Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 61 Fashion Victims

So remember when I said that after Quest for Power I was doing a four day week because there’s only four regular episodes afterwards before Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass

And I was going to make Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass it’s own special week just for itself, and do one more four day week before going back to my regular schedule?.

Well since I took that month, and a half hiatus when I originally was just going take a couple of weeks tops I looked it up, and there’s only 7 regular episodes after Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass before Grimlord’s Dark Secret.

And afterwards there’s just 17 more regular episodes of VR Troopers.
Anyway my point is while I’m still doing a four day week this week.

Next week is going to be a full week before another four day week, and then three more whole weeks before one more four day week.

Moving on welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Fashion Victims written by Clifford Herbert, and directed and Vikie Brodough.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him about the importance of keeping promises.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Kaitlin is with her friend Andrea who’s a fashion designer, and is making clothes for a design competition.

Andrea explains that she needs models, and after a comedy bit with Percy Kaitlin, and Andrea decide that Kaitlin, and the guys would be perfect.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is back to reading the Power Rangers villain playbook because he’s looking at Andrea’s designs, and decides to transform into Grimlord.

Grimlord then orders Despera, and Oraclon to create a mutant, and they create a silkworm like mutant called Silkoid.

Later at Tao dojo JB practices with a bow staff while Ryan watches when Kaitlin shows up, and tells them what’s going on, and at first they’re reluctant but Kaitlin convinces them to go along.

Meanwhile Andrea is working on her clothes when three women appear, and turn out to be Skugs who then restrain Andrea, and use a device to shoot purple lasers, and put Andrea under Grimlord’s control.

Back at the dojo Ryan gets a call from Tao asking him to teach a class so he tells the others to go without him, and he’ll meet them later.

Then we see a montage of JB, and Kaitlin trying on Andrea’s clothes, and afterwards the Skugs appear in their human forms before changing back, and multiplying.

Kaitlin, and JB just punch, and kick Skugs, and there’s parts with a Skug in a dress, and Skugs using fabric rolls as weapons.

Then the Skugs trap Kaitlin with some fabric, and JB destroys some Skugs before being trapped as well, and Silkoid appears, and cocoons them.

At the Dark Fortress Andrea appears on the monitor, and tells Grimlord that JB, and Kaitlin are prisoners

But he still wants Ryan so he orders her to go after Ryan, and Doom Master, and the Vixens volunteer as back up.

Ryan’s done at the dojo so he goes to Andrea, and sees the cocoons, when Andrea isn’t looking he tries to contact JB, and Kaitlin but can’t.

Then he tries to contact the Professor who also confirms not being able to contact JB, and Kaitlin so Ryan goes outside, but Doom Master and the Vixens are there.

So Ryan transforms, and briefly fights Doom Master, and the Vixens, and shoots lasers at them, they retreat.

Ryan retroforms, and goes back inside, and finds some of Silkoid’s silk so he tells the Professor, and goes to the lab.

At the lab Ryan puts the silk in the analyzer, and the Professor figures out what’s going on, and explains that if they can’t get JB, and Kaitlin out of the cocoons they’ll mutate into silkworm mutants as well.

so Ryan transforms again to fight Silkoid, and free his friends, and summons the Nitro Cycle while Doom Master undoes the brain washing on Andrea, and Silkoid cocoons her but Ryan frees her with his laser.

Ryan briefly fights with Ultra Skugs before fighting Doom Master with his sword, and Silkoid using a giant rose as a weapon, and later fires at everyone with his laser.

Oraclon then sends the fight to a strange dimension called the fractal zone where Silkoid spits webbing at Ryan, and cocoons him but Ryan uses his laser, and escapes.

Oraclon then takes the fight to another dimension called the Indigo Sector where Silkoid is holding a scimitar, and teleports, and turns invisible.

While Ryan is dual wielding his laser gun, and laser saber, and uses his scanner to find Silkoid, his laser gun to bring Silkoid out of hiding, and his laser saber to destroy him freeing the other Troopers from the cocoons.

Ryan helps Andrea, and the others escape while Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Andrea’s studio Andrea reveals she’s made new designs based on the Troopers then we get one last comedy bit with Percy.

Then Ryan once again talks about the moral of the episode.
The end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was okay it was good but not great.

I liked the story, and message, and Silkoid was one of the better looking Shaider monsters, and it’s cool to finally see a Shaider monster after all the buildup of Quest for Power.

My only real gripe was that JB, and Kaitlin didn’t transform at all especially since Andrea got cocooned herself, and the stuff with Andrea being brainwashed felt like it dragged on.

It also didn’t help that even though only one Metal Hero show was used they still cut out stuff from the fight scene with Silkoid but left the one part I probably would take out.

In the end it’s good but not how I would have kicked off the new status quo after Quest for Power.
Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews

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