Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 62 Game Over

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Game Over written by Diane Mathers, and directed and Vikie Bronough.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that there’s a balance between work, and play.

We then go to a lake where Ryan, and Kaitlin are fishing with some kids when while we get a comedy bit with Percy.

And JB is working on a virtual reality game that simulates a fight with Grimlord’s mutants to test their skills but unbeknownst to the Troopers one of Grimlord’s Skugs is in the water, and sees them.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor watches what the Skug sees, and once again has been reading the Power Rangers villain playbook because he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his minions to steal the game.

At the lab Ryan, and Kaitlin are playing the game which is a bunch of Spielban footage while JB programs it on his computer, and asks them for ways to improve it, and they say thinks like giants, and being ambushed.

JB then creates a green mutant with pointy ears, red bug eyes, and a claw tipped spear called Gameoid while Oraclon, and Ivar volunteer to steal Gameoid, and make him real.

At Tao dojo Kaitlin is sparring with Tao when JB, and Ryan come in with the newly finished game, and some visors.

And the Troopers play the game until three guys in karate gis show up, randomly turn into Skugs, and multiply.

The Troopers, and Skugs just punch, and kick each other, and the Troopers roundhouse kick the Skugs, and grab their legs when they try to kick back so the Skugs transform into Ultra Skugs.

But Ryan kicks one of the Ultra Skugs into a cabinet, and kicks another Ultra Skug into it destroying them, and Kaitlin, and JB kick two Ultra Skugs into a bench together destroying them but the last Ultra Skug steals JB’s computer so they head to the lab.

At the Dark Fortress Oraclon makes Gameoid real while at the lab the Troopers track JB’s computer to a warehouse so Ryan decides to go over there.

Ryan sees Grimlord’s minions at the warehouse so he transforms, summons the Nitro Cycle, and bursts through a wall.

But Despera shoots him with her scepter, and covers Ryan with green slime, puts chains on him, and traps him in a cage.

Then she shoots him with more lasers, and the slime comes off Ryan, and reforms into Gameoid.
The Professor, and the other Troopers see Ryan on the lab’s monitors so they give him a power boost which enables him to escape the trap, and he fights off Grimlord’s minions.

Gameoid comes after Ryan with his spear but Ryan keeps kicking him, and dodging so Gameoid teleports away.

JB, and Kaitlin transform, and Kaitlin fights Ultra Skugs while JB fights Ivar.
Ryan is still fighting Gameoid who’s grabbed Ryan’s sword with a vine but Ryan slices it off, and goes after Gameoid who teleports away.

Then Grimlord orders the fight be taken to the Indigo Sector where Gameoid shoots lasers from his eyes at Ryan so Ryan shoots his own laser which makes Gameoid shrink.

So Gameoid comes after Ryan with his spear but Ryan destroys him with his laser while JB defeats Ivar, and Kaitlin destroys the Ultra Skugs, and retrieves JB’s computer.

But then Despera appears in the Indigo Sector, and throws her scepter, shoots lasers, and teleports, and Ryan tries to fire his own lasers at her but she retreats, and Ryan is knocked out of the Indigo Sector.

Then the Troopers take the computer to the lab, and JB deprograms it.

While at the Dark Fortress Grimlord once again shames his minions.

We then see the Troopers fishing again while the kids they were fishing with are playing on game boys, and we get one last comedy bit with Percy.

Anyway “I love you dad” The end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was pretty good.

I liked the idea of the Troopers making a fake mutant to test their skills, and Grimlord stealing it, and turning it into a real one.

I also thought that Gameoid was another one of the better Shaider monsters.

I also liked that JB, and Kaitlin got to be in Trooper mode, and that the Troopers fought the Ultra Skugs in this episode.

Really I think my only real gripe was that I would have saved the fight with Despera for a major episode especially since it seemed like they cut a bit from the actual fight with Gameoid.

All in all this episode feels more like how I would have started Season Two after Quest for Power.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 61 Fashion Victims

So remember when I said that after Quest for Power I was doing a four day week because there’s only four regular episodes afterwards before Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass

And I was going to make Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass it’s own special week just for itself, and do one more four day week before going back to my regular schedule?.

Well since I took that month, and a half hiatus when I originally was just going take a couple of weeks tops I looked it up, and there’s only 7 regular episodes after Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass before Grimlord’s Dark Secret.

And afterwards there’s just 17 more regular episodes of VR Troopers.
Anyway my point is while I’m still doing a four day week this week.

Next week is going to be a full week before another four day week, and then three more whole weeks before one more four day week.

Moving on welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Fashion Victims written by Clifford Herbert, and directed and Vikie Brodough.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him about the importance of keeping promises.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Kaitlin is with her friend Andrea who’s a fashion designer, and is making clothes for a design competition.

Andrea explains that she needs models, and after a comedy bit with Percy Kaitlin, and Andrea decide that Kaitlin, and the guys would be perfect.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is back to reading the Power Rangers villain playbook because he’s looking at Andrea’s designs, and decides to transform into Grimlord.

Grimlord then orders Despera, and Oraclon to create a mutant, and they create a silkworm like mutant called Silkoid.

Later at Tao dojo JB practices with a bow staff while Ryan watches when Kaitlin shows up, and tells them what’s going on, and at first they’re reluctant but Kaitlin convinces them to go along.

Meanwhile Andrea is working on her clothes when three women appear, and turn out to be Skugs who then restrain Andrea, and use a device to shoot purple lasers, and put Andrea under Grimlord’s control.

Back at the dojo Ryan gets a call from Tao asking him to teach a class so he tells the others to go without him, and he’ll meet them later.

Then we see a montage of JB, and Kaitlin trying on Andrea’s clothes, and afterwards the Skugs appear in their human forms before changing back, and multiplying.

Kaitlin, and JB just punch, and kick Skugs, and there’s parts with a Skug in a dress, and Skugs using fabric rolls as weapons.

Then the Skugs trap Kaitlin with some fabric, and JB destroys some Skugs before being trapped as well, and Silkoid appears, and cocoons them.

At the Dark Fortress Andrea appears on the monitor, and tells Grimlord that JB, and Kaitlin are prisoners

But he still wants Ryan so he orders her to go after Ryan, and Doom Master, and the Vixens volunteer as back up.

Ryan’s done at the dojo so he goes to Andrea, and sees the cocoons, when Andrea isn’t looking he tries to contact JB, and Kaitlin but can’t.

Then he tries to contact the Professor who also confirms not being able to contact JB, and Kaitlin so Ryan goes outside, but Doom Master and the Vixens are there.

So Ryan transforms, and briefly fights Doom Master, and the Vixens, and shoots lasers at them, they retreat.

Ryan retroforms, and goes back inside, and finds some of Silkoid’s silk so he tells the Professor, and goes to the lab.

At the lab Ryan puts the silk in the analyzer, and the Professor figures out what’s going on, and explains that if they can’t get JB, and Kaitlin out of the cocoons they’ll mutate into silkworm mutants as well.

so Ryan transforms again to fight Silkoid, and free his friends, and summons the Nitro Cycle while Doom Master undoes the brain washing on Andrea, and Silkoid cocoons her but Ryan frees her with his laser.

Ryan briefly fights with Ultra Skugs before fighting Doom Master with his sword, and Silkoid using a giant rose as a weapon, and later fires at everyone with his laser.

Oraclon then sends the fight to a strange dimension called the fractal zone where Silkoid spits webbing at Ryan, and cocoons him but Ryan uses his laser, and escapes.

Oraclon then takes the fight to another dimension called the Indigo Sector where Silkoid is holding a scimitar, and teleports, and turns invisible.

While Ryan is dual wielding his laser gun, and laser saber, and uses his scanner to find Silkoid, his laser gun to bring Silkoid out of hiding, and his laser saber to destroy him freeing the other Troopers from the cocoons.

Ryan helps Andrea, and the others escape while Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Andrea’s studio Andrea reveals she’s made new designs based on the Troopers then we get one last comedy bit with Percy.

Then Ryan once again talks about the moral of the episode.
The end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was okay it was good but not great.

I liked the story, and message, and Silkoid was one of the better looking Shaider monsters, and it’s cool to finally see a Shaider monster after all the buildup of Quest for Power.

My only real gripe was that JB, and Kaitlin didn’t transform at all especially since Andrea got cocooned herself, and the stuff with Andrea being brainwashed felt like it dragged on.

It also didn’t help that even though only one Metal Hero show was used they still cut out stuff from the fight scene with Silkoid but left the one part I probably would take out.

In the end it’s good but not how I would have kicked off the new status quo after Quest for Power.
Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews

VR Troopers Episode 60 Quest For Power part 5

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Quest for Power part five written by Douglas Sloan, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off where we left off with the Troopers, and Ryan’s father trying to make a new virtualizer for Ryan but the crystal is imperfect.

Then the Professor, and Ryan’s father show some Shaider footage of all the powers, and weapons he could have.

Like the lightsaber esque Laser Saber, The VR Shoulder Cannon a laser cannon similar to JB’s Techno Bazooka, the VR Nitro Cycle a flying motorcycle similar to JB’s fighter bike.

And finally the VR Combat Module a tank that splits into a jet, and drill tank like the Battle Cruiser.
At Ziktor industries one of his secretaries informs him that JB, and Kaitlin survived the crash of the Skybase.

So he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his minions to send a mutant after the Troopers so Despera has Oraclon create one.

And Oraclon makes an orb appear in his mouth which Despera takes out, afterwards fly into the walls of the Dark Fortress, and appears on the monitor in the form of a white mutant with a claw for a hand called Irradiator.

At Tao dojo Ryan, and his father are sparing when the Professor contacts them to tell them to come to the lab.

At the lab JB shows them Irradiator so Ryan’s father has JB, and Kaitlin transform, and uses a special virtual enhancement program to upgrade their powers.

Kaitlin jumps, and kicks at the Skugs while JB goes sword to claw with Irradiator when Air Fighters appear so JB takes the fight to virtual reality.

Kaitlin keeps fighting Skugs, and destroys two of them while Irradiator throws JB, and makes guns come out of his shoulder, and fires on JB.

While Ryan, and his father watch at the lab so Ryan, and his father try another virtualizer experiment but it fails.

