Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 60 Quest For Power part 5

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Quest for Power part five written by Douglas Sloan, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off where we left off with the Troopers, and Ryan’s father trying to make a new virtualizer for Ryan but the crystal is imperfect.

Then the Professor, and Ryan’s father show some Shaider footage of all the powers, and weapons he could have.

Like the lightsaber esque Laser Saber, The VR Shoulder Cannon a laser cannon similar to JB’s Techno Bazooka, the VR Nitro Cycle a flying motorcycle similar to JB’s fighter bike.

And finally the VR Combat Module a tank that splits into a jet, and drill tank like the Battle Cruiser.
At Ziktor industries one of his secretaries informs him that JB, and Kaitlin survived the crash of the Skybase.

So he transforms into Grimlord, and orders his minions to send a mutant after the Troopers so Despera has Oraclon create one.

And Oraclon makes an orb appear in his mouth which Despera takes out, afterwards fly into the walls of the Dark Fortress, and appears on the monitor in the form of a white mutant with a claw for a hand called Irradiator.

At Tao dojo Ryan, and his father are sparing when the Professor contacts them to tell them to come to the lab.

At the lab JB shows them Irradiator so Ryan’s father has JB, and Kaitlin transform, and uses a special virtual enhancement program to upgrade their powers.

Kaitlin jumps, and kicks at the Skugs while JB goes sword to claw with Irradiator when Air Fighters appear so JB takes the fight to virtual reality.

Kaitlin keeps fighting Skugs, and destroys two of them while Irradiator throws JB, and makes guns come out of his shoulder, and fires on JB.

While Ryan, and his father watch at the lab so Ryan, and his father try another virtualizer experiment but it fails.

While at the Dark Fortress Grimlord orders Doom Master, and the Vixens to invade Crossworld City.
JB shoots off Irradiator’s arms with his laser but they come back to life, and attack JB.

But JB slices them with his sword, and decapitates Irradiator but Irradiator is still alive.
Meanwhile Kaitlin still fights Skugs when they transform into Ultra Skugs but Kaitlin still holds own with them.

At the temple Ryan, and his father have another father/son moment when Tao appears, and Ryan, and his father tell Tao they need a special crystal, and he has one.

JB destroys Irradiator with Laser Lance while Kaitlin destroys the Ultra Skugs who have the same weakness as the old ones.

Tao gives Ryan, and his father the crystal while Kaitlin, and JB fight Doom Master, and the Vixens by punching, and kicking them.

Grimlord orders Despera to help Doom Master, and the Vixens so she teleports to where they are, and fires lasers from her scepter at JB, and Kaitlin.

Meanwhile Ryan, and his father have finished the virtualizer, and Ryan finally transforms into Shaider, and we’re treated to some Shaider footage of Ryan fighting Ultra Skugs with his sword.

Ryan summons his spaceship to fire lasers at Grimlord’s minions forcing them to retreat, and Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Finally at the temple Ryan’s father congratulates the Troopers but Grimlord is still out there, and the Troopers are ready.

Then JB, Kaitlin, and Jeb leave, and Ryan, and his father share one last father/son.

The end.

Final Thoughts.

This whole storyline was pretty good.

I still stand by what I said about how if I could count all of it as single episode I would say it’s my all time favorite.

It’s a great send off to Ryan’s old powers, and Grimlord’s old mutants, and fortress, and great introduction to Ryan’s new powers, and Grimlord’s new mutants, and fortress.

I also liked the part where it genuinely seemed like Ryan was killed before he could escape Grimlord’s dungeon.

I also liked the various father/son my moments between Ryan, and Tyler.

It has problems but there mostly small, and can be chalked up to pacing, and production.

The whole story feels like it could have just been three episodes instead of five since the story is just Grimlord steals Tyler’s knowledge to upgrade his mutants, Ryan, and the others find out, and fight them, Ryan goes to the Virtual Dungeon to rescue his father, and Jeb, and almost gets blown up.

Ryan, and his friends search for Grimlord, and his father, and them in a cave but Kaitlin, and JB get kidnapped, and Ryan has to rescue them, and he rescues his father, and friends but looses his old powers.

Ryan, and the others heal Tyler while Grimlord creates the Dark Fortress, and his new minions, and Tyler makes new powers for Ryan so he can fight them.

I liked the fights with Wolfbot, and Rapidspore in parts 1 and 2, and the one with Irradiator in part 5 but I felt like they both could have been used for stand alone episodes.

Remember how I went on all the time in The Disappearance, Race to the Rescue, and New Kids on the Planet about how I wished they had saved Ryan’s fights for those episodes for a major multi parter.

Well this what I was talking about.

It also bugged me how JB, and Kaitlin spend so much of the first half out of Trooper mode, and they try to overcompensate by having Ryan spend all of part 4 out of Trooper mode

Also for all the build up to Ryan’s new powers it bugged me that they didn’t actually use a Shaider monster to show them off.

Then again I also think if it didn’t have the Shaider stuff, and you edited it to end at part 3, and you included Ivar’s fights from Save the Trees, and Great Brain Robbery, and Icebot’s fight from Littlest
Trooper, and made this the series finale.

Or if they switched around Grimlord stealing Tyler’s knowledge to have it before Defending Dark Heart, and split it up into two two parters with one that’s the first two parts of Defending Dark Heart in the middle of Season One with Dark Heart becoming an ally of the Troopers.

And the other at the end of Season One that’s the last two parts of Defending Dark Heart mixed with the first half of this episode.

And then the second half be the Season Two premiere.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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