Monday, October 12, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 26 Secret Admirer

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Secret Admirer written by JK Richards and directed by John Grant Weil.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how he always admired his father, and how everyone wants to be admired but what matters most is who’s admiring.
Then we go to Tao dojo where Ryan, JB spar while Kaitlin’s on a the bench doing something we can’t see, and Tao comes in with flowers Kaitlin thanks Tao but he says it’s not from him.
So she reads the note which says it’s from a secret admirer (we have a title), and at first Kaitlin thinks Ryan, or JB sent them but neither of them confess to it but Kaitlin is just glad she got them.
Meanwhile at Ziktor industries we see Ziktor talking to a delivery guy, and it turns out he sent the flowers as part of his latest evil scheme then he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar, and Icebot who explain that the flowers they gave Kaitlin are the flowers of evil (not joking) that will destroy her.
Later at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin gets some more flowers, and she others still wonder who sent them then.
Percy shows up claiming he sent them but Kaitlin calls him out by shoving the flowers in his face, and making him sneeze, and Jeb trips him.
Ryan is worried about who’s sending Kaitlin the flowers so he has JB come with him, and the two stakeout the Underground Voice Daily to see who’s delivering the flowers.
After Ryan explains his reasons for being suspicious the two see another delivery, and even JB becomes suspicious so they both follow the delivery van to an empty warehouse where Ryan confronts the delivery men who turn out to be Skugs so he and JB fight them.
JB kicks a Skug while Ryan kicks one, and punches another, then JB, and a Skug fight each other with a flower pot while Ryan fights one with packaging, and decorations.
Then JB kicks a Skug unto some stairs while Ryan kicks one into a trash can, and the Skug he tied up earlier breaks free but Ryan just literally picks it up, and throws it in the trash with the other, and destroys them while finally the Skug JB threw on the stairs jumps back down but JB just kicks him into another, and destroys them.
Ryan, and JB realize what’s going on, and try to warn Kaitlin but she’s already got the next delivery, and Ryan, and JB are too late to stop her from smelling them, and she starts turning blue so they get her to the lab.
At the lab Kaitlin explains she’s feeling tingly, JB explains what’s happening, so the Professor has JB put the flowers in a machine so Jeb can smell them, the Professor identifies them as the flowers of evil but Kaitlin disappears into blue light.
Kaitlin then appears in a weird room surrounded by an electric field then Icebot appears, and explains their evil plan is to use her as bait for a flower like mutant called Pollenbot.
At the lab JB explains they need a fresh example of the flower of evil to make an antidote, and the Professor explains that it grows only in the most dangerous section of the virtual grid so Ryan transforms, and goes after the flower while JB stays to get Kaitlin out of virtual reality.
Ryan then uses the VR Turbo Cycle to find the sector where the flower of evil grows but Toxoid, and two mutants who will later be known as Bugbot, and Wolfbot are waiting for him.
But Ryan spots them, and destroys Bugbot with a kick so Toxoid makes claws come out of his fingers, and makes red veins appear on his arms, and his eyes start glowing red, and he throws a rock to show how strong he is.

Ryan is undaunted however, and tries to use Lighting Hand but Toxoid disappears so he tries a kick but it doesn’t phase Toxoid.
So Ryan tricks him into smelling some more flowers of evil by saying that they’re the flowers of power, and it works.
Then after a brief bit with Kaitlin, and Icebot Toxoid then shoots lasers out of his eyes at Ryan, and breaths fire, and then tries to drown Ryan in a river but then he starts flashing, and his claws disappear, and Ryan pulls him under water, and destroys him with Lighting Hand.
Ryan returns to the lab with a flower, and JB puts it into a machine which turns it into some antidote so JB transforms to rescue Kaitlin while Ryan stays at the lab.
A weird flying squid like mutant tries attack JB but he disintegrates it with his ray gun but Ivar appears, and warns him that if he doesn’t drop his ray gun Kaitlin will be crushed by the force field.
So JB drops ray gun, and Ivar picks it up, and is about to shoot JB when JB pulls out his sword, and knocks the gun out of Ivar’s hand but Ivar makes Pollenbot appearappear who’s really just a great big puffy cloud of fluff that tries to construct JB.
but he fights off Pollenbot, and destroys the force field, and gives Kaitlin the antidote returning her to reality.
Then JB fights Ivar, Pollenbot, and some Skugs in the real world but Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters appear so JB takes the fight to virtual reality.
Then JB uses Techno Bazooka to destroy the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters, and fights Ivar but then Pollennbot appears but JB sucks it into his ray gun then fires Pollenbot back out at Ivar, and destroys Pollenbot with Laser Lance,and returns to the lab and Grimlord once again shames his mutants.
Later at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is fed up with flowers for a while, and Percy shows up with a piece of meat for Kaitlin, and asks for help.
But she already has a story, and Percy wants it thinking it’s good but it turns out to be about backed up sewers.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
Final Thoughts
Honestly this was just another episode I just was not feeling mostly because it ultimately ended up being another damsel in distress episode for Kaitlin.
Which once again wouldn’t be much of an issue if Kaitlin’s Japanese counterpart didn’t transform in the Spielban episode but she did.
Speaking of which Pollenbot was just not a very good monster since on one hand I give it credit for being an unusual design it’s also not what I would want to see in a flower based monster but that’s more of a knock at Spielban.
I did like the fight between Ryan, and Toxoid as well as the one between JB, and Ivar but at the same time I do wish they not had been saved for their own episodes considering the episode Toxoid’s fight was from was part of the same storyline from Metalder as the episode The Disappearance was based on.
While the Spielban episode for this one wasn’t part of it The Great Brain Robbery was also part of a storyline that was the conclusion for Ivar’s counterpart as well.
Another good thing I will say is that except for the the parts with Diana in armor nothing was really taken out from either the Spielban or Metalder episodes.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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