Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 56 Quest For Power part 1

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Quest for Power part one written by Douglas Sloan , and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan just talks about missing his dad, and how he hopes to find him.

We then go to Tao dojo where the dojo is having a father/son day which reminds Ryan of his situation with his own father.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries Ziktor is looking at a prism which he explains will give him the knowledge that he needs to take over the world.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and has Skugs tie Ryan’s father up with ropes made out of electricity while Grimlord shows him some Shaider footage.

Grimlord further explains his plans to steal the knowledge from Ryan’s father to make new, and improved mutants, and vehicles.

Meanwhile at the Underground Voice Daily Kaitlin is taking pictures of some models when Ryan, and JB show up.

Kaitlin explains that the paper now has a new section called Crossworld Style that talks about fashion, and sports, and Kaitlin is the new editor with her own office.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord, and Icebot begin draining the knowledge from Tyler Steele, and only stop so it doesn’t cause permanent damage.

Then Skugs take Tyler to his cell, and when no one’s looking he pulls out a device, and tries to send out an SOS.

Back at the Underground Voice Daily there’s a comedy bit where Percy tries to put the moves on Kaitlin’s models when Jeb humiliates him.

Then the Troopers get a message from the Professor telling them to go to the lab while back at the Virtual Dungeon a mutant catches Tyler, and Decimator informs Grimlord about it, and Grimlord orders him to destroy the Troopers.

The Troopers are driving to the lab when they are stopped by a tree branch, and try to move but can’t, and when they go back to the car are ambushed by Skugs.

The Troopers just punch, kick, and flip Skugs while Jeb uses the car’s door, and windshield wipers to hit Skugs, then the Skugs try to grab Kaitlin, and Ryan but they get the Skugs off.

Kaitlin kicks some Skugs into each other while the other Troopers trick the last of the Skugs into knocking into each other, and go back to the car.

At the lab the Professor shows them Tyler’s message but it’s scrambled but JB unscrambles it, and Tyler explains Grimlord’s plan.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord has just finished another knowledge draining session, and orders Icebot to use what they’ve drained so far to upgrade Wolfbot from The Transmutant, and Couch Potato Kid, and Rapidspore the mutant that attacked Percy in Defending Dark Heart, and wants them to destroy the Troopers.

Back at the lab the Troopers are trying to trace Tyler’s message when the Battle Grid alert goes off but it’s just the lab detecting Wolfbot, and Rapidspore so Ryan, and JB transform to deal with them.

Wolfbot tries to grab Ryan but Ryan throws him so Wolfbot fires his claws but Ryan blocks them so Wolfbot slashes Ryan with his claws but Ryan just punches, and kicks him so Wolfbot jumps up into a tree.

JB searches for Rapidspore who just blinds him with gas while Skugs attack JB so Kaitlin transforms to help him.

Wolfbot jumps back down, and tries to bite Ryan who just punches him off show Wolfbot tries to slash Ryan again but Ryan knocks his claws off with a karate chop so Wolfbot keeps attacking but Ryan keeps punching, and kicking so Wolfbot retreats.

JB takes the fight with Rapidspore to virtual reality where Rapidspore keeps attacking with toxic gas, and transforms into a starfish like creature, and grabs JB, and electrocutes him.

But JB manages to get Rapidspore off, and uses his scanner to find Rapidspore’s weak spot, and destroys Rapidspore with Laser Lance.

Back at the lab the Troopers talk about how hard to defeat Grimlord’s mutants were when Grimlord himself shows up on the lab’s monitor, and shows Ryan’s father in the midst of another knowledge draining session.

To be continued.

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