Friday, October 9, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 25 The Disappearance

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Disappearance written by Robert Hughes and directed by John Grant Weil.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that if you trust your instincts, and use everything you have you will succeed.
Then we see the Troopers at lake riding on jet skis, and when they’re done they wonder where Jeb is, and Kaitlin lampshades that Grimlord’s gone after him before so they look for him, and it turns out a little girl was giving him ice cream.
Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor is still reading the Power Rangers villain playbook since Jeb disappearing on the Troopers inspires him to transform into Grimlord, and summon Icebot, and the two explain Grimlord’s plan to use an invisibility potion on Grimlord’s mutants.
Later at Tao dojo Tao asks the Troopers what is a martial artists greatest weapon, and JB guesses speed, and Kaitlin guesses strength but they’re both wrong, and only Ryan guesses that it’s surprise.
Then Tao tells them that they’re next lesson is to sneak up on him, and take a little red ribbon from him, and we see various comedic bits where the Troopers try to take the ribbon from Tao but he catches on.
Ryan tries to sneak up on Tao while he’s drinking water, and Tao throws Ryan into a chair, and catches his glass before it breaks.
JB tries to use a bo staff to take the Ribbon while Tao is putting something up but Tao notices it, jumps, and takes the bo staff, uses it against JB.
and finally Kaitlin tries to sneak up on him while he’s dusting but Tao notices, and backflips behind Kaitlin.
When the Troopers ask what Two’s secret is he simply explains that he uses all five senses to be aware of his surroundings, and that they should do the same.
At the virtual dungeon Grimlord wants to test the invisibility potion, and Decimator volunteers but Grimlord says he’s too valuable, and other mutants volunteer but Grimlord decides to test the potion on Jeb.
Back at Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are sparing then everyone decides to go out for a break, and the Troopers, and Tao talk about the lesson from earlier
While inside a gym bag, a punching bag, and a wooden frame turn into Skugs, and use a weird looking device that shoots red lasers that turn Jeb invisible.
Then we see a comedy bit where Jeb pulls various pranks on the Skugs like tripping them, pulling their capes over their faces, and throwing books at them.
Then Ryan decides to see what’s wrong with Jeb, and sees the Skugs, and starts to fight them, first they kick him but blocks, and dodges, and kicks back, then he punches a Skug into a chair, and throws another underneath the desk, and finally Jeb pulls the rug out from underneath them making them touch each other, and disintegrate.
Ryan hears Jeb but can’t see him so Jeb explains what’s happening, and Ryan tries to find him when everyone else arrives, and Ryan tries to explain he’s straightening up, and Jeb has disappeared again, and when Tao leaves Ryan explains what’s going on.
Then the Troopers take Jeb for a walk, and decide to go to the lab to see if Professor Hart can help but Percy sees them, and thinks Kaitlin is on to a big story.
But he doesn’t notice for a whole minute that their carrying a dog leash without the dog, and even when Kaitlin tells the truth be doesn’t believe it until Jeb bites his pants off.
While at the virtual dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that the test was successful, and they’re ready to use the invisibility potion on his mutants, while at the lab the Troopers explain what’s happening so the Professor has them wear the visors so they can see Jeb, and that it will take him a while to make Jeb visible again.
But the Professor’s more worried about Grimlord making his mutants invisible since the Troopers can’t fight an enemy they can’t see so the only solution is to make Jeb visible so they can reverse the process.
The Troopers then drive around in Kaitlin’s car when they notice a reality break just ahead when they get there see a weird blue scorpion like mutant with three arms riding a motorcycle
The Troopers decide to chases after the mutant in Kaitlin’s car’s flight mode then land, and chase after it some more on the ground, and they have the Professor scan it.
The Professor identifies it as Spitbot a mutant with explosive saliva then Spitbot tries to ram Kaitlin’s car so they stop get out the car, and transform.
Then Grimlord’s air force appears so JB, and Kaitlin take them to virtual reality while Ryan fights Spitbot by punching him so Spitbot uses explosive saliva but Ryan dodges, and jump kicks Spitbot who tries to attack Ryan but Ryan dodges, and attacks Spitbot but Spitbot disappears.
Grimlord’s air force is firing on JB, and Kaitlin so JB uses Techno Bazooka to destroy it but then the Skugs show up with bazookas of their own, and fire on JB, and Kaitlin while Grimlord’s mutants make portals with guns attached appear, and the portals fire lasers at Ryan and Chrome Dome, and Minotaurbot fire lasers as well while JB, and Kaitlin fight Skugs.
Spitbot grabs Ryan with his tentacle then pulls Ryan in, and strangles him then Toxoid appears then Spitbot throws Ryan and Toxoid slashes Ryan with his claws.
Then Toxoid, and Spitbot disappear, then Toxoid reappears, and Ryan goes after Toxoid but something grabs his legs, and it’s an invisible Spitbot who reappears, and trips Ryan, and grabs him so Toxoid can finish him off but Ryan kicks Toxoid, and destroys him.
JB destroys the Skugs with Laser Lance while Ryan tries to fight Spitbot who keeps disappearing so the Professor tells Ryan to use his scanner, and Ryan finds Spitbot then punches him wraps him with his own tentacle then kicks Spitbot, and destroys him, and Grimlord once again curses his robots’ inability to destroy the Troopers.
Later at the lab the Troopers are setting things up, and the Professor tells them that he’s ready to reverse Jeb’s invisibility so the Troopers call Jeb over, and the Professor is only able to make Jeb’s front half visible for now.
Anyway “I miss you dad" the end.
Final Thoughts
Today’s episode was pretty good I liked the plot with Grimlord making Jeb l, and his mutants invisible.
I also liked how there’s been so many episodes about Jeb that even the Troopers themselves are acknowledging it in universe.
I also thought it had a lot of funny bits.
I also thought Spitbot was another cool monster especially with his third arm that’s also a tentacle.
My only problems are that I wish Tao’s message of trusting your instincts actually paid off during the battle like Ryan couldn’t find Spitbot with his scanner so he remembered Tao’s lesson, and figure out where Spitbot, and Toxoid really were.
I’m also reminded of The Great Brain Robbery where in this case I actually wish they left out the fight with Toxoid, and saved it for later episode as his actual finale.
Especially since they didn’t use everything from the Metalder fight they used for that part anyway.
And with that we are pretty much halfway through season one.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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