Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 62 Game Over

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Game Over written by Diane Mathers, and directed and Vikie Bronough.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that there’s a balance between work, and play.

We then go to a lake where Ryan, and Kaitlin are fishing with some kids when while we get a comedy bit with Percy.

And JB is working on a virtual reality game that simulates a fight with Grimlord’s mutants to test their skills but unbeknownst to the Troopers one of Grimlord’s Skugs is in the water, and sees them.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor watches what the Skug sees, and once again has been reading the Power Rangers villain playbook because he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his minions to steal the game.

At the lab Ryan, and Kaitlin are playing the game which is a bunch of Spielban footage while JB programs it on his computer, and asks them for ways to improve it, and they say thinks like giants, and being ambushed.

JB then creates a green mutant with pointy ears, red bug eyes, and a claw tipped spear called Gameoid while Oraclon, and Ivar volunteer to steal Gameoid, and make him real.

At Tao dojo Kaitlin is sparring with Tao when JB, and Ryan come in with the newly finished game, and some visors.

And the Troopers play the game until three guys in karate gis show up, randomly turn into Skugs, and multiply.

The Troopers, and Skugs just punch, and kick each other, and the Troopers roundhouse kick the Skugs, and grab their legs when they try to kick back so the Skugs transform into Ultra Skugs.

But Ryan kicks one of the Ultra Skugs into a cabinet, and kicks another Ultra Skug into it destroying them, and Kaitlin, and JB kick two Ultra Skugs into a bench together destroying them but the last Ultra Skug steals JB’s computer so they head to the lab.

At the Dark Fortress Oraclon makes Gameoid real while at the lab the Troopers track JB’s computer to a warehouse so Ryan decides to go over there.

Ryan sees Grimlord’s minions at the warehouse so he transforms, summons the Nitro Cycle, and bursts through a wall.

But Despera shoots him with her scepter, and covers Ryan with green slime, puts chains on him, and traps him in a cage.

Then she shoots him with more lasers, and the slime comes off Ryan, and reforms into Gameoid.
The Professor, and the other Troopers see Ryan on the lab’s monitors so they give him a power boost which enables him to escape the trap, and he fights off Grimlord’s minions.

Gameoid comes after Ryan with his spear but Ryan keeps kicking him, and dodging so Gameoid teleports away.

JB, and Kaitlin transform, and Kaitlin fights Ultra Skugs while JB fights Ivar.
Ryan is still fighting Gameoid who’s grabbed Ryan’s sword with a vine but Ryan slices it off, and goes after Gameoid who teleports away.

Then Grimlord orders the fight be taken to the Indigo Sector where Gameoid shoots lasers from his eyes at Ryan so Ryan shoots his own laser which makes Gameoid shrink.

So Gameoid comes after Ryan with his spear but Ryan destroys him with his laser while JB defeats Ivar, and Kaitlin destroys the Ultra Skugs, and retrieves JB’s computer.

But then Despera appears in the Indigo Sector, and throws her scepter, shoots lasers, and teleports, and Ryan tries to fire his own lasers at her but she retreats, and Ryan is knocked out of the Indigo Sector.

Then the Troopers take the computer to the lab, and JB deprograms it.

While at the Dark Fortress Grimlord once again shames his minions.

We then see the Troopers fishing again while the kids they were fishing with are playing on game boys, and we get one last comedy bit with Percy.

Anyway “I love you dad” The end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was pretty good.

I liked the idea of the Troopers making a fake mutant to test their skills, and Grimlord stealing it, and turning it into a real one.

I also thought that Gameoid was another one of the better Shaider monsters.

I also liked that JB, and Kaitlin got to be in Trooper mode, and that the Troopers fought the Ultra Skugs in this episode.

Really I think my only real gripe was that I would have saved the fight with Despera for a major episode especially since it seemed like they cut a bit from the actual fight with Gameoid.

All in all this episode feels more like how I would have started Season Two after Quest for Power.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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