While at the Dark Fortress Grimlord orders Doom Master, and the Vixens to invade Crossworld City.
JB shoots off Irradiator’s arms with his laser but they come back to life, and attack JB.

But JB slices them with his sword, and decapitates Irradiator but Irradiator is still alive.
Meanwhile Kaitlin still fights Skugs when they transform into Ultra Skugs but Kaitlin still holds own with them.

At the temple Ryan, and his father have another father/son moment when Tao appears, and Ryan, and his father tell Tao they need a special crystal, and he has one.

JB destroys Irradiator with Laser Lance while Kaitlin destroys the Ultra Skugs who have the same weakness as the old ones.

Tao gives Ryan, and his father the crystal while Kaitlin, and JB fight Doom Master, and the Vixens by punching, and kicking them.

Grimlord orders Despera to help Doom Master, and the Vixens so she teleports to where they are, and fires lasers from her scepter at JB, and Kaitlin.

Meanwhile Ryan, and his father have finished the virtualizer, and Ryan finally transforms into Shaider, and we’re treated to some Shaider footage of Ryan fighting Ultra Skugs with his sword.

Ryan summons his spaceship to fire lasers at Grimlord’s minions forcing them to retreat, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Finally at the temple Ryan’s father congratulates the Troopers but Grimlord is still out there, and the Troopers are ready.

Then JB, Kaitlin, and Jeb leave, and Ryan, and his father share one last father/son.

The end.

Final Thoughts.

This whole storyline was pretty good.

I still stand by what I said about how if I could count all of it as single episode I would say it’s my all time favorite.

It’s a great send off to Ryan’s old powers, and Grimlord’s old mutants, and fortress, and great introduction to Ryan’s new powers, and Grimlord’s new mutants, and fortress.

I also liked the part where it genuinely seemed like Ryan was killed before he could escape Grimlord’s dungeon.

I also liked the various father/son my moments between Ryan, and Tyler.

It has problems but there mostly small, and can be chalked up to pacing, and production.

The whole story feels like it could have just been three episodes instead of five since the story is just Grimlord steals Tyler’s knowledge to upgrade his mutants, Ryan, and the others find out, and fight them, Ryan goes to the Virtual Dungeon to rescue his father, and Jeb, and almost gets blown up.

Ryan, and his friends search for Grimlord, and his father, and them in a cave but Kaitlin, and JB get kidnapped, and Ryan has to rescue them, and he rescues his father, and friends but looses his old powers.

Ryan, and the others heal Tyler while Grimlord creates the Dark Fortress, and his new minions, and Tyler makes new powers for Ryan so he can fight them.

I liked the fights with Wolfbot, and Rapidspore in parts 1 and 2, and the one with Irradiator in part 5 but I felt like they both could have been used for stand alone episodes.

Remember how I went on all the time in The Disappearance, Race to the Rescue, and New Kids on the Planet about how I wished they had saved Ryan’s fights for those episodes for a major multi parter.

Well this what I was talking about.

It also bugged me how JB, and Kaitlin spend so much of the first half out of Trooper mode, and they try to overcompensate by having Ryan spend all of part 4 out of Trooper mode

Also for all the build up to Ryan’s new powers it bugged me that they didn’t actually use a Shaider monster to show them off.

Then again I also think if it didn’t have the Shaider stuff, and you edited it to end at part 3, and you included Ivar’s fights from Save the Trees, and Great Brain Robbery, and Icebot’s fight from Littlest
Trooper, and made this the series finale.

Or if they switched around Grimlord stealing Tyler’s knowledge to have it before Defending Dark Heart, and split it up into two two parters with one that’s the first two parts of Defending Dark Heart in the middle of Season One with Dark Heart becoming an ally of the Troopers.

And the other at the end of Season One that’s the last two parts of Defending Dark Heart mixed with the first half of this episode.

And then the second half be the Season Two premiere.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 59 Quest For Power part 4

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Quest for Power part four written by Douglas Sloan , and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off where we left off with the Troopers trying to revive Ryan’s father but nothing is working, and the Professor explains that physically Ryan’s father is okay but he can’t access his own memories.

So Jeb suggests going to Tao for help, and the Troopers agree so they tell Tao they need help, and he agrees.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor’s secretaries give him the fully charged prism of empowerment, and has his secretaries destroy his old power orb.

Then he uses the prism to create his new Dark Fortress which a flying shark like spaceship, and then Ziktor uses the prism to transform into Grimlord.

Grimlord then shoots a beam that creates a woman in a white dress with an Egyptian style head dress, and a scepter who calls herself Despera.

Then Despera shoots electricity from her scepter which brings a face on the wall behind Grimlord to life as a supercomputer/genie called Oraclon.

And Oraclon in turn shoots lasers that create Ultra Skugs, a man dressed in black, and red scorpion themed armor called Doom Master, and a group of women warriors in various different colored outfits called Vixens.

Then the Troopers take Ryan’s father to Tao who opens a bookcase door, and takes everyone to his secret meditation room.

Then Tao puts some herbs, and a giant purple crystal on Tyler, and tells everyone to think happy thoughts, and that fixes Tyler.

Then we go to the temple where Ryan has his “my dad taught me/I miss my dad” moments, and shares a long overdue father son moment when they remember Grimlord, and immediately start working on new VR Trooper powers for Ryan.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord orders his minions to destroy the other Troopers, and Oraclon recommends sending in Grimstars new manta ray shaped spaceships to do the job, and Grimlord agrees.

The Troopers, and Ryan’s father are still working on Ryan’s new powers when the lab’s alarms sense the Grimstars so JB, and Kaitlin transform to fight them.

The Grimstars fire on the Skybase with lasers so JB fires missiles, and destroys one but the others keep firing so Ryan’s father tells them to retreat but they can’t escape, and the communication goes out.

Ryan’s father tries to reestablish communication while JB destroys the Grimstars with more missiles but the damage is done, and the Skybase crashes.

JB, and Kaitlin teleport back to the lab okay but the Skybase is trashed but Ryan, and his father have finished his new powers with only one thing missing: the virtualizer.

Meanwhile Grimlord is confident that nothing stands between him, and final control of reality.

To be continued.

VR Troopers Episode 58 Quest For Power part 3

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Quest for Power part three written by Douglas Sloan , and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off where we left off with JB, and Kaitlin looking for any trace left of Ryan or Jeb when they see Ryan, and Jeb emerge from the rubble of the Virtual Dungeon.

Then Ryan, and Jeb return to the lab, and Ryan wonders if they found any trace of his dad but JB says no.

But Ryan decides to go to where they can get a better scan of both realities, and the other Troopers join him.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor’s secretaries are fighting over who’s in charge of the virtual army now that Grimlord’s gone.

But then Grimlord himself appears on the monitor, and reveals he’s in a temporary base until his new Dark Fortress is complete.

And he uses what’s left of his old mutants to destroy Ryan but needs to get all the Troopers to his lair.

The Troopers are still looking for clues when they pick up a signal coming from a nearby cave.
While Grimlord, and Icebot have finished the last brain draining session, and Icebot is already using it to new, and improved mutants.

Grimlord has him send them after the Troopers who arrive at the front of the cave to find plants that turn out to be Skugs.

The Skugs wave their hatchets around but the Troopers just punch, and kick them, and Kaitlin knocks one into a flower pot, and kicks another Skug into it destroying them.

Then JB also knocks a couple of Skugs into each other but Grimlord via campfire orders Icebot to enhance the Skugs’ powers.

Then the last two Skugs put their hands in front of each other, and transform into Miraclers from Shaider, and when the Troopers to fight them off they kidnap Kaitlin, and JB.

Then Ryan contacts the Professor who explains what’s going on, and tells Ryan to come to the lab.
While the new Ultra Skugs take JB, and Kaitlin, and put them on weird metal crosses with Tyler Steele on a third one.

At the lab the Professor explains what’s going on, and explains that the technology from Ryan’s father has upgraded Grimlord’s mutants to the point that if Ryan keeps fighting them he could lose his powers forever but Ryan still has to save his friends, and his father.

Meanwhile JB, and Kaitlin try to talk to Ryan’s father but it seems like the brain draining has left him a vegetable.

Then Grimlord explains his plan which is to use a laser cannon which will move back, and forth, and slowly down until it decapitates JB, Kaitlin, and Tyler like a laser pendulum, and starts the device.

At the lab Ryan says fuck it, and decides to transform, and the Professor lets him but only if he recharges his powers first.

The laser pendulum swings closer to Ryan’s father, and friends but Ryan’s powers have finished charging, and he teleports to Grimlord’s temporary base.

The heads of various past mutants keep flying into Ryan, and exploding draining his powers but Ryan doesn’t give up.

Then a cape falls down, and turns into Decimator who comes after Ryan with his sword so Ryan kicks him but it turns out to be an illusion which the Professor explains all of the Mutants Ryan’s been fighting have been.

So Ryan pulls out a knife, and throws it at the Decimator, and Decimator disappears into nothingness.
Then Grimlord himself appears, and picks up Ryan, and throws him with electricity, and then attacks Ryan with tentacles.

Then Grimlord tells Ryan he’s rigged his temporary base to explode, and his throne levitates, and Grimlord escapes.

Ryan searches for his father, and friends but his powers are giving out, and the laser pendulum is coming down on his friends, and father.

Ryan’s powers finally give out but he finds his friends, and father, deactivates the laser pendulum, frees everyone, and everyone escapes the cave before it explodes.

But alas Ryan’s virtualizer starts glowing, and when he pulls it out it disintegrates into powder confirming that Ryan’s lost his powers.

At the lab attempts to revive Ryan’s father from his current state have failed, and Ryan is distraught over the whole thing.

While elsewhere Grimlord now having a new American costume since the show finally used up all the Metalder footage, and he brags about how the worst is yet to come

To be continued.

VR Troopers Episode 57 Quest For Power part 2

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Quest for Power part two written by Douglas Sloan , and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off where we left off with Grimlord, and Icebot still draining the knowledge from Ryan’s father with only one more session before they have while back at the lab the Troopers don’t know what to do to save Ryan’s father.

Ryan decides that the only solution is to go into Grimlord’s dungeon directly but JB informs him that Grimlord’s dungeon has a human DNA sensor so only mutants can enter.

