Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 46 Race to The Rescue

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Race to the Rescue written by Robert Hughes and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him that when you’re helping someone you care about any task can seem easy.

Then we see the Troopers racing around in go karts, and Kaitlin wins then they see a little boy being picked on by some other kids because his go kart is all messed up so the Troopers decide to help him.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor goes on about the superiority of machine to human then he transforms into Grimlord, and explains his plan to give one of his mutants the powers of all the other mutants, and they all volunteer but Grimlord chooses Zelton.

At Tao dojo the Troopers are fixing the boy’s go kart when Tao comes in, and tells them to put it somewhere else, and clean up but when they explain what’s going on he lets them do it just once.

Then the Professor contacts the Troopers, and asks them to find some uranium crystals, and JB, and Kaitlin go while Ryan stays to fix the go kart.

JB, and Kaitlin arrive at the mine, and find some crystals while Air Striker, and Grimlord spy on them, and Grimlord orders his mutants to destroy the cave, and trap JB, and Kaitlin, and orders Decimator to have Zelton destroy Ryan.

At Tao dojo Ryan is still working on the go kart when Skugs teleport in, and make a widescreen with their arms, and Grimlord gives an ultimatum to either fight his mutant or it will destroy Crossworld City, and the Skugs multiply, and fight Ryan.

First the Skugs try to punch, and kick Ryan but he just punches, and kicks back. Then Ryan flips over, and kicks a couple of Skugs, and throws them into each other.

Then the last two Skugs hit Ryan but he throws a tire at one, and trips the other before getting back up, and kicking, and flipping them into each other, and destroys them.

Ryan then goes to the lab to see if the Professor can help but he doesn’t know where they are, and the lab’s scanners can’t find them.

While JB, and Kaitlin are still trapped in the cave, and the air is running out, and Grimlord, and Zelton appear to challenge Ryan so transforms to fight Zelton while the Professor looks for the others.

Zelton summons Cannonbot’s powers, and grabs Ryan’s head but Ryan throws Zelton but Zelton throws Ryan then transforms into Renegade, and fires lasers at Ryan but Ryan kicks him.

JB, and Kaitlin are still trapped in the cave while Zelton transforms into Graybot, and fires arrows, and then transforms into Metalbot, and punches Ryan so Ryan uses Lighting Hand to destroy Zelton’s memory cell cutting off Zelton’s transformation ability.

So Zelton attacks Ryan with his own powers, and they both jump kick each other, and before he explodes Zelton tells Ryan where his friends are so Ryan summons the Battle Cruiser, and rescues JB, and Kaitlin while Grimlord shames Decimator for letting Ryan destroy Zelton.

At the race track Chris (who now has a name) thanks the Troopers for fixing his go kart, and races the bully, and beats him.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was another weird one for me because it was another one that was good but seemed like it could have been better.

I liked the whole plot about Zelton having the powers of all the previous mutants.

I also liked the civilian plot with the Troopers helping Chris fix his go kart.

My only problem was the sub plot of JB, and Kaitlin getting trapped in the cave since it existed solely to get JB, and Kaitlin out of Trooper mode in this episode.

And even then I think that’s because I thought the stuff with Chris was enough in fact I wish there was more of it.

And because they used Spielban footage anyway for the Battle Cruiser.

I think the simple solution was simply have Chris get kidnapped but instead of blowing up the cave to destroy JB, and Kaitlin they either have another base in it, or it’s just where Grimlord is keeping Chris hostage.

I also wish they kept in the part from the Metalder episode where Zelton’s counterpart used his gun hand, and also the part where he transforms into Polarbot’s counterpart.

Everything else I’m not sure about.

For starters in the Metalder episode this was based on their was a female robot called Lortail who appeared in VR Troopers but was never given a name or officially made a MOTD in Metalder so she wasn’t used.

Long story short though in Metalder she had a romance with Zelton’s counterpart, and was the reason he could transform into previous robots.

I’m also tempted to wish they had the clip from the Metalder episode they used in Field Goal.
Like maybe they had the fight from the Metalder episode they used in Field Goal for the beginning of the episode and then have the Metalder footage with Zelton, and Lortail’s counterpart, and finally the big battle at the end.

Also normally I would complain about Zelton’s counterpart’s big fight being used in a regular episode but at the same time we’re so late in the season that I can accept that this is when they would start killing off the more main villains of the show especially considering we’re only 10 more episodes away from when the show stopped using footage from Metalder.

Only 4 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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