Wednesday, October 7, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 20 My Dog's Girlfriend

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at My Dog’s Girlfriend written by Margo McMahon, and directed by Worth Keeter.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad told him told him that love will always find a way.
Then we see the Troopers on roller skates looking for Jeb who’s looking a little boy playing with a girl dog, and her puppies, and the little boy named Timmy let’s Jeb, and the Troopers play with the girl dog who’s named Princess, and has won a dog show but Timmy’s mother doesn’t approve of Princess, and Jeb’s relationship.
Meanwhile Grimlord is still reading the Power Rangers villain playbook since he comes up with a plan to use Princess’ puppies as bait to destroy the Troopers so he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar, and Icebot who have finished a new robot called the Trooper Terminator that looks like an evil version of Johnny Five from the Short Circuit movies.
Meanwhile at Tao dojo the Troopers are trying to cheer Jeb up by singing the Doggy Rap from Kaitlin’s Front Page but Tao comes in, and tells them to stop so they just hug Jeb instead.
Back at the virtual dungeon Grimlord requests a field test of the Trooper Terminator so the Gunbots, and Airbots fire at the Trooper Terminator but it dodges their attacks, and destroys them with its own attacks.
Meanwhile at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin, and Jeb see Timmy, and his mother with Princess and her puppies, and Woody comes to tell her he wants Kaitlin, and Percy to do a story about Princess
Then Jeb, Princess, and the puppies try to run off, and Timmy’s mom, and some reporters get the puppies, and Woody, Kaitlin, and Timmy find Jeb, and Princess in a closet.
Then at the virtual dungeon the Trooper Terminator is practicing on some targets of the Troopers, and Grimlord is pleased so he orders his minions to kidnap Princess’ puppies.
When Jeb, and Kaitlin go to see the puppies when a creepy looking dog catcher guy shows up to take the puppies, and Jeb, and transforms into some Skugs.
While Kaitlin fights off two of them by kicking, and dodging them the third steals the puppies, and then Kaitlin tricks the Skugs into destroying each other, and gets Jeb out of the net.
After a brief bit with Air Striker, and Grimlord spying on the Troopers the Troopers arrive at the lab to explain what happened, and the Professor makes everyone put on the visors, and shows some Metalder footage of the Gunbots putting the puppies in a mine field , and the Trooper Terminator waiting.
The Professor also warns that Air Fighters are in the area while the Professor urges caution Jeb reminds the Troopers of Princess’ puppies, and they transform.
Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers fire on JB, and Kaitlin while the Gunbots fire on Ryan, and Ivar gets in his ravage tank, and summons his tanks so Kaitlin summons the Skybase, and pilots the Battle Cruiser.
Ryan uses his scanner to find the puppies surrounded by land mines, and he sees two Gunbots, surprises them with a jump kick, then beats them up, and gets the puppies so Tankotron alerts the Trooper Terminator, and it, and the Gunbots fire at Ryan but he gets out of the way, and puts the puppies in a safe spot while one of the Gunbots trips on a land mine, and blows itself up.
Kaitlin continues to fight Ivar, and his tanks while the Trooper Terminator fires lasers at Ryan who dodges them, and hides so he can scan the Trooper Terminator, and finds his weakness is that it takes him a while to switch between types of vision,
So Ryan uses Laser Fist to charge up a rock, and throws it at the Trooper Terminator who shoots a laser at it giving Ryan enough time to rush at it, and decapitate the Trooper Terminator while JB uses Techno Bazooka to destroy the Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers.
Then a Gumbot fires missiles at Ryan but he dodges, and grabs the Gunbot, and they both struggle before Ryan throws it in the air then jumps, punches the Gunbot, and throws it at some explosives destroying it.
While Kaitlin destroys the last of the tanks, pushes Ivar’s tank off a cliff, then Skugs show up take off their heads, and kick them at JB causing explosions that damage him so Kaitlin gives him a recharge, and Ryan makes sure the puppies are okay, and Grimlord once again shames his mutants.
Later at the Underground Voice Daily everyone is celebrating the safe return of the puppies, and the mayor, and his wife show up, and we get a comedy bit where Jeb pulls off the mayor’s wife’s skirt, then, he, and Princess run off, and everyone finds them in the closet again, and it seems that Timmy’s mom finally approves of Jeb.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
Final Thoughts
Today’s was pretty good I thought since I liked the story with Jeb, and Princess.
I honestly think it’s funny how it seems like Jeb actually has more focus episodes than the Troopers.
First getting kidnapped, then turned into a monster, and now falling in love, and having his girlfriend’s kids get kidnapped.
I was also surprised by how close it seemed to the Metalder episode since the only difference was the Metalder episode had a dad, and his daughter instead of a mother, and son.
And the idea with the Trooper Terminator in it was that it was just an experimental weapon they were trying to sell to various governments, and the puppies just happened to be there when they were testing it.
I do wish they kept the part where Cannon Nose’s Japanese counterpart actually liked the puppies, and even sacrificed himself to save them.
I also liked seeing Kaitlin recharge JB again since this, and Error in the System are the only times she does it.
I also liked seeing the Skugs throw their heads since it’s a pretty cool power along with pretending to be people.
In fact as we’ll see later the Skugs actually have all sorts of cool powers which makes their weakness to touching each other all the more surreal.
And with this we are 2/5s of the way through season one.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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