Wednesday, October 7, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 22 The Great Brain Robbery

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Great Brain Robbery written by Doug Sloan, and directed by Worth Keeter
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad told him he had a gift for martial arts but to use that gift carefully.
Then we go to the Underground Voice Daily where we get a comedy bit where Woody is playing hockey in full hockey gear, and he accidentally hits Percy.
Then Kaitlin, and Woody discuss a deceased Commander Donaldson who was said to be the greatest mind in military history, and donated his brain to science, and that Donaldson’s brain was recently stolen.
Meanwhile at Ziktor Industries we find out that no surprise it was Ziktor who stole Commander Donaldson’s brain so he could come up with the ultimate battle plan then Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar then we get a funny bit where Ivar thinks Grimlord is complementing him when he’s talking about Commander Donaldson’s brain.
Then we see Kaitlin at the military base talking to Captain Drighton one of the soldiers there, and he explains that they have no idea who stole Donaldson’s brain or how but with the right technology they might be able to access it’s secrets.
While this going on Percy is sneaking around listening to the the conversation with his tape player, and taking pictures when some military police officers see him, and haul him away thinking he’s an intruder.
Then we see Ryan, and JB playing basketball when Kaitlin shows up to explain what happened, and that she thinks Grimlord is involved, and plays basketball with the boys at the same time.
At the virtual dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that Kaitlin has been asking questions so he decides to send her, and the other Troopers a warning so when the Troopers are done playing basketball three guys show up, and transform into Skugs.
First the Troopers, and Skugs do this weird thing where they throw a basketball at each other, and kick each other, then Ryan kicks a Skug, Kaitlin dodges another, and JB punches, and kicks another.
Then Ryan punches, and kicks his Skug, Kaitlin kicks, and flips hers, and JB kicks his Skug then Ryan kicks his Skug while Kaitlin, and JB punch their Skugs.
Then Ryan kicks his Skug some more, and JB punches his some more, and Kaitlin flips hers over some more, and finally Ryan kicks his Skug just as the others have thrown theirs destroying the Skugs, and the Troopers decide to go to the lab for answers.
While at the virtual dungeon Ivar is complaining about working for Grimlord, and Donaldson’s brain tells Ivar to stop talking about it, and do it, and Ivar agrees so he decides to lead the attack personally, and to overthrow Grimlord.
Then after a brief comedy bit where Percy is forced to do pushups by the military police who think he stole Donaldson’s brain the Troopers arrive at the lab, and explain everything so the Professor lets them use the visors.
Then after some impressive for the time VR effects they see some Spielban footage of Ivar talking to Donaldson’s brain but they can’t hear it so JB uses a decoder program, and they hear Ivar, and Donaldson’s plan so Ryan decides to transform, and find Donaldson’s brain while the others stay in case Ivar attacks.
Ryan then summons the Skybase, and briefly turns into digitally altered Spielban to jump inside while at the virtual dungeon Donaldson’s brain convinces Ivar to freeze the city’s power lines while Zelton informs Grimlord of Ivar’s mutiny, and instead of being angry actually wants him to do it since either Ivar will destroy the Troopers or Vice Versa, and he’ll just destroy who’s left.
Then Kaitlin, and JB see a news report about the city’s power lines being frozen from underground so they transform then we see Ivar, some Skugs, and walrus like mutant named Snowbot walking into a tunnel while Ryan in the Skybase is attacked so he’s forced to land while Snowbot uses his tusks to freeze the power lines.
Then JB, and Kaitlin find a frozen manhole that’s a direct access to the city’s power supply, and teleport down to the bottom but are attacked by Snowbot.
Snowbot punches both of them then punches JB down, and freezes his circuits so Kaitlin pushes Snowbot off but then Snowbot punches her down, and freezes her so JB pushes Snowbot off, and they both escape to the surface but Snowbot keeps freezing them so JB summons the VR Fighter Bike so he, and Kaitlin can retreat.
Then Ryan finds the cave where Donaldson’s brain is being kept but it’s guarded by Skugs so we get a brief but cool looking fight scene of Ryan fighting some Skugs.
Then the Professor gives JB, and Kaitlin an upgrade to protect them from Snowbot then Ryan uses his scanner to find Donaldson’s brain, and has another brief Skug battle.
Then JB, and Kaitlin intercept Ivar, Snowbot, and the Skugs so Snowbot tries to freeze them but thanks to the Professor’s upgrade it doesn’t work but Snowbot then uses a flamethrower so JB uses vortex command, and if you closely enough you can see two Kaitlin’s when it happens.
But Snowbot starts freezing, and burning JB, and Kaitlin at the same time so Ryan fires a freeze beam from the Skybase that freezes Snowbot, and gives JB time to finish off Snowbot with Laser Lance.
But Ivar remains undaunted so he summons the Ravage Tank so JB summons the Battle Cruiser, and the two get into a skirmish before JB knocks Ivar off a cliff but he gets out of his tank, and Ivar, and JB have a brief sword battle.
Ivar then turns into a missile (which isn’t as cool looking as it sounds since it’s just a silver rod with what looks like Ivar’s head on the front), and tries to destroy JB, and Kaitlin but blows himself up instead, and instead of cursing his minions Grimlord just uses Ivar’s destruction to show the penalty for mutiny.
Later at the military base the army gives the Troopers a medal of honor which the mayor accepts, then we get one last comedy bit where Jeb makes the mayor’s wife think Captain Drieghton is making the moves on her.
Anyway “I miss you dad" the end.
Final Thoughts
Today’s episode was all right
I liked the idea of Grimlord stealing the brain of military genius as well as Ivar’s mutiny.
I liked Snowbot though I do wish maybe they should have used him in The Dojo Plot going back to the idea that Grimlord’s plan was to freeze the city with his weather device.
What’s odd is usually I don’t like it when the show doesn’t use something from the metal hero shows but this time I have the opposite problem.
Since while I liked the fight with Ivar I felt they could have saved it for a later episode preferably one in the final season that served as the final episode for Ivar.
Especially since they cut out the sword fight they used in Save The Trees, and the part where Spielban used Arc Edge to destroy Death Zero.
And I think they could have easily replaced it with Ryan fighting a random Metalder monster.
They also cut out a part with the Grand Nazca’s robot form, and the parts where Helen was in armor but they got cut due that stuff being saved for season two, and because most of the parts with Helen were just her, and Diana getting fired at by Snowbot’s Japanese counterpart, and some Air Fighters.
I did like seeing the blink, and you’ll miss it parts like
Spielban, and Diana’s civilian modes when JB, and Kaitlin are trying to dodge Snowbot’s flamethrower.
Or the two Kaitlin’s when JB uses Vortex Command, and Ryan uses the freeze ray.
Tune in next time everyone for more brain stealing Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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