Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 48 Virtually Powerless

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Virtually Powerless written by Stewart St. John and directed by Robert Hughes.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad taught him that nothing’s impossible if you keep trying.

Then we go to an arcade where the Troopers are playing Smash TV when the creepy owner tells them he has a new game called Dark Oddysey that is so hard no one can even get past the first level, and the Troopers decide to try it.

Then at Ziktor industries the owner tells Ziktor what’s happening, and he transforms into Grimlord, and orders Dice to destroy Ryan.

Back at the arcade the Troopers play the game which is a cross between After Burner, and Star Fox.with Cthuluu monsters when an electric shock hits their virtualizers, and they tell the owner who runs off into an alley, and transforms into an army of Skugs.

The Troopers decide right then, and there to transform but their virtualizers are fried so they all just punch, and kick, and throw the Skugs while Jeb gives video game related commentary.

JB then kicks, and throws some Skugs into a box while Ryan, and Kaitlin kick the others onto some wooden planks, and the Skugs are destroyed.

The Troopers then decide to go to the lab while at the Virtual Dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that the plan worked, and Grimlord checks on Dice.

At the lab the Professor tells the Troopers he can’t fix the virtualizers but Kaitlin has an idea, and they see Poindexter, and after some comedy bits the Troopers explain everything to Poindexter.

Back at the Virtual Dungeon Decimator informs Grimlord that Poindexter is repairing the virtualizers so Grimlord orders him to kidnap Poindexter.

At Poindexter’s lab Poindexter himself has finished Ryan’s virtualizer so they go out, and Ryan transforms, and tests his powers but Skugs appear, and kidnaps Poindexter while Mutant Skugs attack Ryan who defeats the mutant Skugs but loses Poindexter.

The Skugs hold Poindexter at a warehouse, and tie him to an assembly line, and Grimlord appears on a viewscreen, and demands that Poindexter give up the Troopers secrets but he refuses so Grimlord turns the widescreen into a fiery vortex with the assembly line slowly pulling Poindexter towards it.

Back at Poindexter’s lab the Professor finds Poindexter but since Ryan’s virtualizer is the only one that works he has to transform alone.

Ryan finds the warehouse but Dice fires arrows from a crossbow, so Ryan knocks them out of the air, but Dice comes after Ryan with his spear but Ryan keeps blocking it.

JB, and Kaitlin decide to rescue Poindexter while after some recycled footage from Oh Brother it turns out Ryan’s virtualizer isn’t completely repaired because his powers fading

Kaitlin, and JB arrive at the warehouse, and have a brief battle with Skugs while Poindexter is almost at the vortex.

Ryan’s powers are still fading but a vision of his father encourages him to keep trying, and he jump kicks Dice, uses a turbo charged karate chop, and destroys Dice with Internal Gyro Command.

JB, and Kaitlin destroy the Skugs, and save Poindexter while at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at Poindexter’s lab Poindexter has completely restored the Troopers’ virtualizers, and is excited that he now knows who the Troopers are, and wants to tell everyone he knows so the Troopers use mind wiping device, and Poindexter goes back to showing off his inventions.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was another good but not great one.

I liked the idea of Grimlord temporarily destroying their powers, and the Troopers needing someone to fix them.

I also liked that they brought back Poindexter as a character since before this point it seemed like they had completely replaced him with Percy.

I got a kick out of the fact that they actually showed the Troopers playing Smash TV a video game which while tame by today’s standards I imagine would like if you saw one of the Power Rangers playing Five Nights at Freddy’s, on an episode of Dino Charge.

I thought the fight with Dice was cool I just wish the Metalder episode they used had a different monster.then one we already saw.

I thought the fight with the Mutant Skugs was cool but it seemed like something that was better suited to give Ryan something to do for an episode that only used a Spielban monster.

Mostly because I thought it would have been better to see JB, and Kaitlin do something in costume in this episode like a spaceship or base battle.

Especially since this was an episode where they surprisingly added Metalder footage.
Only 2 more episodes until the Season One finale.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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