Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 43 Good Trooper Bad Trooper

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Good Trooper Bad Trooper written by Winston Richards, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about how his dad taught him to be prepared for anything.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where Kaitlin is taking pictures of twin boys who are fighting then Ryan, and JB show up, and there’s a comedy bit where Woody tries to give them weird snacks.

Afterwards he explains that Kaitlin is doing a story on twins who look the same but act like opposites, and then Ryan goes to take Jeb for a walk.

At Ziktor industries one of Ziktor’s secretaries gives him a device designed but never built by Ryan’s father that can replicate anything from a single sample, and Ziktor takes a scale from Juliet, the machine turns it into another Juliet.

Then Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and explains to his mutants his plan to use the device to create an evil Ryan to help them.

Ryan, and Jeb are jogging when Ryan sees a young woman who says she twisted her ankle, and Ryan puts her by her friends but the woman, and her friends are really Skugs.

The Skugs try to punch, and kick Ryan but he just kicks, and throws the Skugs into various things like pies, cakes, railings, trash cans, and barbecues.

Eventually though he kicks three of the Skugs into each other, and destroys them but still leaves one last Skug who steals a piece of Ryan’s hair, and disappears.

The Skug then teleports back to Ziktor industries, turns back into human form, and gives Ziktor the sample of Ryan’s hair, and he puts it into the machine, and it creates a clone of Ryan.

Ziktor then orders the clone to distract the Troopers from his plan to have his newest mutant Electrobot invade reality, and he accepts, and just so we know who’s who the clone wears sunglasses so we know he’s evil.

Then we get a comedy bit where Jeb sees his cousin Zeb, and runs after him with Ryan following behind while at Tao dojo Evil Ryan decides to beat up JB for no reason, and everyone wonders what’s wrong with him.

At the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord summons Icebot, and we finally see Electrobot who’s a giant metal disk with legs, as well as a strongman themed mutant named Samson, and various other mutants who look like oversized toys.

Back at Tao dojo JB, and Kaitlin are worried about how Evil Ryan is beating up a punching bag when the Professor tells them that Grimlord’s mutants are getting ready to invade reality but rather than transforming, and fighting them he wants the Troopers to go to the lab.

The Troopers go to the lab but the portal puts up a force field to keep Evil Ryan out so JB, and Kaitlin go in alone, and the Professor realizes that he might be a clone.

The real Ryan appears at Tao dojo looking for Jeb but finds Tao who’s still disappointed in him for the clone beating up JB, and is upset that Ryan doesn’t remember it.

While at the lab the Professor tells the Troopers to contact Ryan, and JB contacts Ryan on his communicator, and Ryan still doesn’t know what’s going on proving that the other Ryan is a clone.

Back at Tao dojo Ryan calls to see if anyone found Jeb when Evil Ryan appears, and after some bad puns gets into a fight with the real Ryan.

Grimlord orders Icebot to send his mutants across the reality barrier so JB tries to contact Ryan again but Evil Ryan breaks his communicator, and steals his virtualizer so JB, and Kaitlin have to transform alone.

JB tries to grab Samson but Samson throws him off so Kaitlin offers to help blast Samson with her ray gun but JB grabs him again but is thrown off again so Kaitlin, and JB try to attack Samson together but he was throws them off, and Electrobot charges him, and the other robots.

While Ryan chases after Evil Ryan to the park but is too late, and Evil Ryan uses the real Ryan’s virtualizer to transform, and go into the Skybase.

JB, and Kaitlin are still getting beat up by Samson who throws JB of a balcony while Kaitlin disconnects Samson’s wires, and destroys him while Electrobot uses magnetism to grab JB but JB takes them to Virtual Reality, and frees himself.

But Evil Ryan appears in the Skybase, and Electrobot grabs JB with tentacles but JB kicks him off but Evil Ryan fires lasers, and drops bombs on them.

The real Ryan appears at the lab, and the Professor gives Ryan his virtualizer, and a device that will destroy Ryan’s clone so Ryan transforms, and goes into the Skybase.

Ryan, and Evil Ryan fight over the controls but Ryan is able to grab Evil Ryan, and use the device on him, and grabs his virtualizer before the clone disintegrates, and Ryan retakes control of the Skybase.

JB tries to fire his laser at Electrobot but Electrobot tries to electrocute him so JB uses Laser Lance to remove the electricity, and destroy Electrobot while Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Tao dojo the Troopers make a poster to find Jeb, and Ryan apologizes to Tao for what his clone did, and we get one last comedy bit with Jeb, and Zeb.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was pretty good.

In fact Brad Hawkins himself says it’s his favorite episode, and I can see why.

It was pretty cool to him be the bad guy for once, and we get to see him fight himself both as Brad Hawkins, and as Metalder.

I also liked Electrobot, and Samson since they had cool designs, and powers.
And I thought that it was cool that we actually see Kaitlin destroy a monster in an episode something I don’t think happened in Spielban.

And I can’t think of anything that got cut out that I would have left in.

Only 7 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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