Then Ryan asks the Professor of he, and his father had anything that could help, and the Professor tells them to check the archives at Crossworld University, and the Troopers check it out.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon the mutants are worried about being scrapped in favor of new mutants when Grimlord appears, and summons Icebot who informs Grimlord that he’s upgraded Wolfbot with more of Tyler’s knowledge, and Grimlord orders him to destroy Ryan.

Back at the archives there’s a brief comedy bit/heartwarming bit where the Troopers find an old baby picture of Ryan.

Then they find a book that contains the blueprints for the VR Trooper technology when the Professor contacts them to tell them about Wolfbot so JB, and Kaitlin take the book, and Ryan transforms to fight Wolfbot.

Wolfbot jumps at Ryan a bunch of times but Ryan keeps kicking him, and throwing him, then they jump down and Wolfbot jumps out of a building but Ryan kicks him again.

At the Virtual Dungeon Icebot reveals that Wolfbot has a new weapon, and we see a spider like flying creature detach from Wolfbot, and shoot webbing at Ryan.

Meanwhile Grimlord has Air Striker, and Fighterbot attack JB, and Kaitlin while Ryan uses Lighting Hand on Wolfbot but Wolfbot is revived by the spider creature.

Then the spider creature shoots webbing at Ryan so he dodges but this leaves him open to attacks from Wolfbot so Ryan destroys the spider creature with Lighting Hand which also destroys Wolfbot causing him to melt into green slime.

Back at the lab JB tells Ryan that the blueprints don’t have anything that can help so Jeb volunteers to sneak into Grimlord’s dungeon, and while the Troopers debate this Jeb says he’s going to the bathroom.

But really he looks for the nearest portal to virtual reality, and goes directly to Grimlord’s dungeon but he still sets off the alarm, and Skugs chase after him.

Back at the lab the Troopers figure out what happened to Jeb, and after a lengthy comedy bit the Skugs capture Jeb, and Ryan transforms by himself to rescue Jeb.

Ryan finds the portal Jeb used, and goes into Grimlord’s dungeon while the Skugs put Jeb in the same cell as Tyler and Grimlord decides to destroy his own dungeon with Ryan inside.

Ryan then appears in Grimlord’s dungeon where Grimlord has Slashbot attack Ryan with his sword while Grimlord rigs his dungeon to explode in a few minutes.

Ryan punches Slashbot, and destroys him with Lighting Hand while the Skugs take Tyler Steele, and Ryan finds Jeb, and debates searching for his father or escaping the dungeon before deciding on the latter.

Ryan tries to escape but Grimlord’s dungeon explodes seemingly destroying Ryan, and there’s an admittedly tear jerking part where JB, and Kaitlin debate looking for Ryan.

And they admit that they knew there were risks when they became VR Troopers but they didn’t think anything like that would happen.

To be continued.

VR Troopers Episode 56 Quest For Power part 1

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Quest for Power part one written by Douglas Sloan , and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan just talks about missing his dad, and how he hopes to find him.

We then go to Tao dojo where the dojo is having a father/son day which reminds Ryan of his situation with his own father.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor is looking at a prism which he explains will give him the knowledge that he needs to take over the world.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and has Skugs tie Ryan’s father up with ropes made out of electricity while Grimlord shows him some Shaider footage.

Grimlord further explains his plans to steal the knowledge from Ryan’s father to make new, and improved mutants, and vehicles.

Meanwhile at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is taking pictures of some models when Ryan, and JB show up.

Kaitlin explains that the paper now has a new section called Crossworld Style that talks about fashion, and sports, and Kaitlin is the new editor with her own office.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and Icebot begin draining the knowledge from Tyler Steele, and only stop so it doesn’t cause permanent damage.

Then Skugs take Tyler to his cell, and when no one’s looking he pulls out a device, and tries to send out an SOS.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily there’s a comedy bit where Percy tries to put the moves on Kaitlin’s models when Jeb humiliates him.

Then the Troopers get a message from the Professor telling them to go to the lab while back at the Virtual Dungeon a mutant catches Tyler, and Decimator informs Grimlord about it, and Grimlord orders him to destroy the Troopers.

The Troopers are driving to the lab when they are stopped by a tree branch, and try to move but can’t, and when they go back to the car are ambushed by Skugs.

The Troopers just punch, kick, and flip Skugs while Jeb uses the car’s door, and windshield wipers to hit Skugs, then the Skugs try to grab Kaitlin, and Ryan but they get the Skugs off.

Kaitlin kicks some Skugs into each other while the other Troopers trick the last of the Skugs into knocking into each other, and go back to the car.

At the lab the Professor shows them Tyler’s message but it’s scrambled but JB unscrambles it, and Tyler explains Grimlord’s plan.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord has just finished another knowledge draining session, and orders Icebot to use what they’ve drained so far to upgrade Wolfbot from The Transmutant, and Couch Potato Kid, and Rapidspore the mutant that attacked Percy in Defending Dark Heart, and wants them to destroy the Troopers.

Back at the lab the Troopers are trying to trace Tyler’s message when the Battle Grid alert goes off but it’s just the lab detecting Wolfbot, and Rapidspore so Ryan, and JB transform to deal with them.

Wolfbot tries to grab Ryan but Ryan throws him so Wolfbot fires his claws but Ryan blocks them so Wolfbot slashes Ryan with his claws but Ryan just punches, and kicks him so Wolfbot jumps up into a tree.

JB searches for Rapidspore who just blinds him with gas while Skugs attack JB so Kaitlin transforms to help him.

Wolfbot jumps back down, and tries to bite Ryan who just punches him off show Wolfbot tries to slash Ryan again but Ryan knocks his claws off with a karate chop so Wolfbot keeps attacking but Ryan keeps punching, and kicking so Wolfbot retreats.

JB takes the fight with Rapidspore to virtual reality where Rapidspore keeps attacking with toxic gas, and transforms into a starfish like creature, and grabs JB, and electrocutes him.

But JB manages to get Rapidspore off, and uses his scanner to find Rapidspore’s weak spot, and destroys Rapidspore with Laser Lance.

Back at the lab the Troopers talk about how hard to defeat Grimlord’s mutants were when Grimlord himself shows up on the lab’s monitor, and shows Ryan’s father in the midst of another knowledge draining session.

To be continued.

VR Troopers Episode 55 Secret Power

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Secret Power written by Margo McCahon, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about the time his dad taught him that everyone has a secret power that helps us do things we never thought we could.

We then go to Taoc dojo which is hosting a neighborhood talent when the Troopers notice a boy named Travis who looks sad, and Travis explains that he doesn’t think he’s talented.

And when Ryan tells him he can dance good he admits he just has stage fright, and the Troopers just tell him to do the show anyway, and that everyone gets stage fright, and it works.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is explaining his latest evil scheme, to steal power from Crossworld City, and break through the reality barrier.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Icebot who further explains that he plans to put two sonic pulse devices one in the power plant the other in the north pole to open the reality barrier.

Then Grimlord orders Ivar to protect the pulse devices, and Decimator recommends sending in The Magician to as well, and The Magician, and some Mutant Skugs appear, and Grimlord agrees to send them out as well.

We then go back to Tao dojo where Travis is practicing his dancing but can’t get it, and the Troopers encourage him to keep going, and we get a comedy bit where Percy sings a song poorly.
Then we some Spielban footage of Icebot in the Air Castle ordering Skugs in American footage to activate the pulse devices.

Meanwhile at Tao dojo Travis is still struggling with his dancing so Ryan explains what he said at the temple when the star going out, and Ryan sees Jeb holding his ears because of a loud noise only he can hear when everyone in the dojo hears it as well, and Ryan decides to take Jeb to the lab.

Air Striker sees Ryan driving Kaitlin’s car so he informs The Magician, and the Mutant Skugs who run through the forest following him when Ryan sees them, and gets out of the car but the Mutant Skugs grab him with ropes, and electrocute him so he transforms.

Ryan then uses the ropes to throw the Mutant Skugs who fire laser needles but Ryan dodges, and the laser needles hit the Mutant Skugs instead so they use their double edged spear swords but Ryan blocks them, and punches, and kicks the Mutant Skugs, and grabs a pair, and throws destroying them, and leaving Ryan to deal with The Magician.

Back with Icebot the pulse devices are still working, and at Tao dojo a flower pot breaks, and Kaitlin turns on the radio explaining what’s happening so they sneak off to contact Ryan, and the Professor but their communicators aren’t working.

Ryan has turned back into Brad Hawkins, and asks Jeb how he is when another vibration hits while Grimlord orders Icebot to set the vibrations to maximum.

The vibration hits Tao dojo as well so Kaitlin, and JB head to the lab where everyone explains everything to each other, and the Troopers decide to transform with Ryan going to the power plant, and Kaitlin, and JB going to the north pole.

JB, and Kaitlin find one of the pulse devices in a glacier while Ryan jump kicks The Magician who tries to attack with twin daggers but Ryan blocks them, and punches, and kicks him.
So The Magician throws one of his daggers, and turns the other into a spear.

JB, and Kaitlin see some Skugs on snow skis, and follow them to their base which sets off the alarm, and the Skugs go after them.

Meanwhile The Magician tries to hit Ryan with his spear but Ryan dodges it, and uses it to throw The Magician, and uses Lighting Hand but The Magician teleports away.

So Ryan uses his scanner to find The Magician, and throws the spear but The Magician catches it, and attacks Ryan with it but Ryan once again grabs it, and throws The Magician, and follows up with another Lighting Hand which this time destroys The Magician.

JB, and Kaitlin escape from the Skugs, and summon the Skybase while Ryan destroys the pulse device at the power plant while Kaitlin, and JB destroy the one at the north pole with missiles, and Grimlord once again shames his minions for failure, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the dojo the talent show is underway, and Travis is the final act, and at first he’s nervous but JB, and Kaitlin remind him of today’s message, and he does his act, and everyone likes it.

Then we get one last comedy bit with Percy singing badly, and Jeb pulling out his microphone, and dragging it.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode continues the trend of good but not great.

I would joke that the only good thing is that I didn’t have to watch any Metal Hero shows today but if anything I think it’s the other way around.

I like the story with Travis, and I think it has a good message, and I like the main story with Grimlord trying to break the reality barrier, as well as the American footage of Skugs in the north pole since it reminded me of what I wanted them to do with virtual reality to tell it from the real world.

