Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 54 Trooper Out of Time

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Trooper Out of Time written by Mark Litton, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about the time his dad taught him to be prepared for anything.

We then go to the Underground Voice Daily where the paper is hosting a school’s career day, and Woody asks Percy to get him coffee leading to a comedy bit where Percy tries to put some water in the coffee machine, and messes it up.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is talking to Strickland who is carrying a really big crystal which he explains is a time machine, and Ziktor gets an idea.

After a brief bit where the Troopers ask some kids what they want to be when they grow up Strickland shows Ziktor a communicator he can talk to him on, and Ziktor explains his plan for Strickland to go back, and destroy Ryan as a little boy.

Then Strickland uses the device, and winds up at the temple where Ryan does his “My dad taught me/I miss you dad” monologues where not too far off young Ryan is playing basketball with his father, a little boy who looks like he could be JB, and two other boys.

Meanwhile in the present the Professor summons the Troopers, and after a brief comedy bit with Percy the Professor explains everything at the lab, and even shows them what’s happening.

And despite seeing Ziktor on the visors the Troopers first thought is to build their own time machine with JB volunteering to build it, Kaitlin volunteering to get the crystal, and the Professor giving Kaitlin a device to find it.

Kaitlin goes to a cave where the crystals are, and sees some researchers digging for crystals, and when Kaitlin asks them who they are they transform into Skugs.

After Kailtin and the Skugs all backflip the Skugs try to swing kick Kaitlin but she just leg sweeps them, and elbows them.

Then Kaitlin punches, and kicks the Skugs but one grabs her, and flips her but she flips it backs, and then flips over the other Skugs into it as well destroying them.

Kaitlin then finds the crystal so Grimlord appears in the Virtual Dungeon, and summons Ivar who.decides to use a shark themed sword wielding mutant called Sharkfin to destroy the Troopers.

At the lab the Troopers have finished building the time machine when a reality break occurs so Ryan tells the others to take care of Sharkfin while he goes back in time so they transform, and go into the Skybase.

Back in the past Strickland sees young Ryan by himself and tells him that he knows his father but when Ryan asks him for the secret password he figures out what’s going on, and escapes.

While at the lab Ryan goes back in time and the Professor explains tjat it burned out the crystal so they need a new one while Ryan finds his younger self.

Kaitlin, and JB find a cave that has more crystals so Kaitlin goes down in the Battle Cruiser while JB uses the Fighter Bike, and when JB goes into the cave he finds Sharkfin who attacks JB with his sword.

But JB kicks him, and Kaitlin gets out, and helps him but Sharkfin attacks her as well so JB grabs Sharkfin while Kaitlin looks for more crystals but encounters Skugs instead.

After a brief bit where Ryan sees his younger self deal with a bully JB, and Kaitlin are still fighting Sharkfin, and the Skugs when Quantum Cruisers, and Jet Fighters fire on them so JB uses the Techno Bazooka to destroy them.

Then Sharkfin throws a boomerang, and some electricity at JB, and then they hit each other with their swords until JB finishes off Sharkfin with Laser Lance.

Back in the past Ryan finds Strickland who transforms into an army of Skugs so Ryan tells his younger self to run but Skugs grab him but young Ryan kicks them away while Ryan punches, and kicks a few Skugs into each other then rescues his younger, and tells him to leave.

But young Ryan goes back to help his older self but during the fight young Ryan gets hurt so Ryan finishes off the Skugs, and Ryan’s father comes back, and young Ryan is okay but he doesn’t remember the Skugs, and Ryan’s father thanks him but Ryan leaves before things can get weird.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin put the only crystals they could find in the time machine, and bring Ryan back while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord wants another attempt at destroying Ryan but Icebot tells him all the crystals are destroyed so he swears vengeance on the Troopers.

The Troopers return to the Underground Voice Daily where we get one last comedy bit with Percy, and Woody.

Anyway “I miss you dad the end”.

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode was another good but not great one.

I liked the idea of Grimlord sending one of his minions back in time to destroy Ryan when he was a kid, and Ryan having to go back, and save himself, and I thought Sharkfin was a cool monster.

My only problem is that it feels like the actual part where Ryan is back in time drags on longer than it should, and as a consequence Ryan the main character of the show spends the entire episode out of armor.

It also doesn’t have the excuse of yesterday’s episode of having to use up what’s left of Metalder since they were still using Spielban after this so it all feels wasted especially since I can think of a gazillion episodes where JB, and Kaitlin could have fought a monster but didn’t.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers reviews.

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