Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 55 Secret Power

Welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we’re looking at Secret Power written by Margo McCahon, and directed by John Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan talks about the time his dad taught him that everyone has a secret power that helps us do things we never thought we could.

We then go to Taoc dojo which is hosting a neighborhood talent when the Troopers notice a boy named Travis who looks sad, and Travis explains that he doesn’t think he’s talented.

And when Ryan tells him he can dance good he admits he just has stage fright, and the Troopers just tell him to do the show anyway, and that everyone gets stage fright, and it works.

At Ziktor industries Ziktor is explaining his latest evil scheme, to steal power from Crossworld City, and break through the reality barrier.

Then he transforms into Grimlord, and summons Icebot who further explains that he plans to put two sonic pulse devices one in the power plant the other in the north pole to open the reality barrier.

Then Grimlord orders Ivar to protect the pulse devices, and Decimator recommends sending in The Magician to as well, and The Magician, and some Mutant Skugs appear, and Grimlord agrees to send them out as well.

We then go back to Tao dojo where Travis is practicing his dancing but can’t get it, and the Troopers encourage him to keep going, and we get a comedy bit where Percy sings a song poorly.
Then we some Spielban footage of Icebot in the Air Castle ordering Skugs in American footage to activate the pulse devices.

Meanwhile at Tao dojo Travis is still struggling with his dancing so Ryan explains what he said at the temple when the star going out, and Ryan sees Jeb holding his ears because of a loud noise only he can hear when everyone in the dojo hears it as well, and Ryan decides to take Jeb to the lab.

Air Striker sees Ryan driving Kaitlin’s car so he informs The Magician, and the Mutant Skugs who run through the forest following him when Ryan sees them, and gets out of the car but the Mutant Skugs grab him with ropes, and electrocute him so he transforms.

Ryan then uses the ropes to throw the Mutant Skugs who fire laser needles but Ryan dodges, and the laser needles hit the Mutant Skugs instead so they use their double edged spear swords but Ryan blocks them, and punches, and kicks the Mutant Skugs, and grabs a pair, and throws destroying them, and leaving Ryan to deal with The Magician.

Back with Icebot the pulse devices are still working, and at Tao dojo a flower pot breaks, and Kaitlin turns on the radio explaining what’s happening so they sneak off to contact Ryan, and the Professor but their communicators aren’t working.

Ryan has turned back into Brad Hawkins, and asks Jeb how he is when another vibration hits while Grimlord orders Icebot to set the vibrations to maximum.

The vibration hits Tao dojo as well so Kaitlin, and JB head to the lab where everyone explains everything to each other, and the Troopers decide to transform with Ryan going to the power plant, and Kaitlin, and JB going to the north pole.

JB, and Kaitlin find one of the pulse devices in a glacier while Ryan jump kicks The Magician who tries to attack with twin daggers but Ryan blocks them, and punches, and kicks him.
So The Magician throws one of his daggers, and turns the other into a spear.

JB, and Kaitlin see some Skugs on snow skis, and follow them to their base which sets off the alarm, and the Skugs go after them.

Meanwhile The Magician tries to hit Ryan with his spear but Ryan dodges it, and uses it to throw The Magician, and uses Lighting Hand but The Magician teleports away.

So Ryan uses his scanner to find The Magician, and throws the spear but The Magician catches it, and attacks Ryan with it but Ryan once again grabs it, and throws The Magician, and follows up with another Lighting Hand which this time destroys The Magician.

JB, and Kaitlin escape from the Skugs, and summon the Skybase while Ryan destroys the pulse device at the power plant while Kaitlin, and JB destroy the one at the north pole with missiles, and Grimlord once again shames his minions for failure, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Back at the dojo the talent show is underway, and Travis is the final act, and at first he’s nervous but JB, and Kaitlin remind him of today’s message, and he does his act, and everyone likes it.

Then we get one last comedy bit with Percy singing badly, and Jeb pulling out his microphone, and dragging it.

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts

Today’s episode continues the trend of good but not great.

I would joke that the only good thing is that I didn’t have to watch any Metal Hero shows today but if anything I think it’s the other way around.

I like the story with Travis, and I think it has a good message, and I like the main story with Grimlord trying to break the reality barrier, as well as the American footage of Skugs in the north pole since it reminded me of what I wanted them to do with virtual reality to tell it from the real world.

My only problem is that as much as I like the Magician, and his fight scenes I’ve already seen them, plus it doesn’t help that I would have rather had a Metalder monster who got a bad episode in here.

I also thought it dragged out in parts like it should have taken the Troopers less time than it did for them to go to the lab, and the fight with the Mutant Skugs seems like it was just put there as a placeholder for a regular Skug battle.

Tune in next time for more Magic Happy VR Troopers reviews.

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