My only problem is that as much as I like the Magician, and his fight scenes I’ve already seen them, plus it doesn’t help that I would have rather had a Metalder monster who got a bad episode in here.

I also thought it dragged out in parts like it should have taken the Troopers less time than it did for them to go to the lab, and the fight with the Mutant Skugs seems like it was just put there as a placeholder for a regular Skug battle.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 54 Trooper Out of Time

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Trooper Out of Time written by Mark Litton, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about the time his dad taught him to be prepared for anything.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where the paper is hosting a school’s career day, and Woody asks Percy to get him coffee leading to a comedy bit where Percy tries to put some water in the coffee machine, and messes it up.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is talking to Strickland who is carrying a really big crystal which he explains is a time machine, and Ziktor gets an idea.

After a brief bit where the Troopers ask some kids what they want to be when they grow up Strickland shows Ziktor a communicator he can talk to him on, and Ziktor explains his plan for Strickland to go back, and destroy Ryan as a little boy.

Then Strickland uses the device, and winds up at the temple where Ryan does his “My dad taught me/I miss you dad” monologues where not too far off young Ryan is playing basketball with his father, a little boy who looks like he could be JB, and two other boys.

Meanwhile in the present the Professor summons the Troopers, and after a brief comedy bit with Percy the Professor explains everything at the lab, and even shows them what’s happening.

And despite seeing Ziktor on the visors the Troopers first thought is to build their own time machine with JB volunteering to build it, Kaitlin volunteering to get the crystal, and the Professor giving Kaitlin a device to find it.

Kaitlin goes to a cave where the crystals are, and sees some researchers digging for crystals, and when Kaitlin asks them who they are they transform into Skugs.

After Kailtin and the Skugs all backflip the Skugs try to swing kick Kaitlin but she just leg sweeps them, and elbows them.

Then Kaitlin punches, and kicks the Skugs but one grabs her, and flips her but she flips it backs, and then flips over the other Skugs into it as well destroying them.

Kaitlin then finds the crystal so Grimlord appears in the Virtual Dungeon, and summons Ivar who.decides to use a shark themed sword wielding mutant called Sharkfin to destroy the Troopers.

At the lab the Troopers have finished building the time machine when a reality break occurs so Ryan tells the others to take care of Sharkfin while he goes back in time so they transform, and go into the Skybase.

Back in the past Strickland sees young Ryan by himself and tells him that he knows his father but when Ryan asks him for the secret password he figures out what’s going on, and escapes.

While at the lab Ryan goes back in time and the Professor explains tjat it burned out the crystal so they need a new one while Ryan finds his younger self.

Kaitlin, and JB find a cave that has more crystals so Kaitlin goes down in the Battle Cruiser while JB uses the Fighter Bike, and when JB goes into the cave he finds Sharkfin who attacks JB with his sword.

But JB kicks him, and Kaitlin gets out, and helps him but Sharkfin attacks her as well so JB grabs Sharkfin while Kaitlin looks for more crystals but encounters Skugs instead.

After a brief bit where Ryan sees his younger self deal with a bully JB, and Kaitlin are still fighting Sharkfin, and the Skugs when Quantum Cruisers, and Jet Fighters fire on them so JB uses the Techno Bazooka to destroy them.

Then Sharkfin throws a boomerang, and some electricity at JB, and then they hit each other with their swords until JB finishes off Sharkfin with Laser Lance.

Back in the past Ryan finds Strickland who transforms into an army of Skugs so Ryan tells his younger self to run but Skugs grab him but young Ryan kicks them away while Ryan punches, and kicks a few Skugs into each other then rescues his younger, and tells him to leave.

But young Ryan goes back to help his older self but during the fight young Ryan gets hurt so Ryan finishes off the Skugs, and Ryan’s father comes back, and young Ryan is okay but he doesn’t remember the Skugs, and Ryan’s father thanks him but Ryan leaves before things can get weird.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin put the only crystals they could find in the time machine, and bring Ryan back while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord wants another attempt at destroying Ryan but Icebot tells him all the crystals are destroyed so he swears vengeance on the Troopers.

The Troopers return to the Underground Voice Daily where we get one last comedy bit with Percy, and Woody.

Anyway “I miss you dad the end”.

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was another good but not great one.

I liked the idea of Grimlord sending one of his minions back in time to destroy Ryan when he was a kid, and Ryan having to go back, and save himself, and I thought Sharkfin was a cool monster.

My only problem is that it feels like the actual part where Ryan is back in time drags on longer than it should, and as a consequence Ryan the main character of the show spends the entire episode out of armor.

It also doesn’t have the excuse of yesterday’s episode of having to use up what’s left of Metalder since they were still using Spielban after this so it all feels wasted especially since I can think of a gazillion episodes where JB, and Kaitlin could have fought a monster but didn’t.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 53 Mutant Mutiny

All right first things first I wanted to get my final thoughts on Season One done first but real life, and general laziness got in the way, and I want to just go straight to Season Two.

Anyway welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Mutant Mutiny written by Michael Ryan, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about the time his dad taught him about loyalty, and obedience.

We then go to Tao dojo where the Troopers are practicing karate when Tao comes in explaining that his family is having a family reunion in China but a plane ticket costs a thousand dollars.

The Troopers try to think of a way to help, and in comes a guy named Artie who wants them to advertise his own dojo for a thousand dollars.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor is signing a contract that will give him ownership of another building in Crossworld City when he notices green slime on his desk so he transforms into Grimlord, and asks which of his mutants has invaded reality without his permission.

The Troopers are still confused about if they should take Artie’s offer while Toxoid explains that he figured out that the green slime means that Amphibidor a frog like mutant is to blame so two gunbots go to confront Amphibidor who’s busy planning to take over virtual reality.

Grimlord confronts Amphibidor who swears he’s still loyal so Grimlord has him fight another mutant, and Toxoid chooses Dream Master.

Dream Master tries to use his chain but Amphibidor melts into green slime so Dream Master uses electricity but Amphibidor just reforms, and absorbs it so Grimlord orders Amphibidor to destroy the

At the lab Ryan explains the situation to the Professor when a reality break occurs so Ryan calls the other Troopers who are closer but Amphibidor blocks them with his slime.

The Professor explains about Amphibidor, and his plan to take over virtual reality while JB, and Kaitlin decide to take some slime, and analyze it when they see two phone workers who turn out to be Skugs.

First the Skugs, and the Troopers just swing kick each other then JB, and Kaitlin flip some Skugs over, then the Troopers just punch, and kick the Skugs while Kaitlin Kaitlin kicks one into the van, and JB knocks a few into a pole destroying the Skugs.

Ryan sees Amphibidor, and decides to transform, and they both grab at each other but Ryan keeps flipping Amphibidor over.

So Amphibidibor spits acid foam but Ryan dodges, and slices Amphibidor but some of Amphibidor’s foam is in his circuits which at first just makes him angry, and throw Amphibidor again but then his circuits malfunction.

The Professor informs the other Troopers about what’s going on so Kaitlin transforms her car into flight mode but Air Striker attacks while Amphibidor’s foam makes Ryan walk off a cliff.

The other Troopers find Ryan, and take him to the lab to repair him, and analyze the foam while Grimlord orders Amphibidor to bring Ryan’s armor as proof of victory.

At Tao dojo Tao practices karate when Artie shows up with a fruit basket for the Troopers while the Professor has found an antidote to the foam but Amphibidor is back so JB, and Kaitlin transform.

While JB, and Kaitlin go into the Skybase Amphibidor’s foam makes Ryan get up, and go to where Amphibidor is but when Amphibidor grabs Ryan it wakes him up from the trance but Amphibidor keeps grabbing him.

Grimlord orders Cannon Nose, and Balistix to destroy Ryan, and Amphibidor but JB, and Kaitlin destroy them instead, and all it does is give Ryan enough time to throw Amphibidor a bunch of times before destroying him with Lighting Hand..

Then there’s a funny bit where Ryan says Grimlord’s not going to like it when it cuts to Grimlord actually being happy that Amphibidor is destroyed, and that he’ll destroy the Troopers anyway.

At Tao dojo the Troopers are about to explain everything to Tao when they see that Tao worked out a compromise where he does Artie’s advertising while Artie opens his dojo in another city.

Anyway “I miss you dad the end”.

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was another one of those good but not great ones.

On one hand it feels like how I feel a lot of Season One episodes should have been like.

It has a good message that’s executed well, the a plot, and the b plot tie in well without feeling forced, Kaitlin, and JB are allowed to do stuff even if it only uses a Metalder episode, there’s cool fight scenes, and nothing is cut from the Metalder episode that I would have left in.

On the other hand it’s supposed to be how they start Season Two, and the only thing that shows it is that Kaitlin has different hair now.

The plot is interesting but the Metalder episode they used didn’t allow much, in my opinion the upcoming Knighttime arc, and The Great Brain Robbery do a better job with it.

And sadly it exists solely to use up the last bit of Metalder footage aside from the first half of Quest for Power.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers reviews

VR Troopers Episode 52 Rise of the Red Python part 2

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Rise of the Red Python part two written by, and directed and Douglass Sloan.

So we start off where we left off with Kaitlin still damaged, and the other Troopers, and the Professor unable to repair her.

Meanwhile Amy is practicing karate in a park while Ziktor watches, and gloats, then transforms into Grimlord, and tells his mutants that he wants to destroy JB next.

Back at the lab the Troopers figure out that Red Python is a VR Trooper like them so the Professor runs a separation program to find out who she is.

Ryan decides to take Kaitlin’s damaged part to Poindexter while Red Python invades reality so JB transforms.

Red Python fires a laser from her dagger so JB fires his own laser but it doesn’t phase her so Red Python attacks with her dagger while JB fights back with his saber.

Grimlord orders Air Striker to fire on Ryan who escapes but a car appears out of nowhere, and transforms into an army of Skugs.

The Skugs circle Ryan but he kicks, punches, and throws them, and quickly destroys two Skugs, and only has a slightly harder time with the other two but he destroys them as well.

Meanwhile JB tries to fight Red Python but she keeps teleporting but then she overheats so Grimlord orders Icebot to take the fight to virtual reality where JB and Red Python keep fighting but Red Python overheats again so she retreats.

At Poindexter’s lab Ryan asks Poindexter for a replacement part, and he has one while at Tao dojo we get a comedy bit where Jeb has a party when Tao isn’t looking.

