes in, and we get one last comedy bit where Percy tries to play golf in the dojo, and sucks, and and Jen does better than we see Kaitlin getting some well deserved rest.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
Final Thoughts
Today’s episode was pretty good I actually liked the idea of Grimlord using Kaitlin’s own fears against her.
I’m kind of tempted to think that since all of Kaitlin’s nightmares are about her, and her friends being ambushed by Skugs maybe it was a reference to Kaitlin’s Front Page since that episode had her get defeated by Skugs, and she, and her friends were almost blown up because of it .
I did like the part in her first nightmare where everyone including Ryan, JB, and Percy turned out to be Skugs since that probably would be freaky to find out everyone you knew was a mutant robot from cyberspace.
I do wish that they used actual clips of Kaitlin being attacked from Grimlord’s mutants in the nightmare at the lab, and actually helping JB fight them when the Professor restores her confidence.
Though I also blame Spielban for that since it’s not like Diana Lady ever actually destroyed any monsters.
I’ll also add that nothing from the Metalder episode or Spielban episode was skipped save for a Skug battle that was already used in Digging for Fire.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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