Thursday, October 15, 2015

VR Troopers Episode 29 Danger in The Deep

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Danger in the Deep written by Adam Gilad, and directed by Robert Hughes.
So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad told him that the strongest mind will always surpass the strongest body.
Then we go to a lake where the Troopers are once again riding around on jet skis, and when they are done Ryan says nothing could ruin the day.
And on cue we go to Ziktor industries where Ziktor explains his latest evil scheme to destroy Crossworld City dam, and flood the city so he can make his own one, then hen he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his scheme to his mutants.
Then we go back to the beach where Jeb makes a fire hydrant out of sand and Kaitlin decides to take nature shots, and sees Percy on a rowboat which leads to a comedy bit where Jeb knocks Percy off his boat
Then Kaitlin sees some strange looking men carrying boxes out of a truck but a lifeguard appears and he tells Kaitlin that the water is contaminated
So Kaitlin tells the others, and they all take a sample, and while it looks fine they head to the lab while the lifeguard talks without moving his lips and his eyes glow red.
At the lab the Troopers, and the Professor run a test on the sample of water, and it checks out as fine then they put on their visors, and scan the lake, and don’t find anything except radio waves.
Then Kaitlin mentions the guys carrying crates so they all decide go back to the lake where Kaitlin look for the truck while the others will go under water in scuba gear.
At the beach Ryan, JB are checking their scuba gear when the lifeguard appears, and when JB tells him they checked the water themselves, and it’s clean the lifeguard transforms into an army of Skugs.
Ryan fights off Skugs with a flipper while JB just kicks them but starts using his scuba gear as a weapon as well, and the two knock two Skugs into each other, and destroy them.
Then JB kicks one Skug while Ryan grabs, and punches, and throws another, and finally JB throws his diving goggles and knocks the last two Skugs into each other, and destroys them.
Meanwhile Kaitlin spots someone else getting out of the water but they run away into a truck bed, the truck drives off before she can find out who they are but they leave behind a piece of crate that says dyn on it.
Then Ryan, and JB have their scuba gear on, and go into the lake and they see some recycled Spielban footage from Error in the System of an underwater cave, and when go back to land Kaitlin shows up, and everyone explains to each other what happened.
While at the virtual dungeon Grimlord summons a silver mutant named Shoulderbot so named because one shoulder is a machine gun, and the other is a laser cannon as he demonstrates on some Skugs carrying cardboard cutouts of JB, and Kaitlin in Trooper mode.
At the Underground Voice Daily Ryan, and JB ask Woody for a map, and find out that the place where they found the underwater cave is the most narrow area of the dam, and Kaitlin finds out that the guys in the truck where carrying dynamite.
Then the Troopers all go up to the archives, and talk to the Professor, and that’s when they figure out what’s going on, and go back to the dam.
At the dam the Troopers are, and split up to find the explosives, and the Professor informs them they have 15 minutes to stop the detonation, and Kaitlin runs into some Skugs, and fights them off but then encounters Shoulderbot.
While JB flies around on his fighter bike, and Ryan sees Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers so JB tries to lure them away.
Kaitlin jumps at Shoulderbot who just fires at her with his machine gun, and laser cannon, and then punches, and throws Kaitlin so she calls for help while Air Fighters fire on JB so Ryan looks for the explosives alone.
Kaitlin tries to hurt Shoulderbot with her ray gun but he just grabs the gun out her hands, and break it, and shoots a red laser at Kaitlin, and knocks her off the dam so JB takes the fight to virtual reality where the Air Fighters fire on them so he uses Techno Bazooka.
Ryan then finds the bomb while Shoulderbot fires his machine gun on JB so Kaitlin appears but Shoulderbot fires both of his weapons on both Troopers.
Ryan only has seconds to get rid of the bomb so he gets out of the dam, and throws the bomb, and it explodes harmlessly in the air while Shoulderbot is still firing at JB, and Kaitlin so Kaitlin fires her gun at Shoulderbot, and JB finishes him off with Laser Lance.
While at the virtual dungeon one of the mutants finally says maybe Grimlord’s plan wasn’t all that good but they won’t say who but Grimlord ignores it, and goes back to swearing vengeance on the Troopers.
Later back at the Underground Voice Daily the Troopers are trying to convince Woody to go to the lake when Percy shows up, and pitches the story of the explosives in the dam but Kaitlin already beat him to it, and we get one more comedy bit where Jeb trips Percy.
Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.
Final Thoughts
Today’s episode was another good but not great episode since I liked the idea of it but it seemed weird that it took so long for the Troopers to find out that Grimlord was up to something since it seemed like in previous episodes they figured out stuff like that fairly quick.
I liked Shoulderbot’s design, and powers.
And I can’t think of anything that was cut from the Spielban episode that I wish they left in, and in fact they added stuff again.
Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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