Back at the lab Ryan gives JB the part, and he repairs Kaitlin who transforms back, and wakes up, and the others explain everything to her while at Tao dojo Amy passes out so Jeb tries to contact the Troopers.

The Troopers decide to go to Tao dojo when the lab’s computer reveals Amy is the Red Python while at the Virtual Dungeon Icebot informs Grimlord that Red Python could self destruct if she keeps fighting but he just decides to send her into battle anyway hoping that she will still destroy the Troopers.

Then Amy wakes up, and goes apeshit on the dojo, and leaves just before the Troopers arrive, and get a fax from the Professor explaining everything.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord orders Ivar to send his entire army through the reality barrier so the Professor informs the Troopers, and they transform.

JB tries to reason with Red Python but she still attacks him while Ryan fights Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers with the Skybase, and Kaitlin destroys Ivar’s ravage tank.

JB still tries to reason with Red Python who still tries to fight him but then she overheats, and transforms back into Amy so the Troopers take her back to the lab while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At the lab the Troopers undo Grimlord’s brainwashing, and remove the Red Python powers, and Amy is glad to be back to normal then at Tao dojo the Troopers dressed in karate gis that match their trooper colors give Amy an orange belt.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was pretty good.

I liked Amy both as herself since it seemed like she had potential had the show gone with the original idea from Spielban and made her a fourth Trooper.

Like if I could I would somehow make this episode a three parter where it’s mostly like what we did get but in part three Amy becomes the fourth Trooper

Though we’ll have to wait until Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass before I can fully elaborate on why.

Also her whole plot with being a vet, and having a mother make me wonder if she wasn’t originally supposed to be Danielle from Endangered Species at some point before they decided to make her a different character.

Still she seemed like an interesting character, and it would have been interesting to see a Power Rangers esque show where the token “Evil Ranger who becomes a good guy” was a woman.

And as the Red Python since I actually liked how they adapted the Helvira arc from Spielban, and in my opinion almost improved on it.

Especially since in Spielban this was a lengthy storyline that spanned over nine episodes before it was resolved.

And yet the only thing I think they took out that I would have kept in was the part from the Spielban episode Littlest Trooper was based on where she fought along side Icebot’s counterpart.

And even then I would have just found a way to just have the parts with Helvira, and save the parts without Helvira for when I killed off Icebot.

Then again I’m also tempted to wish they hadn’t used Cobrot in Kaitlin’s Front just so they could have made her Red Python’s monster form.

I still thought she had a neat design with her red, and black body, silver mouth, and red eyes she almost looks more like an evil version of a Battle Grid Trooper if she was wearing full armor.

I also liked that they also gave her a transformation that seemed like a Battle Grid transformation for when she transformed into Red Python.

I also liked that they kept the idea from The Battle Begins, and Defending Dark Heart that the Troopers Trooper modes are separate robot bodies that merge with their real ones, and if they get damaged they have to be repaired as robots before they can transform back into people.

I think my only real nitpicks are that oddly enough in both parts it feels like the beginnings drag on forever, and because of that the second halves suffer.

Like I felt that they could have hurried more to having Amy get turned into Red Python, and fighting the Troopers.

I also thought that the sub plot with Kaitlin being damaged dragged on a bit.

And the Skug fight, and the stuff with Air Striker, as well as the comedy bit with Jeb from part two all felt like stuff that could have been removed without hurting anything

Other than that it was a terrific story, and a great way to end Season One.

When I come back my overall thoughts on Season One, and then a week off, and when I come back we’ll start Season Two.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 51 Rise of The Red Python part 1

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and first things first for the next few weeks my schedule is going to be weird since not only is this the end of Season One but when I start Season Two there’s a lot of multi parter episodes.

And they all come out at weird points in the show that make it hard to fit them into my regular five episodes a week schedule, and get them done in one week.

So my solution is that I will do both parts of Rise of The Red Python, and my overall thoughts on Season One as a whole.

Then I’ll take the rest of the week off, and the next week off.

Then when I get back I’ll do the first three episodes of Season Two as their own week.

After that I’ll have a regular week again to talk about Quest for Power but then the week after that will only have four episodes followed by a special two day week for Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass.

Then another four day week, and finally my schedule will go back to normal for the remainder of Season Two until maybe the final two episodes.

Anyway today we are looking at Rise of the Red Python written by, and directed and Douglass Sloan.
So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him about making new friends.

We then go to a park where Ryan, and JB are sparing, and afterwards a young boy tells them that there’s a cat stuck in a tree so Ryan rescues it, and when he gives to the boy who says it’s not his so Ryan, and JB think of where to take the cat.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor asks one of his secretaries if Icebot is done, and she doesn’t know so he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Icebot who explains that thanks to technology stolen from Tyler Steele he has created his own VR Trooper called The Red Python but like the Troopers it needs a human host to wear the armor.

Meanwhile Ryan, and JB take the cat to the shelter where they meet a young woman named Amy who works as a veterinarian, and has just moved to town, and is interested in learning martial arts so Ryan, and JB take her to the dojo, and show her some moves.

But unbeknownst to the Troopers a Skug is spying on them, and Ziktor decides that Amy would be the perfect choice for the Red Python.

Amy shows the Troopers, and Jeb around the animal shelter, and a man, his girlfriend, and some bodyguards show up, and ask if the shelter has a python, and when Amy says it doesn’t the man, his girlfriend, and the bodyguards turn out to be Skugs.

The Troopers, and the Skugs both do a bunch of backflips, and punches, and kicks while one of the Skugs kidnaps Amy, and when the Troopers destroy the Skugs they try to find Amy, and suspect that Grimlord may be involved.

At the Virtual Dungeon Amy is trapped in the same force field Keith was in in Fiddler on the Loose, and Grimlord shoots a red laser that gives Amy an evil version of one of the Troopers’ visors, and shows her some Spielban footage of The Red Python to brainwash her.

While at the lab the Troopers can’t find Amy but the Professor reminds them that some parts of virtual reality are blocked from their scanners.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord transforms Any into The Red Python, and has her demonstrate her powers which include teleportation, and shooting lasers from her dagger like weapon by fighting Skugs.

But she overheats and Grimlord wonders what’s wrong but Icebot thinks she has to get used to her new powers.

Amy then teleports back to the animal shelter back to her old self but she doesn’t remember anything, and the animals all of a sudden don’t like her.

Then she runs into Ryan who takes her back to the dojo while Grimlord orders Ivar to transform Amy into Red Python, and during a karate practice Amy starts to feel strange, and she goes to the bathroom, and transforms into Red Python against her will.

Kaitlin shows up, and looks for Amy but can’t find her while the Professor tells them to come to the lab, and when they do he tells them another mutant is attacking so they all transform.

Red Python slashes JB, and Kaitlin with her dagger while Air Striker fires on them so Ryan summons the Turbo Cycle to lure Air Striker away but Red Python damages Kaitlin so JB has to use the Fighter Bike to rescue her.

At the lab Ryan, and JB try to repair Kaitlin but she’s too damaged while Grimlord congratulates Amy for destroying Kaitlin.

To be continued.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 50 Message from Space

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Message from Space written by, Margo McCahon and directed by Robert Hughes.
So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that with hope, and hard work you can accomplish anything.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Woody is using a model train to give everyone weird snacks ending with him, and Percy fighting over the controls, and Percy breaking the train.

Then the Troopers get a message from the Professor so they sneak over to the archives when no one’s looking, and the Professor tells them that they have a message from Dr. Monroe a NASA scientist who says that when they reestablished contact with an old satellite they got a message from Ryan’s father in the Virtual Dungeon, and that he wants to meet the Troopers, and the Professor personally to show them the message.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor himself intercepts the message from Tyler, and decides to have his secretary kidnap Dr. Monroe just to be a dick to Ryan, and then he transforms into Grimlord, and orders a black grim reaper themed mutant with a scythe for a hand named Skullbot to destroy Ryan.

The Troopers wait for Dr. Monroe’s train to arrive, and Ryan is nervous about what the message could be, and Dr. Monroe’s train arrives the Troopers go to see him but he’s quickly abducted by Skugs.

So JB asks some random guy who looks like Breckin Meyer (though considering when this came out, and that Jaime Kennedy was almost on this show that could very well be him but don’t quote me on that) to borrow a motorcycle.

JB briefly turns into Hako from Metalder, and in just a few minutes proves everything I said about Ghost Biker, and chases after the Skugs, and Skullbot but Air Striker, and Fighterbot fire on him, and he makes it out okay but he loses the Skugs so Ryan transforms.

Ryan finds the car the Skugs, and Dr. Monroe were in empty by a warehouse so Ryan goes in, and sees Skullbot holding Dr. Monroe hostage. Then Skullbot cuts Dr. Monroe, and he and Ryan jump up, and down a bunch of times then Skullbot makes knives come out of his feet, and jumps at Ryan with them

But Ryan dodges, and punches Skullbot who disappears, and Ryan finds out that the Dr. Monroe Skullbot attacked was just a robot, and the real one is trapped in another warehouse while Skugs play hot potato with his briefcase.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and Skullbot go over how the briefcase Ryan has is a bomb, and Ryan’s more concerned about the briefcase then the fact that Dr. Monroe was a robot.

But thankfully JB, and Kaitlin have common sense, and convince Ryan to use a bomb disposal robot to open the briefcase from a distance, and Kaitlin realizes that the real briefcase is with the real Dr. Monroe so the Troopers head to the lab.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and Zelton implant a power chip into Skullbot that will enable him to destroy the Troopers.

While at the lab the the Professor suggests using the visors to use a satellite that the government is letting them use just once to find Dr. Monroe through a security chip implanted in him, and the Troopers find Dr. Monroe, and decide to transform..

Skullbot goes after Ryan with his scythe but Ryan dodges so Skullbot tries to run away, and sneak up on Ryan so he can try again while Kaitlin, and JB fight Skugs who try to use their capes to trap JB but he blows off one Skugs helmet revealing it’s robotic face, and destroys them with Laser Lance while Kaitlin rescues Dr. Monroe.

The Professor tells Ryan that Skullbot has an explosive device in his chest that will blow up if Ryan punches him then Skullbot attacks Ryan with his scythe, and lodges it into Ryan’s arm, and uses a sword with his other one.

