Thursday, October 8, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 24 Grimlord's Greatest Hits

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Grimlord’s Greatest Hits written by Gil Rozencratz, Douglas Sloan, and directed by John Grant Weil
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about music, and how it’s the universal language.
Then at Tao dojo Ryan, and JB practice with bo staffs in front of some teenage students then after the class JB notices a boy named Brandon who seems out of it.
Tao explains that Brandon is a talented musician, and got accepted to a prestigious school but his parents can’t afford it so the Troopers decide to hold a dance a thon to raise money for Brandon to go to music school.
At Ziktor industries Ziktor is once again reading from the Power Rangers villain playbook, and after reading Kaitlin’s article about the dance a thon decides to transform into Grimlord, and summons Icebot.
They both explain Grimlord’s latest plan to use hypnotic music to control the minds of everyone in Crossworld City, and there’s a funny bit when Grimlord says they’ll probably won’t tell the difference between when everyone is brainwashed or not.
Later at Tao dojo the dance a thon is underway, and JB break dances while Brandon plays saxophone, then there’s a comedy bit where Percy hits on two random women, and one of them dances with Percy while the other messes with the jukebox.
When JB, and Brandon leave to get more party food she puts a cd labeled Grimlord’s Greatest Hits (We have a title people), and weird music plays which hypnotized everyone but the two women who are really Skugs.
At the virtual dungeon Toxoid informs Grimlord that JB, and Brandon aren’t hypnotized, and Grimlord orders them to capture Brandon to lure JB into a trap to destroy him then we see JB, and Brandon with some food talking about what music Brandon should play, they see band, and follow it but the band members turn out to be Skugs.
First JB fights the Skugs by throwing pizzas at them (not joking) while one kidnaps Brandon so one of the Skugs uses a guitar it’s still holding as a weapon but JB grabs it, and uses the Skugs own guitar against it (again not joking).
Then they just kick him but he kicks back, and throws them, and then the third Skug comes back to see what’s going on, and JB just pick it up, and throws it at the others destroying them.
JB then realizes that Brandon’s been kidnapped, and goes back to Tao dojo to see everyone hypnotized by Grimlord’s music which for some reason isn’t affecting JB.
So he asks Jeb who’s been wearing headphones what’s going on, and Jen explains what happened, and JB finds Grimlord’s cd, and takes it, and the other Troopers to the lab.
At the lab JB explains everything to the Professor who has JB put Grimlord’s cd into one of the lab’s machines, and the Professor tells JB that only playing the CD backwards will reverse it’s effects.
So JB puts visors on Ryan, and Kaitlin which play the song backwards and break the spell on them then JB explains what’s going on, and the Professor tells them that Brandon is being held hostage in Grimlord’s cd factory, and Grimlord has also sent his forces across the reality barrier so the Troopers transform.
The Troopers decide to split up with JB, and Kaitlin rescuing Brandon, and destroying Grimlord’s cds while Ryan fights Grimlord’s army in the Battle Cruiser.
JB, and Kaitlin arrive at Grimlord’s factory and battle Skugs, and a weird mutant with a cd for an eye like a cyclops, and another for hand named Diskbot, and while JB battles Diskbot Kaitlin finds Brandon on her scanner.
Grimlord orders his mutants to activate the actor’s self destruct mechanism while finds Brandon, and has the Professor neutralize Grimlord’s force field, and Kaitlin rescues Brandon while Ryan fights Ivar, and his tanks, and pushes Ivar off a cliff.
JB continues fighting Diskbot, and escapes the building just before it blows up but Diskbot has survived so JB battles him some more while Ryan goes into the Skybase, and informs JB that Air Fighters are coming .
So JB uses Vortex Command to take the fight to virtual reality but the Air Fighters keep firing on him so Ryan shows up, and destroys the Air Fighters.
Diskbot then fires cds from his cd hand but JB blocks them with his sword so Diskbot instead uses his cd hand to blind JB with light but JB hits Diskbot with his sword but Diskbot hits back.
Then they attack each other at the same time, and JB grabs Diskbot by his cd hand with his sword, and throws Diskbot but then Diskbot throws JB thenhen JB tries to fire his laser but Diskbot blocks it with his cd hand, shoots JB’s laser out of his hand, and fires cds, and shines light on JB
so JB decides finish off Diskbot with Laser Lance but Diskbot tries to fight back by firing cds but JB blocks them with his Laser Lance, and destroys Diskbot while Grimlord once again swears vengeance.
JB finds Brandon with Kaitlin still in Trooper mode, and they both just refer to her as a VR Trooper.
then at the party Ryan, and Kaitlin play the reversed cd, and return everyone to normal then Brandon shows up, and thanks everyone since thanks to the dance a thon he can now go to music school, then Jeb plays one last prank on Percy.
Anyway “I miss you dad" the end.
Final Thoughts
Today’s episode was pretty good I liked the plot of Grimlord trying to brainwash everyone with music.
I also liked Diskbot with his cd eye, and CD hand, and how he fired vids at his opponents, and how he fit the episode.
I also liked the sub plot of the Troopers raising money so Brandon could go to school since it reminded me of JB’s sub plot of trying to the same which I’m surprised they didn’t touch on considering it was pretty much a JB episode.
Also the only thing I can really think was taken out of the Spielban footage other than the Grand Nazca’s robot form which we’ll see in season two as the Troopertron
I think it’s weird that Kaitlin keeps getting called just a VR Trooper since they have no special names in Trooper mode which makes me wish they at least call them VR Trooper 1, VR Trooper 2, and VR Trooper 3.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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