Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 52 Rise of the Red Python part 2

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Rise of the Red Python part two written by, and directed and Douglass Sloan.

So we start off where we left off with Kaitlin still damaged, and the other Troopers, and the Professor unable to repair her.

Meanwhile Amy is practicing karate in a park while Ziktor watches, and gloats, then transforms into Grimlord, and tells his mutants that he wants to destroy JB next.

Back at the lab the Troopers figure out that Red Python is a VR Trooper like them so the Professor runs a separation program to find out who she is.

Ryan decides to take Kaitlin’s damaged part to Poindexter while Red Python invades reality so JB transforms.

Red Python fires a laser from her dagger so JB fires his own laser but it doesn’t phase her so Red Python attacks with her dagger while JB fights back with his saber.

Grimlord orders Air Striker to fire on Ryan who escapes but a car appears out of nowhere, and transforms into an army of Skugs.

The Skugs circle Ryan but he kicks, punches, and throws them, and quickly destroys two Skugs, and only has a slightly harder time with the other two but he destroys them as well.

Meanwhile JB tries to fight Red Python but she keeps teleporting but then she overheats so Grimlord orders Icebot to take the fight to virtual reality where JB and Red Python keep fighting but Red Python overheats again so she retreats.

At Poindexter’s lab Ryan asks Poindexter for a replacement part, and he has one while at Tao dojo we get a comedy bit where Jeb has a party when Tao isn’t looking.

Back at the lab Ryan gives JB the part, and he repairs Kaitlin who transforms back, and wakes up, and the others explain everything to her while at Tao dojo Amy passes out so Jeb tries to contact the Troopers.

The Troopers decide to go to Tao dojo when the lab’s computer reveals Amy is the Red Python while at the Virtual Dungeon Icebot informs Grimlord that Red Python could self destruct if she keeps fighting but he just decides to send her into battle anyway hoping that she will still destroy the Troopers.

Then Amy wakes up, and goes apeshit on the dojo, and leaves just before the Troopers arrive, and get a fax from the Professor explaining everything.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord orders Ivar to send his entire army through the reality barrier so the Professor informs the Troopers, and they transform.

JB tries to reason with Red Python but she still attacks him while Ryan fights Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers with the Skybase, and Kaitlin destroys Ivar’s ravage tank.

JB still tries to reason with Red Python who still tries to fight him but then she overheats, and transforms back into Amy so the Troopers take her back to the lab while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

At the lab the Troopers undo Grimlord’s brainwashing, and remove the Red Python powers, and Amy is glad to be back to normal then at Tao dojo the Troopers dressed in karate gis that match their trooper colors give Amy an orange belt.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was pretty good.

I liked Amy both as herself since it seemed like she had potential had the show gone with the original idea from Spielban and made her a fourth Trooper.

Like if I could I would somehow make this episode a three parter where it’s mostly like what we did get but in part three Amy becomes the fourth Trooper

Though we’ll have to wait until Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass before I can fully elaborate on why.

Also her whole plot with being a vet, and having a mother make me wonder if she wasn’t originally supposed to be Danielle from Endangered Species at some point before they decided to make her a different character.

Still she seemed like an interesting character, and it would have been interesting to see a Power Rangers esque show where the token “Evil Ranger who becomes a good guy” was a woman.

And as the Red Python since I actually liked how they adapted the Helvira arc from Spielban, and in my opinion almost improved on it.

Especially since in Spielban this was a lengthy storyline that spanned over nine episodes before it was resolved.

And yet the only thing I think they took out that I would have kept in was the part from the Spielban episode Littlest Trooper was based on where she fought along side Icebot’s counterpart.

And even then I would have just found a way to just have the parts with Helvira, and save the parts without Helvira for when I killed off Icebot.

Then again I’m also tempted to wish they hadn’t used Cobrot in Kaitlin’s Front just so they could have made her Red Python’s monster form.

I still thought she had a neat design with her red, and black body, silver mouth, and red eyes she almost looks more like an evil version of a Battle Grid Trooper if she was wearing full armor.

I also liked that they also gave her a transformation that seemed like a Battle Grid transformation for when she transformed into Red Python.

I also liked that they kept the idea from The Battle Begins, and Defending Dark Heart that the Troopers Trooper modes are separate robot bodies that merge with their real ones, and if they get damaged they have to be repaired as robots before they can transform back into people.

I think my only real nitpicks are that oddly enough in both parts it feels like the beginnings drag on forever, and because of that the second halves suffer.

Like I felt that they could have hurried more to having Amy get turned into Red Python, and fighting the Troopers.

I also thought that the sub plot with Kaitlin being damaged dragged on a bit.

And the Skug fight, and the stuff with Air Striker, as well as the comedy bit with Jeb from part two all felt like stuff that could have been removed without hurting anything

Other than that it was a terrific story, and a great way to end Season One.

When I come back my overall thoughts on Season One, and then a week off, and when I come back we’ll start Season Two.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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