But Ryan blocks, and throws the sword so Skullbot electrocutes him so Ryan dislodges the Scythe, and punches Skullbot destroying him then Dr. Monroe gives the Troopers the briefcase, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At the lab the Troopers open the briefcase, and shows them Tyler Steele trying to escape Grimlord’s dungeon but failing.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was pretty good.

I liked the idea of Tyler Steele sending a message to the Troopers, and Grimlord trying to stop Ryan from seeing it.

I thought Skullbot was cool with his grim reaper motif, and powers.

I also liked the part with JB on the motorcycle using Metalder footage.

I also thought it was funny that Ryan’s first reaction to findIng out that Dr. Monroe was a robot was that it was weird but he didn’t question it.

I think my only nitpick may be that I felt that the fights with Skullbot felt like they could have been made into one fight without hurting anything.

I suppose I should talk about the infamous Metalder footage they took out where Metalder severed his own arm to get rid of Skullbot’s counterpart but I don’t know by that logic they should have kept the part where Skullbot’s counterpart dreamt about Metalder destroying Neros Empire.

When we come back we’ll look at the Season One finale.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 49 New Kids on The Planet

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at New Kids on the Planet written by, and directed by Robert Hughes.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that just because something is different doesn’t mean you should afraid of it.

Then we go to Crossworld Forest where the Troopers are camping, and after a comedy bit with Jeb eating hot dogs a weird cgi bucket flies through the air then it lands two children a boy named Neon, and a girl named Niklon in silver jumpsuits carrying a device that looks like a giant lightbulb come out

The bucket flies off by itself, and Neon, and Niklon explain that they’re from another planet, and the device they’re carrying is a part that needs repairing, and the alien children use telekinesis to give the part to the Troopers.

At Ziktor industries one of Ziktor’s secretaries informs him about what’s going on, and he orders her to capture the aliens, then he explains his plan to use the aliens’ technology for his own ends then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his plan to his mutants.

At the lab the alien children now named Eaj, and Nikla show some Spielban footage, and that their home planet of Sakras was destroyed by war so their friends, and family went them on a spaceship to a distant asteroid colony when their spaceship broke down, and the flying bucket was just a mini shuttle.

While at the Virtual Dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that the aliens are with the Troopers so he summons Icebot, and orders him to send Skugs after the aliens.

The Troopers take the aliens to Tao dojo, and spar to show them some martial arts, and the aliens explain that they have their own version of that, and float in the air doing flips, and waving their arms, and afterwards the Troopers make them promise not to use their powers in public, and decide to have the kids dress into regular Earth clothes while unbeknownst to them Percy sees everything about the aliens.

Then the Troopers decide to take the kids to the Underground Voice Daily, and the kids show off their powers like storing things in their forheads, and telepathy which leads to a comedy bit where the Troopers find out that Percy knows about the aliens.

The Troopers wonder what to do about Percy when a black van shows up, and Pizza delivery guy comes out, and after Ryan explains he didn’t order anything the delivery guy transforms into an army of Skugs.

First the Troopers punch, and kick the Skugs then they kick, and flip them. Then Ryan tricks a Skug into hitting a wall, Kaitlin trips one with her arm, and JB gets kicked by another while two other Skugs kidnap the kids.

The Troopers destroy the Skugs they were fighting but are too late to rescue the kids then the Professor contacts the Troopers, and informs them that Grimlord has sent Blue Boar into our reality so the Troopers transform.

Kaitlin fights Skugs while Blue Boar comes after Ryan with his sword so Ryan kicks him but it doesn’t work, and Blue Boar hits him.

JB finds the van, stops it with his hands, and then throws it back but it transforms into a mutant named Vanbot, and jumps at JB but JB kicks him so Vanbot transforms back into a van.

Blue Boar punches Ryan while Kaitlin keeps fighting Skugs, and JB on the Turbo Cycle chases after Vanbot who fires electricity while Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers fire from the air, and Vanbot jumps on the Turbo Cycle so JB takes the fight to virtual reality, and knocks Vanbot off.

Blue Boar keeps coming after Ryan with his sword, and Ryan keeps kicking so Ryan jumps onto a rock, and jumps down doing a vertical Lighting Hand then he follows with a horizontal Lighting Hand, and destroys Blue Boar while Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers keep firing on JB so he uses Techno Bazooka to destroy them.

Then JB grabs Vanbot, and shoots him with his laser causing Vanbot to stop allowing Ryan, and Kaitlin to rescue the kids, and JB destroys Vanbot with Laser Lance, and at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again shames his minions for failure.

Later at the forest the kids are back in their space clothes, and the Troopers have finished repairing their part so the the flying metal bucket comes back, and they say good bye, and go back to the ship.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was pretty good.

I liked the plot with the alien children since it felt like what I think a hypothetical adaptation of just Spielban would look like had the show gone with the original idea of Cybertron.

I liked Vanbot because of the fact that he was a robot that could transform into a van though I’m not sure of I feel about his robot form since it’s just a van with hands, and feet with a face on the bottom.

I thought the fight with Blue Boar was cool though I almost wish they saved it for the end of the Season but like with Race to the Rescue the Season’s almost done, and we’re even closer to running out of Metalder footage.

I can’t even think of anything that they skipped ththat I would have kept since everything they took out of the Metalder or Spielban episodes was stuff that I would have saved for other episodes.

My only thing is how they didn’t resolve the sub plot of Percy finding out about the aliens.

Only 1 more episode until the Season One finale.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 48 Virtually Powerless

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Virtually Powerless written by Stewart St. John and directed by Robert Hughes.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad taught him that nothing’s impossible if you keep trying.

Then we go to an arcade where the Troopers are playing Smash TV when the creepy owner tells them he has a new game called Dark Oddysey that is so hard no one can even get past the first level, and the Troopers decide to try it.

Then at Ziktor industries the owner tells Ziktor what’s happening, and he transforms into Grimlord, and orders Dice to destroy Ryan.

Back at the arcade the Troopers play the game which is a cross between After Burner, and Star Fox.with Cthuluu monsters when an electric shock hits their virtualizers, and they tell the owner who runs off into an alley, and transforms into an army of Skugs.

The Troopers decide right then, and there to transform but their virtualizers are fried so they all just punch, and kick, and throw the Skugs while Jeb gives video game related commentary.

JB then kicks, and throws some Skugs into a box while Ryan, and Kaitlin kick the others onto some wooden planks, and the Skugs are destroyed.

The Troopers then decide to go to the lab while at the Virtual Dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that the plan worked, and Grimlord checks on Dice.

At the lab the Professor tells the Troopers he can’t fix the virtualizers but Kaitlin has an idea, and they see Poindexter, and after some comedy bits the Troopers explain everything to Poindexter.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that Poindexter is repairing the virtualizers so Grimlord orders him to kidnap Poindexter.

At Poindexter’s lab Poindexter himself has finished Ryan’s virtualizer so they go out, and Ryan transforms, and tests his powers but Skugs appear, and kidnaps Poindexter while Mutant Skugs attack Ryan who defeats the mutant Skugs but loses Poindexter.

The Skugs hold Poindexter at a warehouse, and tie him to an assembly line, and Grimlord appears on a viewscreen, and demands that Poindexter give up the Troopers secrets but he refuses so Grimlord turns the widescreen into a fiery vortex with the assembly line slowly pulling Poindexter towards it.

Back at Poindexter’s lab the Professor finds Poindexter but since Ryan’s virtualizer is the only one that works he has to transform alone.

Ryan finds the warehouse but Dice fires arrows from a crossbow, so Ryan knocks them out of the air, but Dice comes after Ryan with his spear but Ryan keeps blocking it.

JB, and Kaitlin decide to rescue Poindexter while after some recycled footage from Oh Brother it turns out Ryan’s virtualizer isn’t completely repaired because his powers fading

Kaitlin, and JB arrive at the warehouse, and have a brief battle with Skugs while Poindexter is almost at the vortex.

Ryan’s powers are still fading but a vision of his father encourages him to keep trying, and he jump kicks Dice, uses a turbo charged karate chop, and destroys Dice with Internal Gyro Command.

JB, and Kaitlin destroy the Skugs, and save Poindexter while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Poindexter’s lab Poindexter has completely restored the Troopers’ virtualizers, and is excited that he now knows who the Troopers are, and wants to tell everyone he knows so the Troopers use mind wiping device, and Poindexter goes back to showing off his inventions.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was another good but not great one.

I liked the idea of Grimlord temporarily destroying their powers, and the Troopers needing someone to fix them.

I also liked that they brought back Poindexter as a character since before this point it seemed like they had completely replaced him with Percy.

I got a kick out of the fact that they actually showed the Troopers playing Smash TV a video game which while tame by today’s standards I imagine would like if you saw one of the Power Rangers playing Five Nights at Freddy’s, on an episode of Dino Charge.

I thought the fight with Dice was cool I just wish the Metalder episode they used had a different monster.then one we already saw.

I thought the fight with the Mutant Skugs was cool but it seemed like something that was better suited to give Ryan something to do for an episode that only used a Spielban monster.

Mostly because I thought it would have been better to see JB, and Kaitlin do something in costume in this episode like a spaceship or base battle.

Especially since this was an episode where they surprisingly added Metalder footage.
Only 2 more episodes until the Season One finale.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 47 Fiddler on The Loose

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Fiddler on the Loose written by Douglas Sloan and directed by Robert Hughes.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad taught him that every little thing we do to help the environment can make a difference.

Then at Tao dojo Kaitlin’s Irish cousin Keith, and his band The Young Dubliners are playing music to get ready for an environmental benefit concert at the dojo.

Then Keith gives a speech about toxic waste dumping which Ziktor sees on the news so he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his mutants to stop the benefit concert.

Then we see the Troopers, and The Young Dubliners at a rodeo because Keith wanted to see something American, and Keith is especially entertained by the rodeo clowns, and after the rodeo we get a comedy bit where Percy shows up in stereotypical rock star gear, and wants to join the band.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord himself is working on his newest mutant that is currently just a half finished skeleton but has the name Fiddlebot, and just needs Keith to be completed.

Back at the rodeo the Troopers, and The Young Dubliners are still enjoying themselves when a couple of rodeo clowns show up, and turn into an army of Skugs.

