Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 42 The Old Switcheroo

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Old Switcheroo written by Al Winchel , and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about the time he first got Jeb.

At the Underground Voice Daily the paper is holding a fifth anniversary party, and Kaitlin is getting ready to do a story about a scientist named Dr. Unger who has invented a device that can transfer properties from one, and give them to another.

At Ziktor industries one of his secretaries informs him that they tried to purchase Dr. Unger’s device but he refused to sell it.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his mutants to steal the device so he can use it to steal the powers of the Troopers, and give it to the mutants.

The Troopers arrive at Dr. Unger’s lab, and Ryan stays with Jeb since it doesn’t allow pets, and Dr. Unger shows Kaitlin, and JB the device but it’s been stolen by a mysterious woman, and when Ryan finds out he chases her but she turns out to be a Skug.

The Skug tries to hit Ryan with its bag but Ryan dodges so it summons more Skugs to help, and they kick Ryan but he just punches, and kicks back.

Grimlord orders one of the Skugs to use the device on Ryan but Jeb jumps in to protect him, and Kaitlin, and JB see what’s going on so the Skugs retreat.

When Kaitlin, and JB see if Ryan is okay they find out that Ryan, and Jeb switched bodies while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord summons Icebot who has a new robot a bronze mutant with a giant claw named Mechanoid.

At the lab the Professor explains that he’ll try to track the device while Kaitlin remembers the party at the Underground Voice Daily so everyone goes, and after numerous comedy bits of Jeb in Ryan’s body the Professor informs the Troopers that he found the device so JB, and Kaitlin transform to go after it.

JB, and Kaitlin arrive at where the Professor told them to go, and Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters fire on them so JB uses Techno Bazooka.

While we get another comedy bit where Jeb chases a squirrel up a tree in Ryan’s body JB, and Kaitlin find the device protected by Mechanoid who attacks JB with his claw arm so JB, and Kaitlin fire on Mechanoid but it doesn’t phase him.

So Kaitlin kicks Mechanoid but he just punches her away so JB tries to attack but Mechanoid punches, and grabs him, and JB tries to use his laser but it still doesn’t work, and Mechanoid keeps beating them up.

Ryan tries to transform to help his friends thinking maybe it will put him, and Jeb back in their own bodies but it doesn’t work, and Grimlord sends Decimator after Jeb thinking he’s Ryan.

Decimator comes after Jeb with his sword so the Professor gives Ryan a visor, and a joystick so he can control Jeb remotely, and has Jeb pick up a large piece of wood to use as a weapon.

JB uses Laser Lance to destroy Mechanoid, but Grimlord destroys the device but all that does is reverse the effect, and Ryan, and Jeb are back in their real bodies.

So Ryan jumps with the large piece of wood but Decimator slices it with his sword but Ryan uses Lighting Hand but Decimator retreats, and Grimlord once again shames his minions, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At Tao dojo the Troopers regret having Dr. Unger’s device destroyed but are glad Grimlord doesn’t have his hands on it, and that everything is normal again but then we get one last comedy bit where the delivery guy from The Dognapping appears with a whole bunch of food Jeb ordered when he was still in Ryan’s body.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was another funny episode.

Mostly because of all the parts with Jeb in Ryan’s body.

I also liked the idea of the device that could give properties of one thing, and give them to another, and Grimlord trying to get his hands on it to give his mutants the Troopers’ powers.
I also liked Mechanoid with his claw arm, and design.

My only problem was that they cut out out a bit from the beginning of the fight with Mechanoid in the Spielban episode.

And a bit from the end of the fight from the Metalder episode where when Metalder cut Coolgin’s helmet revealing he had a second helmet underneath since in VR Troopers they made him a robot, and they could have just said that was his real face.

Other than that the only things that got cut out was stuff we already saw in Danger in the Deep, and Littlest Trooper.

Only 8 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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