Thursday, September 21, 2017

VR Troopers Episode 44 The Transmutant

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at The Transmutant written by Mark Litton, and directed by Worth Keeter.

So we start off with today’s “my dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad taught him to be prepared for anything.

We then go to Tao dojo where Ryan, and Kaitlin are sparing while JB is studying for a test he has to take in a few hours, and Tao suggests he study someplace quieter, and he decides to go to the park, and after a comedy bit Jeb decides to tag along.

At Ziktor industries the Skug from Small but Mighty who invented the de-aging device comes in with some green slime called the Metamorphosis Pulse he says can turn humans into mutants but only if they’re in the virtual world.

So Ziktor transforms into Grimlord, and summons Icebot, and explains his plan to use the slime to transform the Troopers into mutants.

At the park JB tries to study while Jeb looks for other dogs when a soccer ball hits JB, and he throws to the guys who kicked it but they both turn out to be Skugs.

The Skugs try to kick JB but he kicks them back, and kicks one Skug into a trashcan to then proceeds to use a soccer ball as weapon, and kicks two Skugs into each other, and kicks a third one into a soccer net.

Then the Skug who was kicked into the trashcan gets out, and tries to use it as a weapon but JB dodges, and it hits the other Skug, and JB kicks them into each other.

Grimlord orders the fight be taken to the Battle Grid so JB transforms into Battle Grid mode, and we get a full portal sequence with just JB, and a landing scene of just JB.

Then the Skugs show up, and JB jumps in the air, and we get some recycled footage from The Dojo Plot but instead of JB getting hit he punches a Skug then he does a mid air somersault, and punches, and kicks some more Skugs but one kicks him, and Grimlord orders Icebot to activate the slime, and a Skug shoots JB with it, and he’s forced to retreat from the Battle Grid.

Ryan, and Kaitlin are done sparing when the Professor contacts them, and tells them what happened so they go to the park to find JB having turned back into Michael Bacon covered in green jello, and after asking Jeb what happened take JB to the lab.

At the lab the lab’s machines suck up the slime, and scan JB, and the Professor says he’s ok, then JB wakes up, and he no longer wants to study for the test or go to college, and leaves, and the Professor explains he’s changing so the others follow him.

JB arrives at Tao dojo, and tells Tao he’s quitting, and then he starts glowing green, and Ryan, and Kaitlin show up, and JB’s skin turns green, and his hair turns white, and then he completely turns into a mutant, and teleports, and Grimlord appears to tell Ryan, and Kaitlin that he plans to do the same thing to them.

At the lab Ryan, and Kaitlin ask the Professor what happened, and he tells them he needs their help to analyze the slime to make an antidote.

While at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord renames JB Transmutant, and Icebot informs him that the slime only works once so Grimlord just orders Transmutant to fight his other mutants to prove himself.

First a cicada like mutant called Venobot volunteers but we see Bugbot grabbing Transmutant from behind so Transmutant melts into slime, reforms, and claws Bugbot.

Then Crabor volunteers to fight, he whips Transmutant with his electric tentacles, and breathes fire on him but Transmutant fires his claws at Crabor, and Grimlord stops him from destroying Crabor just to tell Transmutant that he’s earned the right to fight Ryan, and Kaitlin.

At the lab Ryan, and Kaitlin are still trying to find an antidote when the reality break alarm goes off, and the Professor tells them that JB is invading reality so Ryan, and Kaitlin decide to transform but the Professor needs someone to help finish the antidote so Ryan transforms alone.

Ryan goes after JB on the Turbo Cycle but Air Striker attacks him from the air while other mutants attack from the ground but Ryan sees a boulder, and knocks it off blocking the ground mutants.

But Transmutant jump kicks Ryan, claws him so Ryan tries to reason with him but Transmutant claws him, melts into slime, and teleports before clawing some more so Ryan grabs his arm to reason with him some more.

But Transmutant throws Ryan off, and keeps attacking Ryan so Ryan is forced to do a double punch on Transmutant who still attacks Ryan, and forces him off a cliff into a river.

Ryan gets back up, and the Professor encourages him to keep trying so he does but Transmutant keeps attacking so Ryan dodges, and does a jump kick, and almost knocks Transmutant off the cliff but then rescues him, and finally gets through to him.

But Grimlord’s other mutants attack so Transmutant claws Bugbot, and Venobot but Crabor grabs Ryan with his tentacles, and electrocutes him but Transmutant frees Ryan only to be caught by Wolfbot’s web so Ryan frees him.

Then Ryan jump punches Crabor, and throws Bugbot while Venobot uses sonic waves on Transmutant who grows tentacles, grabs Venobot, claws him, and throws him, and at the Virtual Dungeon Grimlord once again shames his minions.

Back at the lab Kaitlin, and Jeb are flipping switches when Ryan teleports in, and transforms back, and JB teleports back in human form, and leaves to go take his test

Anyway “I miss you dad” the end.

Final Thoughts.

Today’s episode was another weird one in that it was a good episode that could have been a great one but at the same time I understand why it happened.

I’ll start by saying I liked the idea of Grimlord turning one of the Troopers into a mutant.

I also liked JB’s mutant form, and his powers.

I also liked the fights like the one between JB, and the other mutants, the one with Ryan, and the one where they teamed up to fight the other mutants.

I also liked the Battle Grid fight with just JB I just wish they also had one in another episode where he won so we could see his return to reality thing by himself.

I also liked that the only thing I can think they skipped from the Metalder episode was a brief fight with Polarbot’s counterpart that was already used in No One’s Friend.

I also liked that they brought back that one Skug who was an inventor from Small but Mighty who will later learn is called Strickland when in that form.

I sometimes wish all of Grimlord’s minions not just Skugs could assume human form because I always imagine Strickland being a human form of Icebot.

My only problem is that they couldn’t think of anything to do with Kaitlin since even though nothing happens to her she’s the only Trooper who never appears in any VR Trooper mode at all.

Especially since Grimlord warned to turn all the Troopers into mutants.

Like they had another Battle Grid segment of just Ryan, and Kaitlin, and either Kaitlin got hit by the slime, and became a mutant herself, or Ryan or Kaitlin destroyed the Skug that had the device that shot the slime before it could fire it, and they just returned to reality normally.

Especially since we never had two Battle Grid segments in an episode, or one with two Troopers, and this was the last time they had a Battle Grid segment in Season One.

Also this might sound weird considering how much I usually complain about stuff being taken out but I probably would have taken out the part where Air Striker, and the mutants in the van fired on Ryan, and he knocked the boulder off the cliff since it seemed like something I would have saved for an episode with just a Spielban monster as something for Ryan to do.

There’s one last thing but it tries into why I think this episode turned out the way it did.

You see the Metalder episode this episode was based on was part of a story arc that included the episode Searching for Tyler Steele was based on, and the one that Mutant Mutiny is based on.

Long story short what happened is that the Metalder monster who became the unnamed female mutant dubbed Scarlet Seductress was the wife of the monster from Mutant Mutiny, and JB’s monster form was their son.

Not only that but she fought Metalder in the episode that became Searching for Tyler Steele, and helped her son, and Metalder fight other mutants in the one that became this episode.

The problem is that the one time she fought Metalder he was in human form, and when she fought the other mutants her son was in human form.

Also her son was in human form during the fight with Venobot’s counterpart, and half the fight with Bugbot’s counterpart.

So it’s more of a thing with the Metalder episode then this one.

Only 6 more episodes until the Season One finale

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.

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