The Skugs try to kick the Troopers but the Troopers punch, kick, and throw the Skugs while Keith watches then the Troopers keep fighting the Skugs while two Skugs take Keith, and when the Troopers destroy the Skugs they realize they can’t find Keith.

Keith then appears in the Virtual Dungeon trapped in a force field, and Grimlord explains that he’s going to trap Keith in a music synthesizer, and implant it in Fiddlebot.

Then Grimlord shoots Keith with a red laser that traps him in the synthesizer, uses another red laser to put the synthesizer into Fiddlebot, and a final red laser into a machine that shoots rainbow colored lasers that gives silver armor to Fiddlebot who now complete plays music for Grimlord.

At Tao dojo Ryan is still looking for Keith when the Professor contacts him on his communicator, and tells him that a mutant is invading reality so Ryan transforms to stop it.

Fiddlebot plays music that freezes Ryan’s circuits so he can’t move but he breaks free, and kicks Fiddlebot but it doesn’t work so Ryan tries punching him but it doesn’t work either.

Then Fiddlebot uses his fiddle string as a weapon to slash at Ryan, uses his fiddle as a shield when Ryan tries to punch him, and shoots yellow music note shaped lasers at Ryan.

Then Fiddlebot plays more music so Ryan summons the Turbo Cycle, and retreats while Air Striker shows it to Grimlord who is glad since it means Fiddlebot is working.

At the lab Ryan is surprised to learn that Kaitlin is actually glad he didn’t destroy Fiddlebot, and JB, and the Professor explain that Fiddlebot is Keith, then JB suggests taking the synthesizer from Fiddlebot so they can return Keith to normal.

Just then the reality break alarm goes off, and the Professor tells the Troopers that Fiddlebot is back, and he’s brought an army of Skugs so the Troopers transform.

Fiddlebot slashes Ryan with his fiddle string, and blasts him with music note laser while JB, and Kaitlin fight Skugs by shooting lasers at them.

Then Fiddlebot comes after Ryan with his string then plays more music, fires roses that turn out to be bombs that explode, then Fiddlebot fires lasers, then comes after Ryan with his string, and hits him, and then plays more music.

Skugs attack JB with axes, and sparklers while Kaitlin fires lasers, and JB destroys the Skugs with Laser Lance.

Fiddlebot hits Ryan with his string, and plays more music so the Professor suggests using Lighting Hand so Ryan does it, and he slashes Fiddlebot, and takes the synthesizer which deactivates Fiddlebot.

Then the Professor returns Keith to normal, and Ryan reminds him of the concert so he returns to the dojo.

At the Virtual Dungeon we get a funny bit where Decimator unintentionally criticizes Grimlord who just swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At Tao dojo The Young Dubliners are getting ready to play when we get one last comedy bit with Percy still trying to join the band, and getting electrocuted.

Then the Young Dubliners start their concert, and it’s a success.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today's episode was good.

I liked the plot about Grimlord turning Kaitlin's cousin into a mutant just to keep him from doing a benefit concert.

I also thought Fiddlebot was a cool monster with cool powers.

I also liked the part where JB destroyed the Skugs with his Laser Lance.

My only problem is that not in the Metalder episode this was based on but the one Computer Captive was based on Fiddlebot's counterpart returned as a good guy to help a little girl who got lost in the villains base, and even got a happy ending.

Like maybe Keith's personality took over Fiddlebot to the point where he wanted to play fiddle more than destroying the Troopers, and eventually quit being a bad guy, and even after being separated from Keith still wanted to play music instead of being a bad guy.

At the same time I can see why that would mean having to take out the stuff with JB, and Kaitlin in Trooper mode without making it a two parter.

Fun Fact the guys who played Kaitlin's cousin, and his band are a band in real life also called The Young Dubliners, and pretty much played themselves.

Only 3 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 46 Race to The Rescue

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Race to the Rescue written by Robert Hughes and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that when you’re helping someone you care about any task can seem easy.

Then we see the Troopers racing around in go karts, and Kaitlin wins then they see a little boy being picked on by some other kids because his go kart is all messed up so the Troopers decide to help him.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor goes on about the superiority of machine to human then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his plan to give one of his mutants the powers of all the other mutants, and they all volunteer but Grimlord chooses Zelton.

At Tao dojo the Troopers are fixing the boy’s go kart when Tao comes in, and tells them to put it somewhere else, and clean up but when they explain what’s going on he lets them do it just once.

Then the Professor contacts the Troopers, and asks them to find some uranium crystals, and JB, and Kaitlin go while Ryan stays to fix the go kart.

JB, and Kaitlin arrive at the mine, and find some crystals while Air Striker, and Grimlord spy on them, and Grimlord orders his mutants to destroy the cave, and trap JB, and Kaitlin, and orders Decimator to have Zelton destroy Ryan.

At Tao dojo Ryan is still working on the go kart when Skugs teleport in, and make a widescreen with their arms, and Grimlord gives an ultimatum to either fight his mutant or it will destroy Crossworld City, and the Skugs multiply, and fight Ryan.

First the Skugs try to punch, and kick Ryan but he just punches, and kicks back. Then Ryan flips over, and kicks a couple of Skugs, and throws them into each other.

Then the last two Skugs hit Ryan but he throws a tire at one, and trips the other before getting back up, and kicking, and flipping them into each other, and destroys them.

Ryan then goes to the lab to see if the Professor can help but he doesn’t know where they are, and the lab’s scanners can’t find them.

While JB, and Kaitlin are still trapped in the cave, and the air is running out, and Grimlord, and Zelton appear to challenge Ryan so transforms to fight Zelton while the Professor looks for the others.

Zelton summons Cannonbot’s powers, and grabs Ryan’s head but Ryan throws Zelton but Zelton throws Ryan then transforms into Renegade, and fires lasers at Ryan but Ryan kicks him.

JB, and Kaitlin are still trapped in the cave while Zelton transforms into Graybot, and fires arrows, and then transforms into Metalbot, and punches Ryan so Ryan uses Lighting Hand to destroy Zelton’s memory cell cutting off Zelton’s transformation ability.

So Zelton attacks Ryan with his own powers, and they both jump kick each other, and before he explodes Zelton tells Ryan where his friends are so Ryan summons the Battle Cruiser, and rescues JB, and Kaitlin while Grimlord shames Decimator for letting Ryan destroy Zelton.

At the race track Chris (who now has a name) thanks the Troopers for fixing his go kart, and races the bully, and beats him.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was another weird one for me because it was another one that was good but seemed like it could have been better.

I liked the whole plot about Zelton having the powers of all the previous mutants.

I also liked the civilian plot with the Troopers helping Chris fix his go kart.

My only problem was the sub plot of JB, and Kaitlin getting trapped in the cave since it existed solely to get JB, and Kaitlin out of Trooper mode in this episode.

And even then I think that’s because I thought the stuff with Chris was enough in fact I wish there was more of it.

And because they used Spielban footage anyway for the Battle Cruiser.

I think the simple solution was simply have Chris get kidnapped but instead of blowing up the cave to destroy JB, and Kaitlin they either have another base in it, or it’s just where Grimlord is keeping Chris hostage.

I also wish they kept in the part from the Metalder episode where Zelton’s counterpart used his gun hand, and also the part where he transforms into Polarbot’s counterpart.

Everything else I’m not sure about.

For starters in the Metalder episode this was based on their was a female robot called Lortail who appeared in VR Troopers but was never given a name or officially made a MOTD in Metalder so she wasn’t used.

Long story short though in Metalder she had a romance with Zelton’s counterpart, and was the reason he could transform into previous robots.

I’m also tempted to wish they had the clip from the Metalder episode they used in Field Goal.
Like maybe they had the fight from the Metalder episode they used in Field Goal for the beginning of the episode and then have the Metalder footage with Zelton, and Lortail’s counterpart, and finally the big battle at the end.

Also normally I would complain about Zelton’s counterpart’s big fight being used in a regular episode but at the same time we’re so late in the season that I can accept that this is when they would start killing off the more main villains of the show especially considering we’re only 10 more episodes away from when the show stopped using footage from Metalder.

Only 4 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 45 Who's King of The Mountain?

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Who’s King of the Mountain written by J.K. Richards and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that sometimes the only way to really learn something is from first hand experience.
At Tao dojo Ryan, and Kaitlin are sparing with some students while JB is talking to his e-mail friend Jose who lives in South America.

After Ryan, and Kaitlin are done sparing with the students they talk to JB, and he explains that he and Jose are talking about extinct volcanoes, and how MT Kronos the nearest one to Crossworld City is coming back to life.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor has intercepted JB’s e-mail, and shows one of his secretaries a bunch of clips from various episodes like The Great Brain Robbery, A Dirty Trick, and Danger in the Deep.
As well as a heretofore unseen clip of Kaitlin in Battle Grid mode destroying Skugs that looks like it might be from either The Dognapping, or Error in the System.

Then he orders his secretary to destroy JB’s computer before he finds out about Ziktor’s plan to build a base in MT Kronos. Then he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Ivar who says everything is going well for the base, and they have Rollbot a spikey yellow mutant protecting the base.

At the Underground Voice Daily we get a comedy bit where Woody accidentally scares Kaitlin, and then tries to give her some snacks, and Kaitlin asks for some files on MT. Kronos, and he gives them to her.

Back at Tao dojo Ryan, and JB are watching Zyuranger clips of volcanoes but JB still doesn’t know what’s happening, and Ryan says they should just go in person but JB disagrees.

While at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin looks through the files when Percy shows up in explorer gear saying that he heard about a bug monster near MT. Kronos leading to a comedy bit where Percy gets stuck in fly paper.

Back at Tao dojo Ryan is playing with Jeb while JB uses the computer when a young man appears claiming to be Jose who wants to go over the data with JB, and claims he saw a strange man outside messing with their bikes.

When Ryan, and JB go to look Jose turns out to be a Skug, and tries to destroy JB’s computer with a hatchet but Jeb pushes a chair, and knocks the Skug down, and when it tries to go after Jeb Ryan, and JB show up but the Skug summons reinforcements.

Ryan, and JB kick the Skugs, and Ryan tries to kick some Skugs but gets hit instead while JB punches the other Skugs.

Ryan throws some Skugs into a wall while JB kicks, and throws some other Skugs. Then Ryan, and JB keep kicking Skugs, and Ryan kicks some Skugs into each other, and kicks another Skug into the desk, and JB kicks a Skug into it destroying them but the last Skug destroys the computer, and teleports off.

But JB reveals that he made backups of everything just in case something like this happened, and Kaitlin shows up telling them about Percy’s monster story, and they all decide to go to the lab.

At the lab JB asks to analyze the data but can’t find anything so the Professor recommends building a virtual model of MT Kronos.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord summons Icebot who just informs him of what’s going on while back at the lab JB has finished building the model so he transforms to explore it while Ryan, and Kaitlin monitor on the visors.

At first JB doesn’t see anything but then he falls down a hole into a cave, and Rollbot jumps down in, and fires spikes, and lasers at JB but JB just fires back with his own laser.

So Ivar has a Skug collapse the tunnel but the other Troopers bring JB back to the lab in time and they all decide to go to MT. Kronos in the real world.

After a comedy bit with Percy blowing air into a tire the Troopers show up, and Percy explains what happened, and Rollbot appears, and throws rocks down that trap Kaitlin’s car, and Percy runs away so the Troopers transform.

Dice appears, and attacks Ryan with his sword while Rollbot fires lasers, and Kaitlin summons the Battle Cruiser, and fires at the base forcing Ivar, and the Skugs to retreat.

Ryan kicks Dice who throws his sword but it misses, and JB, and Rollbot fire lasers at each other, and keep missing until they both hit each other, and Kaitlin destroys the base.

Dice keeps attacking Ryan, and a mutant Skug wraps a chain around Ryan’s arm but he grabs it, and throws the Skug destroying it, and Dive comes after Ryan but Ryan grabs him, and throws him at a minefield.

While Kaitlin jumps down to help JB but Rollbot fires spikes at them, and turns into a ball, and runs over JB, and Kaitlin so they do a double kick, and shoot lasers, and seemingly destroy Rollbot.

But Rollbot reappears, and comes after them so JB finishes him off with Laser Lance, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Tao dojo JB finishes fixing the computer when a young woman appears, and reveals that she’s the real Jose (short for Josephine), and JB shows her around Crossworld City.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was another weird one because I understand the message it was trying to send about how not everything can be done with computers but at the same time I’m not sure if I like how they executed it.

I think it also reminded me of Digging for Fire mixed with The Virtual Spy with the idea of sending the fake Jose to distract from Grimlord’s plan to build a base in the volcano.
Rollbot was a cool monster with cool powers.

I also liked the fight scenes though the fight with Dice feels like it was thrown in solely to give Ryan something to do.

I also thought the part with the virtual model of the volcano, and the part where they found Percy felt tacked on.

Like when the Troopers got to the lab the Professor would just show them some Spielban footage of Grimlord’s base, and Rollbot, and then they would just transform, and JB, and Kaitlin would fight Rollbot while Ryan destroy the base.

I liked the blink, and you’ll miss it part where they showed that unused clip of Kaitlin in Battle Grid
mode but it made me realize that she was the only one who hasn’t transformed into Battle Grid mode since the first half of Season One.

Like I would rather just have them make an actual Battle Grid segment in an episode either this or another to have Kaitlin in Battle Grid mode.

Only 5 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

VR Troopers Episode 44 The Transmutant

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Transmutant written by Mark Litton, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad taught him to be prepared for anything.

We then go to Tao dojo where Ryan, and Kaitlin are sparing while JB is studying for a test he has to take in a few hours, and Tao suggests he study someplace quieter, and he decides to go to the park, and after a comedy bit Jeb decides to tag along.

At Ziktor industries the Skug from Small but Mighty who invented the de-aging device comes in with some green slime called the Metamorphosis Pulse he says can turn humans into mutants but only if they’re in the virtual world.

So Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and summons Icebot, and explains his plan to use the slime to transform the Troopers into mutants.

At the park JB tries to study while Jeb looks for other dogs when a soccer ball hits JB, and he throws to the guys who kicked it but they both turn out to be Skugs.

The Skugs try to kick JB but he kicks them back, and kicks one Skug into a trashcan to then proceeds to use a soccer ball as weapon, and kicks two Skugs into each other, and kicks a third one into a soccer net.

Then the Skug who was kicked into the trashcan gets out, and tries to use it as a weapon but JB dodges, and it hits the other Skug, and JB kicks them into each other.

Grimlord orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid so JB transforms into Battle Grid mode, and we get a full portal sequence with just JB, and a landing scene of just JB.

Then the Skugs show up, and JB jumps in the air, and we get some recycled footage from The Dojo Plot but instead of JB getting hit he punches a Skug then he does a mid air somersault, and punches, and kicks some more Skugs but one kicks him, and Grimlord orders Icebot to activate the slime, and a Skug shoots JB with it, and he’s forced to retreat from the Battle Grid.

Ryan, and Kaitlin are done sparing when the Professor contacts them, and tells them what happened so they go to the park to find JB having turned back into Michael Bacon covered in green jello, and after asking Jeb what happened take JB to the lab.

At the lab the lab’s machines suck up the slime, and scan JB, and the Professor says he’s ok, then JB wakes up, and he no longer wants to study for the test or go to college, and leaves, and the Professor explains he’s changing so the others follow him.

JB arrives at Tao dojo, and tells Tao he’s quitting, and then he starts glowing green, and Ryan, and Kaitlin show up, and JB’s skin turns green, and his hair turns white, and then he completely turns into a mutant, and teleports, and Grimlord appears to tell Ryan, and Kaitlin that he plans to do the same thing to them.

At the lab Ryan, and Kaitlin ask the Professor what happened, and he tells them he needs their help to analyze the slime to make an antidote.

While at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord renames JB Transmutant, and Icebot informs him that the slime only works once so Grimlord just orders Transmutant to fight his other mutants to prove himself.

First a cicada like mutant called Venobot volunteers but we see Bugbot grabbing Transmutant from behind so Transmutant melts into slime, reforms, and claws Bugbot.

Then Crabor volunteers to fight, he whips Transmutant with his electric tentacles, and breathes fire on him but Transmutant fires his claws at Crabor, and Grimlord stops him from destroying Crabor just to tell Transmutant that he’s earned the right to fight Ryan, and Kaitlin.

At the lab Ryan, and Kaitlin are still trying to find an antidote when the reality break alarm goes off, and the Professor tells them that JB is invading reality so Ryan, and Kaitlin decide to transform but the Professor needs someone to help finish the antidote so Ryan transforms alone.

Ryan goes after JB on the Turbo Cycle but Air Striker attacks him from the air while other mutants attack from the ground but Ryan sees a boulder, and knocks it off blocking the ground mutants.

But Transmutant jump kicks Ryan, claws him so Ryan tries to reason with him but Transmutant claws him, melts into slime, and teleports before clawing some more so Ryan grabs his arm to reason with him some more.

But Transmutant throws Ryan off, and keeps attacking Ryan so Ryan is forced to do a double punch on Transmutant who still attacks Ryan, and forces him off a cliff into a river.

Ryan gets back up, and the Professor encourages him to keep trying so he does but Transmutant keeps attacking so Ryan dodges, and does a jump kick, and almost knocks Transmutant off the cliff but then rescues him, and finally gets through to him.

But Grimlord’s other mutants attack so Transmutant claws Bugbot, and Venobot but Crabor grabs Ryan with his tentacles, and electrocutes him but Transmutant frees Ryan only to be caught by Wolfbot’s web so Ryan frees him.

Then Ryan jump punches Crabor, and throws Bugbot while Venobot uses sonic waves on Transmutant who grows tentacles, grabs Venobot, claws him, and throws him, and at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again shames his minions.

Back at the lab Kaitlin, and Jeb are flipping switches when Ryan teleports in, and transforms back, and JB teleports back in human form, and leaves to go take his test

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was another weird one in that it was a good episode that could have been a great one but at the same time I understand why it happened.

I’ll start by saying I liked the idea of Grimlord turning one of the Troopers into a mutant.

I also liked JB’s mutant form, and his powers.

I also liked the fights like the one between JB, and the other mutants, the one with Ryan, and the one where they teamed up to fight the other mutants.

I also liked the Battle Grid fight with just JB I just wish they also had one in another episode where he won so we could see his return to reality thing by himself.

I also liked that the only thing I can think they skipped from the Metalder episode was a brief fight with Polarbot’s counterpart that was already used in No One’s Friend.

I also liked that they brought back that one Skug who was an inventor from Small but Mighty who will later learn is called Strickland when in that form.

I sometimes wish all of Grimlord’s minions not just Skugs could assume human form because I always imagine Strickland being a human form of Icebot.

My only problem is that they couldn’t think of anything to do with Kaitlin since even though nothing happens to her she’s the only Trooper who never appears in any VR Trooper mode at all.

Especially since Grimlord warned to turn all the Troopers into mutants.

Like they had another Battle Grid segment of just Ryan, and Kaitlin, and either Kaitlin got hit by the slime, and became a mutant herself, or Ryan or Kaitlin destroyed the Skug that had the device that shot the slime before it could fire it, and they just returned to reality normally.

Especially since we never had two Battle Grid segments in an episode, or one with two Troopers, and this was the last time they had a Battle Grid segment in Season One.

Also this might sound weird considering how much I usually complain about stuff being taken out but I probably would have taken out the part where Air Striker, and the mutants in the van fired on Ryan, and he knocked the boulder off the cliff since it seemed like something I would have saved for an episode with just a Spielban monster as something for Ryan to do.

There’s one last thing but it tries into why I think this episode turned out the way it did.

You see the Metalder episode this episode was based on was part of a story arc that included the episode Searching for Tyler Steele was based on, and the one that Mutant Mutiny is based on.

Long story short what happened is that the Metalder monster who became the unnamed female mutant dubbed Scarlet Seductress was the wife of the monster from Mutant Mutiny, and JB’s monster form was their son.

Not only that but she fought Metalder in the episode that became Searching for Tyler Steele, and helped her son, and Metalder fight other mutants in the one that became this episode.

The problem is that the one time she fought Metalder he was in human form, and when she fought the other mutants her son was in human form.

Also her son was in human form during the fight with Venobot’s counterpart, and half the fight with Bugbot’s counterpart.

So it’s more of a thing with the Metalder episode then this one.

Only 6 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.